
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Food and Live Broadcast(4)

The number of complaints received by the live streaming platform continues to increase. Many netizens are even criticizing the platform, accusing them of protecting Lu Jingqian and his fake live streams. They even threaten to take them to court along with Lu Jingqian.

With the situation escalating like this, unless Lu Jingqian can prove that he didn't engage in fake live broadcasts, his account will be suspended and he is sued for fake broadcasting, there is no way to resolve this matter. However, in order to suspend the account and file a lawsuit, they need to provide evidence of his fakery. Yet, they don't have any evidence of Lu Jingqian's fake broadcasts.

Therefore, after a meeting, the senior management of the live streaming platform company decided to contact Lu Jingqian and propose a three-party live broadcast to prove that he didn't engage in fake broadcasts. In this so-called three-party live broadcast, Lu Jingqian would use his own equipment for the broadcast, the platform would send someone to supervise him with their equipment, and the Internet Regulatory Bureau would also send someone with the equipment to supervise both parties' live broadcasts.


Upon receiving the phone call, Lu Jingqian immediately agreed. If he showed any hesitation, the online platform would use it as an excuse to temporarily suspend his account to calm down the netizens' emotions. Moreover, he was eagerly waiting for them. It was such a great opportunity for fame. How could he let it slip away?

After the representatives from the live streaming platform and the Internet Regulatory Bureau arrived, Lu Jingqian had someone drive down to pick them up because the entire mountain belonged to him. There was a defensive iron gate at the entrance below the mountain, and without his permission, no one could enter from the entrance.

The original host's grandfather had spent money to build many roads on the mountain. Lu Jingqian didn't want them to enter the villa yet because it wasn't time to expose the villa. So he had someone guide them through another route, which led directly to the outside of the livestock pens.

There were only three people who came, and they quickly coordinated among the three parties. Then they entered the livestock pens and started the three-party live broadcast directly.

Because this incident had caused a big stir, there were a considerable number of viewers watching the live broadcast. Even those who were not interested in the food industry were curious and waiting in front of their computers, opening all three live streams to watch.

Lu Jingqian led them to the outside of the chicken coop and had the person in charge of the livestock pens throw a few chickens out. Startled by being thrown out, the chickens flapped their wings and flew and ran around in chaos, with feathers floating everywhere. The scene was extremely chaotic.

Lu Jingqian drew a vegetable knife from its sheath and threw it, and after it spun and flew back, the people who were standing behind him waiting to watch were scared and crouched down. However, Lu Jingqian raised his hand and skillfully caught the returning vegetable knife, while a chicken was already lying on the ground, bleeding and struggling.

Lu Jingqian continuously threw the vegetable knife and none of the chickens that were thrown out managed to escape. They all fell to the ground.

The three-party live broadcast was filmed from three different angles, but the footage was equally shocking. The viewers couldn't help but think, isn't this the kind of scene one would only see in martial arts movies?

Lu Jingqian picked up a chicken and entered the kitchen. After quickly processing the chicken meat, he started preparing the ingredients. This time, he was preparing Mala Diced Chicken1.

A big flame appeared during the stir-frying process. Lu Jingqian's live stream once again showed a slow-motion close-up, but the other two live streams had normal footage. Now, those who had been accusing Lu Jingqian of faking his broadcasts were confused, not understanding why only his footage was like that.

However, some people noticed from the footage of the other two live streams that the aerial camera Lu Jingqian was using didn't look like any commonly available aerial camera. They continuously zoomed in on the footage and took screenshots, but even after studying it for a long time, they couldn't figure out what kind of aerial camera it was. It looked so strange.

Lu Jingqian finished stir-frying a large plate of Mala Diced Chicken and placed it on the wooden table. The three people standing nearby, enticed by the aroma, immediately gathered around.

Unable to resist, they wanted to taste it, but there were no chopsticks on the table. They looked at Lu Jingqian and asked, "Can we have a taste and try the flavor?"

Lu Jingqian went to the cupboard and brought them three sets of chopsticks and bowls. Then the three of them immediately sat around the table and started eating.

"It's delicious! So delicious!"

