
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(11)

Content warning: Slight NSFW

Lu Jingqian knew he would be secretly filmed when he made the appointment with Alva. In fact, he intentionally set up the meeting for that purpose. However, he also knew that this level of paparazzi would not cause any significant impact even if it were exposed. Moreover, with a company like Allure Model which is backed by a large group, it was unlikely that any media would dare to offend them. Therefore, the possibility of being exposed was very small.

When Lu Jingqian went to the company today, the general manager did not call him in for a talk, and he thought he was still unaware of the paparazzi. He was caught off guard when he found out that the content of the secret filming had already been sent to Frederick.

However, letting Frederick know about the paparazzi was also one of his goals. He would simply act as if he didn't know anything, apologize to Frederick, and that would be the end of it.

"I'm sorry Uncle Fred, he kept sending messages to ask me out, and I thought I would just meet him once and explain that we shouldn't meet again in the future…" explained Lu Jingqian.

"Why did he look for you?" Frederick asked.

"He comes…, to borrow money." Lu Jingqian murmured.

"Did you lend him the money?" Frederick asked again.

"I…" Lu Jingqian explained with some guilt, "When my father was ill, his father occasionally helped our family with small favors, so I couldn't refuse him. But I told him that this was the last time, and he shouldn't look for me again for money."

Frederick looked at him silently.

"Uncle Fleury," Lu Jingqian looked at him carefully, "Are you angry? I will definitely listen to you in the future and promise not to meet him again."

"… I'm not angry," Frederick said, "But if you can really listen to me, I'll be really happy."

"I can do it, really." Lu Jingqian assured with a serious expression.

Frederick nodded his head, "Are you angry? I'll take you to eat."

Lu Jingqian suddenly thought that he could borrow a swimming pool from Frederick, "Uncle Fred, do you have a house with a swimming pool that I can borrow to stay in for a few days? The next ad I competed for involves water, so I want to practice in a swimming pool for a few days,"

Frederick began to recall his properties with a swimming pool and after deciding which one to take Lu Jingqian to, he stood up and said, "Let's go."

Lu Jingqian also stood up and said, "It's okay for the assistant to take me there. Uncle Fred, you are so busy, you don't need to take me there personally."

"I have finished all the things that need to be done. I just planned to take a few days off," Frederick looked at Lu Jingqian and said, "Or is it that you don't want to spend time with me?"

"No, that's not it…" Lu Jingqian quickly waved his hand.

For Lu Jingqian, being able to spend time with Frederick was the best thing ever. He can use this opportunity to find ways to improve Frederick's favorability toward him.

When he was sitting in the car, Lu Jingqian felt more and more that this was a great opportunity, and he should take advantage of it to boldly seduce Frederick. Otherwise, who knows how long he would have to wait to increase Frederick's favorability towards him. The system had already mentioned before that intimate contact was the most effective way to increase favorability.

Frederick took Lu Jingqian to his villa in the suburbs. Originally, he was going to take Lu Jingqian to his mansion in the city, where he usually stayed. However, the pool at the mansion was outdoors, and the temperature today was a bit low, not suitable for swimming, while the pool at the villa in the suburbs was indoors and had an adjustable temperature.

After arriving at the villa, the two had lunch and rested for a while. Frederick went to the study to take a phone call, while Lu Jingqian changed into his swimming trunks and a bathrobe and went to the pool alone.

As soon as Lu Jingqian entered the pool, he felt like he had entered a tropical rainforest. There were many tropical fruit trees and plants used as decorations. After passing through the plant barrier and corridor, Lu Jingqian finally saw the large swimming pool.

There were already fruits and drinks on the round table beside the pool. Lu Jingqian walked over and sat on a lounge chair beside the table for a while, making sure he had rested enough before standing up to warm up and then taking off his bathrobe and entering the water.

As Lu Jingqian practiced his movements in the water, he thought about what kind of clothes he should wear for the competition to fit the game theme and present the best-looking picture under his movements.

Lu Jingqian forgot how long he had been practicing, and only stopped when he felt a little tired and swam to the edge of the pool to rest. As soon as he got out of the water, he saw Frederick sitting at the edge of the round table with his laptop.

"Uncle Fred." Lu Jingqian walked toward him.

Frederick's line of sight fell on Lu Jingqian, he saw him only wearing tight swim trunks walking toward himself. Water droplets constantly slide down from his fair skin to the ground, exposing his thin waist and long legs. The teenager has such a slender figure which Frederick has never been interested in before. Yet, seeing this teenager in front of him at this moment gave him a sense of impulsiveness.

However, Frederick still felt it wasn't a good idea to have such thoughts, not because he was a saint, but because he had his own bottom line. Moreover, deep down in his heart, even though he hadn't realized it yet, he felt that Lu Jingqian deserved the most beautiful love in the world and should live a life of complete indulgence forever.

The reason why Frederick's favorability point for Lujingqian to increase slowly beside the fact they spent little time together, was mainly due to his self-control of emotions from their difference in status.

"Uncle Fred" Seeing Frederick distracted, Lu Jingqian waved his hand in front of his eyes and only spoke when he returned to himself, "Didn't you say you wanted to rest for a few days?" Then don't look at the computer. Let's go swimming together."

After pulling Frederick's hand, Lu Jingqian brought him to the edge of the pool. Lu Jingqian jumped in first and looked up at him from the water.

He was already feeling a bit tired, but he still brought Frederick down with him. Of course, it was not really for the purpose of swimming.

After Frederick took off his robe and got into the water, Lu Jingqian immediately wrapped his arms around his neck and lay on his back, saying, "Take me with you, I'm too tired to swim."

Freyvet didn't refuse him and actually swam with him. