
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy (2.1)

When Lu Jingqian learned about this world through the system, he was somewhat surprised that such a world existed in time and space. This is indeed a world of the future, but it differs significantly from the future world he was previously in. Which is, the majority of this world is men, and there were only a little number of women exist.

About a few hundred years ago, due to environmental factors, there was a significant change in human physique. Some people died because they could not adapt to this change, while others, their lifespans increased due to this change. So now, the average lifespan for all humans is 150 years, and some have even lived over 300 years old before passing away.

Also due to the change in physique, the number of female births has rapidly decreased, and even with the help of medical technology, it was not possible to maintain a balanced gender ratio, leading to a severe imbalance between males and females.

In the beginning, humans were not very adapted to such changes, but over time, they became accustomed to it. Anyway, without women, men could still be attracted to other men, as long as two people love each other, they can be together. Men who have been married to each other for more than five years can apply to the government to have a child through medical technology.

However, in recent decades, the trend of 'femboys' has become very popular, which involves young and attractive boys dressing up in feminine clothing for others to admire.

In fact, in this era, the term 'femboy' is already very old-fashioned, and although the trend of 'femboys' has never completely disappeared, its true rise and normalization only occurred in recent decades.

In the beginning, the existence of 'femboys' was just a hobby for some boys who liked to dress up in women's clothing. Later on, it gradually became a means of attracting customers in certain places. Until now, all 'femboys' who have signed with legitimate economic companies are referred to as 'show models'.

Truly exceptional 'show models' are just like celebrities with a large fan base, enjoying a high income and high-quality lifestyle. And those who can achieve the highest level in the 'show model' industry are even honored with the title of 'princess'. Although fans of 'show models' refer to them as 'princess' as a term of endearment, only a few 'show models' are actually honored with this distinction. So, in order to differentiate between a term of endearment and an honorary title, the term of endearment is simply 'Princess So-and-So', while the honorary title is 'Her Highness Princess So-and-So'.

With the rise of the 'femboy' trend, more and more 'show model' companies have emerged, making the competition quite fierce. Some 'show models' may appear glamorous on the surface, but few people know about their experiences behind the scenes.

This is similar to the celebrities in the world where Lu Jingqian was originally from. In this industry, there will inevitably be unspoken rules and hidden struggles. Especially for some small companies, in order to make money, use the name of 'show model' companies to engage in physical business.

In comparison, larger companies are generally better, but there are still some issues that occur. Only model companies like Allure Model which is backed by big groups and have relatively good intentions toward their models can truly protect them. However, things can still happen in some situations even if the models volunteer for them. The best thing about Allure Model is that they never force them to do anything.

Any boy who wants to become a show model has a desire to join Allure Model, not only because Allure Model has better conditions as a large company, but also because it has the best platform and resources, making it easier to gain high popularity.

However, good companies have much higher standards and requirements for selection than ordinary companies. First of all, there are requirements for appearance and body shape. They must have a particularly beautiful face, a slim and well-proportioned body, and be a boy who looks beautiful when dressed in women's clothing. Then there are requirements for talent, which refer to the ability to play various types of roles after training.

Most of the careers of the show models are short because the current trend is that only the young and beautiful are popular, with an emphasis on youth. And once they get older, it's difficult for them to maintain a slim figure. So if a model gets a bit older or loses the novelty for their fans, they will quickly lose their favor.

Typically, all companies would select young boys aged around 12 to 13 for training, and some even younger. Boys over 15 who have not received professional training would not be chosen. Some boys may look cute when they are young, but as they get older, their masculine features become more apparent, making it easy to tell that they are male no matter how they dress up. As a result, the rate of elimination for them is very high.

The original host, Wen Nan, is almost 17 years old and was able to join Allure Model, not because of Frederick's help. The original host has a particularly delicate face and a body with perfect proportions. When he went to interview at Allure Model, the interviewer was immediately impressed and after trying on several sets of female clothing, he was directly recruited. Because he's the type of natural crossdresser model who only needs a wig and a set of women's clothing, and as long as he doesn't speak or make any movements, you can't tell he's a boy.

However, at the time when the original host was around thirteen years old, he had a chance to enter Allure Model. At that time, he did plan to enter through Frederick. However, due to certain circumstances, he missed the opportunity.

The original host's mother was born into an ordinary family, but at that time, the number of women was already very rare, and the original host's mother was really very beautiful, so she caught the eye of the original host's father who was from a wealthy and influential family.

The two fell in love smoothly and then got married smoothly. They lived happily after marriage, but the good times didn't last long. The original host's father's family suddenly fell into financial difficulties and declared bankruptcy.

The main reason for the decline in the family's fortunes was that the original host's grandfather suddenly passed away. The original host's father was still too young to sustain the family business and was quickly defeated by those vicious competitors.

However, even a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Although the original host's father declared bankruptcy, the remaining property was enough to make him worry-free in terms of food and clothing in a small city with a lower standard of living.

So, the father of the original host took his mother and left for a faraway place, settling down in a beautiful small town surrounded by mountains and rivers. In fact, for this couple without much ambition, this kind of life is also quite good.

The father of the original host started a small business in that small city, and due to his good nature, he made some friends. For the first few years after the original host was born, their family was still very happy.

However, fate is something that people cannot resist. Even in the future world, not all diseases can be cured, as changes in one's physical condition may result in new illnesses appearing.

When the original host was a few years old, his mother's health became very poor and she nearly died several times due to illness. In order to treat the original host's mother, his father spent almost all of their savings. Although it took a few years, she still passed away when the original host was eight or nine years old.

The original host's father lost his beloved wife and his will to live weakened day by day. But because the original host was still young, he could not selfishly leave the still young original host behind.

Frederick had a little friendship with the original host's father when they were young. At that time, the original host's family business was larger than Frederick's family business, and his father had helped Frederick with a small favor many years ago. Frederick came to this small town by chance and when he met the original host's father, he couldn't recognize him at first glance. Although he was only a few years older than him, he looked as old and haggard as his father, completely different from the one from his memory years ago.

After confirming that the man he met was indeed his old acquaintance, Frederick decided to repay the favor that the father of the original host had done for him in the past. At first, the father declined his offer, but after chatting for a while, he realized that he was worried about leaving his son behind with no one to protect or rely on in case something happened to him. Therefore, he requested Frederick to help his son when he needed it after he passed away.

This request was not hard for Frederick, so he agreed to it immediately.

That night, Frederick stayed at the original host's home. The thirteen-year-old original host heard the conversation between his father and Frederick and learned about his identity, which gave the child an idea.

The original host, like some other boys, was naturally interested in dressing up as a girl. Especially when he saw those beautiful models performing in pretty clothes on the internet, he felt very envious and wanted to perform in beautiful clothes himself. He was afraid to let his father know that he liked cross-dressing, let alone that he wanted to become a show model.

Because the original host's father was born into a wealthy family and knows a lot of sordid things about show models, in his heart, his son has not yet fallen to the extent of needing to become a model. Despite the fact that some show models are now adored like stars, in the mind of the original host's father who has been away from the big city for a long time, models are still no different from toys.

The original host has always been good at observing people's expressions and reactions. He knows that his father looks down on show models, so he dares not tell his father about his desire to become a model. Otherwise, his father may be furious if he finds out.

But on the day when Frederick stayed at their house, the usually timid and introverted original host found the courage to secretly talk to him about his desire to become a model at Allure Model.

Although the original host did not dare to show his yearning for cross-dressing and becoming a show model, he had already secretly learned about everything he needed to know because of his inner desire. For example, Allure Model is one of the most powerful modeling agencies, and it is the most coveted company among all models. Allure Model is also a subsidiary of the Weiding Group. So, when he heard that Frederick was actually the CEO of Weiding Group, he had the idea of wanting to enter the Allure Model, the company that all models longed for, through him.

To Frederick, this didn't seem like a big deal. There were countless teenagers who wanted to become show models these days. Apart from the sense of achievement that came with being adored, they could also earn the kind of money that most people would work hard for years to earn. Besides, he knew about the company under his own group, which was well-equipped to train and protect models, unlike other companies. Furthermore, with him around, no one would dare to force the original host to do anything he didn't want to do if he did end up joining the company.

As a result, after returning home, Frederick had his assistant notify the general manager of the Allure Model, and sent a letter of acceptance directly to the original host. As long as the original host has this employment letter, he can enter Allure Model anytime he wants.