"This is definitely the most delicious Mala Diced Chicken I've ever had, without a doubt. It's so tasty!"

"I think it's better than any dish I've had before. Maybe it's because I haven't had much gourmet food, but this is really delicious. I feel like crying. How can it be so good? !"

"I've decided that Mala Diced Chicken is my favorite dish from now on. I… please save some for me!"

"If I had a bowl of white rice to go with it, my life would be complete."

"Even without white rice, I could eat ten more servings until I burst."

As they witnessed the exaggerated reactions of the three individuals, fans of Lan Mingze thought that these people's acting was too fake. Could something be that delicious? As they couldn't come up with any other reason for their intentional exaggeration, they believed that these individuals must have been bribed by Lu Jingqian.

After the three-party live broadcast concluded, Lu Jingqian clearly proved he hadn't engaged in fake broadcasting. He could achieve those live stream visuals without any post-processing or editing. The netizens who had been complaining and criticizing him suddenly became quiet online.

However, Lan Mingze's fans still felt dissatisfied, thinking that someone like him couldn't possibly achieve such a level of skill. There must be something fishy. But since they had already gone through the three-party live broadcast and couldn't prove anything, they could only keep their frustration inside and continue to criticize him during his next live stream.

After bidding farewell to the three individuals who still wanted to eat more but couldn't stay, Lu Jingqian started another live stream and processed the other chickens he had already killed. He turned them all into Mala Diced Chicken, packed them in vacuum-sealed containers, and stacked over thirty boxes on the table.

Lu Jingqian spoke to the camera, saying, "I'll consider these Mala Diced Chicken dishes as a way to give back to the viewers who watch my live streams. If anyone is interested, you can go to the application page on my profile and click to apply. I will randomly select thirty-five people to receive them. My miserable life still continues, so if you're interested, keep following me."

Curious about whether the Mala Diced Chicken Lu Jingqian made was really as delicious as those people had shown, quite a few people applied.

Since many comments inquired about his aerial camera, Lu Jingqian decided to provide an explanation on his profile. He stated that he was a mechanical enthusiast, and the camera he used for live streaming was a modification he personally made by disassembling and combining several different brands and models of cameras. He also made slight changes to the programming, allowing for slow motion directly during the live stream. As for other questions, no matter how much they asked, Lu Jingqian no longer responded. He wanted to focus solely on his culinary skills because, in this life, he was a chef, not a mechanic.

After Ou Wenyu entered Hong Boxiao's office, he placed the vacuum-sealed container on his desk and urged, "Taste it, come on, taste it."

Hong Boxiao glanced at him, opened the lid of the container, and saw only a few leftover meat pieces inside. It was obvious that it had been eaten. He couldn't even be bothered to give Ou Wenyu a disdainful look and simply shifted his gaze back to the computer.

Feeling guilty, Ou Wenyu touched his nose and said, "I actually wanted to save more for you, but I couldn't resist. I ate too much of it. Just try a little and leave the rest for me."

"What's so great that I have to taste it?" Hong Boxiao replied, looking at the computer.

"It's really something amazing." Ou Wenyu leaned forward and said, "You know I have a big appetite. I've gone to great lengths over the years just to have good food. I've trained my taste buds, and I can't even stomach things that taste average. This Mala Diced Chicken is undoubtedly the best I've ever had."

"If you think it's delicious, then buy more and eat your fill. Why are you specifically telling me about it?" Hong Boxiao looked at him and said, "Are you here to complain that I don't pay you enough, to the point where you can't afford Mala Diced Chicken?"

"You can't even buy this anywhere. If it were available, I would have bought a stockpile for myself." Ou Wenyu said, "Let me think about where I should start with you…"

After thinking for a moment, Ou Wenyu said, "You mentioned recently that you wanted to venture into the catering industry, right? I've found a particularly suitable candidate for the position of executive chef for you. Do you know the original heir of the Lan family's recipes, Lan Shaoxuan?"

"I know," Hong Boxiao said, "I even saw him in the news a few days ago."

