
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Food and Live Broadcast(11)

Yan Bin received a phone call from his grandfather asking him to come over. He knew it must be about the all-time-high sales of Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes recently. Although he was trying his best to deal with the situation, his grandfather insisted that he come over immediately regardless of what he was currently doing.

"My grandfather wants me to come over for a visit. You go ahead and eat. I might not be able to come tonight," Yan Bin said as he put on his coat, standing at the kitchen door, speaking to Lan Mingze, who was cooking.

Lan Mingze was preparing the final dish, and upon hearing Yan Bin's words, he turned off the heat and looked at him, asking, "Is it about the Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes?"


"My grandfather didn't mention it on the phone. He just said for me to come over, but it's definitely about this matter," Yan Bin replied with a troubled expression. Instead of walking over and hugging Lan Mingze as usual before leaving, he simply said he was leaving and turned away.

Lan Mingze walked out of the kitchen and watched him leave. It wasn't until the door closed that he turned around and looked at the table full of dishes he had painstakingly prepared. Yan Bin had been in a bad mood lately, and his appetite had suffered as a result. Lan Mingze had put a lot of effort into making these dishes, hoping to bring some joy to him by making him eat. Now, he had to face this table of food alone.

Lan Mingze served the final dish and placed it on the dining table, but he had no appetite as he looked at all the dishes he had made with great care. Yan Bin had been picking fights with him more than once due to his bad mood, but what could he do? He was still very worried.

Recently, Lu Jingqian's fanbase surpassed that of Lan Mingze. There were almost daily news reports about Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes and Rainbow Garden Villa. After setting up food factories across the country, the sales of Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes had consistently ranked first nationwide and were still rising.

The news reports mentioned that the reservations for Rainbow Garden Villa were already sold out for next year. This was because the reservations could only be made up until the next year, and many wealthy businessmen were trying their best to use their connections just to have a meal at Rainbow Garden Villa. This had never happened before in so many years. Under the strong demands and urging of the public, Rainbow Garden Villa was about to open its doors, and various food critics were already speculating about the grand scene that would unfold, hoping that the public would be quick to secure their reservations.

Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes have already dealt a severe blow to other brands of ready-made dishes. After the opening of Rainbow Garden Villa, Lan Mingze didn't know if other restaurants would be affected, but he was certain that his Lan family recipes would be compared. He knew that the authentic and representative Lan family recipes must have been passed down to Lan Shaoxuan by Old Master Lan. Otherwise, Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes and Rainbow Garden Villa wouldn't be so highly praised.

Both he and Lan Shaoxuan are part of the Lan family, so their dishes will definitely be compared when Rainbow Garden Villa opens. He couldn't even imagine what the situation would be like at that time.

Lan Mingze sat at the dining table, supporting his forehead. Besides feeling frustrated and conflicted, he also felt a sense of fear for the uncontrollable future. He thought to himself that if Lan Shaoxuan didn't have the support of the Shenghong Group, perhaps he could have used Yan Bin to prevent him from ever cooking again. But now it was too late, he couldn't do anything to him, nor could he suppress him with his skills. What should he do?

Even when the dishes on the table turned cold, Lan Mingze didn't touch his chopsticks. He stood up, poured all the dishes into the trash, and then lay down on the bed, curling up, wanting to temporarily escape reality.

"Grandfather, you called for me?" Yan Bin stood in front of his grandfather, asking respectfully.

"Take a seat." Old Master Yan motioned towards the nearby sofa with his hand.

After Yan Bin sat down, he looked at his grandfather, waiting for him to speak.

"Are you helpless in the face of the impact caused by Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes?" Old Master Yan went straight to the point.

"I, I've been trying to find ways to deal with it. It's just that the public's novelty for Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes hasn't worn off yet, and our strategies haven't been effective. I think…"

"It has been almost two months, and the sales of Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes are still rising. Are you still waiting for their popularity to fade?" Old Master Yan interrupted his defense. "I told you a long time ago that relying on the weakness of your opponents is the worst and most helpless method. It seems that you've truly been pushed to a dead end."