"That's right! It's that news." Ou Wenyu said, "After reading the news, I specifically investigated all his experiences over the years and discovered some interesting things. According to the information I gathered, Old Master Lan has always favored Lan Shaoxuan, but his will said he will leave the Lan family's recipes to Lan Mingze, whom he doesn't like. Isn't that strange? And I also found evidence suggesting that Yan Bin may have been involved in the Lan family's affairs."

"Yan Bin?" Hong Boxiao furrowed his brow upon hearing that name. He couldn't explain why, but he felt a sense of disgust toward that person.

"Exactly, Yan Bin has always considered you his imaginary rival, but he falls short in every aspect compared to you. Being overshadowed by you for so many years, he can only rely on his grandfather's position in the catering industry to show off until you step into the field. So when you mentioned wanting to venture into the food and beverage business, I immediately started looking for candidates for chefs and head chefs. This Lan Shaoxuan is undoubtedly the best choice."

"But how old is he? I haven't heard anything about how good his cooking is. Are you so sure he's suitable?"

"Sometimes talent is something that hard work alone can't catch up to. I occasionally cook a dish or two that I love, so I know how difficult it is to make a dish exceptionally delicious. I watched his cooking process and observed his culinary skills. Without more than a decade of hard training, it's impossible to achieve what he does. Nowadays, which chef still handles the ingredients themselves? There are even fewer people who cut their own vegetables as preparation, but he starts by slaughtering the chicken, then proceeds to cut and handle the ingredients and the chicken meat himself. His knife skills and techniques are incredibly clean and precise. Even veteran chefs with decades of experience might not be as impressive as him. I believe that Old Master Lan must have been privately grooming him and imparting the essence of the Lan family recipes to him, waiting for him to make a name for himself. Who knew that Old Master Lan would suddenly pass away? That's why I said there must be something wrong with his will."

"He made this?" Hong Boxiao glanced at the vacuum-sealed food container and asked.

"Yes, he made it during his live stream as a gesture of appreciation for the viewers. I had people from two or three departments apply for it, and that's how I got this box." Ou Wenyu picked up the unused disposable chopsticks on the table and handed them to Hong Boxiao, saying, "I won't describe the taste to you. Try it yourself, and you'll understand why I'm so certain that he's the most suitable person."

Hong Boxiao took the chopsticks, picked up a small piece of diced chicken, and put it in his mouth. As soon as his taste buds tasted the flavor, his hand involuntarily reached for more from the box. After several consecutive bites, Hong Boxiao had to admit that this Mala Diced Chicken lived up to Ou Wenyu's exaggerated praise.

"Hey, save some for me." Ou Wenyu stretched his neck, staring at the diminishing amount of Mala Diced Chicken in the box. He couldn't help but reach out to grab some.

Hong Boxiao's movement was faster than his. He quickly took the box away and placed it on the other side, saying, "I'll seriously consider what you've said. Let me observe him for a while longer before making a decision."

"That works too. He live streams about his miserable life online, although I really can't see how he's truly miserable. It seems like he actually enjoys that kind of rustic lifestyle. But you should make a decision soon. If someone else hires him before you do, it might be more troublesome for you to hire him later." Ou Wenyu pointed to the box and said, "As for that, well… never mind. I'll go online and see if anyone is willing to sell it."

Although everyone who received Lu Jingqian's Mala Diced Chicken praised its deliciousness, the number of people who appreciated it was far outweighed by those who had a grudge against him. The difference was so significant that it couldn't be compared. So even if those people said it was delicious, they were quickly overshadowed by various conspiracy theories.

Then a very famous food critic received Lu Jingqian's Mala Diced Chicken and live-streamed the entire tasting process, genuinely praising and evaluating it. This made some unbiased individuals believe that the taste was indeed delicious.

After this three-party live stream, Lu Jingqian actually attracted a group of people who specifically came to watch him cook. The number of views on his videos, due to the publicity from this incident, directly entered the top rankings.

Lu Jingqian continued to live stream cooking for several days, devouring all the dishes and ending each broadcast by saying to the camera, "Today's miserable life is over, we'll continue tomorrow." And the viewers couldn't help but think, after watching you for these few days, we really haven't seen where your misery comes from. Making various delicious dishes in different ways every day, what kind of miserable life is that supposed to be?