Yan Bin lowered his head and fell silent. Every word his grandfather said was true. The more he defended himself, the more it would seem like he was making excuses for his own incompetence, and his grandfather despised the people who made excuses the most.

"Have you tried Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes?" Old Master Yan asked.

"No…" Yan Bin felt that no matter what, he couldn't bring himself to eat the ready-made dishes that had caused him such embarrassment.

"You should try it yourself. Haven't I taught you that knowing your enemy is the key to winning a hundred battles? If you don't personally understand why the public loves eating Rainbow Garden's ready-made dishes, how can you create food that satisfies them even more?"

"I have let the chefs taste it, but they said they couldn't replicate the same taste unless they had detailed cooking methods." Yan Bin said.

"I also had someone buy and try it. It may be difficult to achieve victory in terms of taste in a short period of time," Old Master Yan sighed and said, "I've competed with Old Man Hong my whole life, and in the realm of gourmet food, I have never lost to him. Everyone says that his grandson is better than dozens of grandsons from other families. Over the years, that grandson has indeed achieved significant success. Now, is it possible that even I have to yield the last territory I've held, to the Hong family?"

"Our family has stood firm in the catering industry for so many years, and your grandfather is the president of the Gourmet Association, with the ability to command respect in the industry. It may not be difficult for the Hong family to secure a place in the catering industry, but to occupy our family's position, it might not be so easy, right?" Yan Bin felt that his grandfather held Hong Boxiao's abilities in too high regard, and he felt dissatisfied.

Old Master Yan shook his head and said, "That's why I say you still lack some experience compared to Hong Boxiao. Why has our family been the leader in the catering industry for so many years? Why has the Hong family expanded their business so widely and been involved in so many industries, yet they have been hesitant to venture into the catering industry? Have you ever carefully considered these questions?"

Yan Bin fell silent once again. It's not that he hadn't thought about this question, but he was worried the answer he give wouldn't match his grandfather's expectations, making his grandfather feel that he still lacked experience.

Old Master Yan sighed and once again lamented why Hong Boxiao wasn't his grandson, "Well, think about it carefully and let me know when you have the answer. The Hong family has sent me an invitation to attend Old Man Hong's birthday banquet. This is the first time I have received an invitation from their family. In the past, it was always me sending them invitations. Now they finally sent me an invitation, it seems they are very confident."

"If you don't want to go, you can have someone send a congratulatory gift on our behalf. There's no need for you to go if you don't want to." Yan Bin suggested.

"Hmph, if I don't go, it's like admitting defeat and avoiding facing them. Then they'll have plenty to say about me behind my back. I've heard a lot of people praising the dishes at Rainbow Garden Villa, so it's a good opportunity for me to personally verify if the food there is really as good as they say. I heard they hired Lan Shaoxuan as the head chef?"

"Yes, Lan Shaoxuan is the nominal head chef at Rainbow Garden Villa, but I don't think he necessarily cooks all those dishes himself."

"It's my mistake. I had a good relationship with his grandfather, and I didn't even know that Lan Shaoxuan is the heir he has been grooming. I thought he was just overly doting on his favorite grandson."

"I don't think Grandfather needs to blame himself. Lan Shaoxuan is only in his twenties. Even if he really cooks well, it definitely won't be as good as those people describe. I think there are other chefs behind the scenes because of his good looks, which can attract fans, so they attribute the dishes to him."

"On the day of the banquet, you'll come with me. I'll find a way to make him cook a few dishes in front of everyone to see how skilled he really is."

Most of the time, Mr. Hong lives in Rainbow Garden Villa and rarely goes back to his mansion in the city. His friends, unlike him, don't stay permanently, but they often come to stay for a few days for various reasons until their families come to pick them up. This makes their families feel very embarrassed, so they try to provide various benefits to the Hong family in business.

Mr. Hong's birthday banquet had a total of 280 tables, no less grand than the opening day.

Two days later was Hong's grandfather's birthday. The villa had started preparations a few days in advance, and the courtyards that needed decoration were already set up.

Hong Boxiao took the time to accompany his grandfather and several elderly gentlemen to inspect the set-up banquet scene in the villa, checking if everything was in place or if there were any unsatisfactory aspects and making the necessary improvements within the remaining two days.

"With 280 tables of dishes, Shaoxuan alone will definitely be overwhelmed. Although the other chefs have also learned well, Shaoxuan must personally cook for your table." Hong Boxiao pointed to the large triple pavilion in the middle of the lotus pond and said, "Shaoxuan will cook in the middle of those three pavilions. Everyone will be able to see, and your table will have the clearest view. After the dishes are ready, they will be served directly from there."

"Old Man Yan and the others will definitely come on that day. We'll arrange their table next to ours, and Shaoxuan will personally cook their dishes too. I want them to be convinced." Hong's grandfather said proudly.

"Understood," Hong Boxiao replied, "I'll do as you command."

"This courtyard is quite spacious. It doesn't feel cramped even with dozens of tables." Old Man Li commented while surveying the surroundings.

Hong Boxiao then took the elderly gentlemen to other courtyards for inspection. Mr. Hong was satisfied with everything and didn't find any faults, so he patiently waited for the arrival of his birthday.

On the evening before the birthday banquet, Lu Jingqian lay on the bed while Hong Boxiao sat by his side, massaging his shoulders.

"You'll be working hard again tomorrow. Grandfather said all the birthday gifts that arrived today are yours, and when it's over tomorrow, he has a reward for you as well." Hong Boxiao said as he massage Lu Jingqian's shoulders.

"Why is Grandfather being so polite?" Lu Jingqian said with his eyes closed in comfort. "Since I'm the head chef of Hongyuan Villa and he's the chairman of Shenghong, it's only natural for me to cook for his birthday banquet. Besides, he's your biological grandfather."

"Grandfather is concerned about you and knows how hard you work in the kitchen, so he wants to reward you as much as possible." Hong Boxiao said, bowing his head. "Grandfather might give you one of the Hong family's islands. When the time comes, don't be foolish and refuse it directly. Accept it, and only then will Grandfather be happy."

Lu Jingqian opened his eyes and said, "I'm just cooking a few tables of dishes. Isn't Grandfather going overboard? If we have birthday banquets every year, won't the entire Hong family's property be given to me?"

"It's not just a reward for cooking the birthday banquet." Hong Boxiao patted his backside, lying down next to him, and said face-to-face, "Grandfather is giving it as a gift for his future daughter-in-law."

"Did you tell Grandfather about us?" Lu Jingqian asked.

"Grandfather spends most of his time here now, and we meet almost every day. Do you think he can't figure it out?" Hong Boxiao said. "He even subtly mentioned the matter of great-grandchildren to me a few days ago."

"But I haven't agreed to marry you. I'm just sleeping with you. Who said I want to have children with you?" Lu Jingqian turned his face to the other side, acting spoiled.

Hong Boxiao turned Lu Jingqian's body around, his hand reaching between his legs, and said, "Even if you don't agree now, you'll eventually become mine. I don't need you to bear children, just mix our little tadpoles together."

"I don't want someone else to bear our children." Lu Jingqian stopped arguing with him and said sincerely, "Our own children should be carried and born by us. They should be biologically related to us."

"Pregnancy is tough." Hong Boxiao said, kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Even if it's tough, it's only a few months. It's worth it for our own flesh and blood," Lu Jingqian said.

"All right, I'll listen to you. If you change your mind later, it's also fine." Hong Boxiao said, and his hand began to wander restlessly.

"Do you want to do it now?" Lu Jingqian looked at him and asked.

"As long as you're by my side, there's never a time when I don't want to. But tomorrow will definitely be busy, and I don't want you to be too tired."

"If you have a way to satisfy our desires without making me too tired, it's not impossible." Lu Jingqian said, using his fingers to rub his lips.

"You want it?" Hong Boxiao grabbed his hand.

"Let's give it a try," Lu Jingqian said in a coquettish tone.

"I'll fulfill your request." Hong Boxiao said, getting up and taking off Lu Jingqian's pants before burying his head down.

Lu Jingqian's breathing gradually became rapid, and he couldn't help but grab Hong Boxiao's hair, opening his mouth to breathe heavily.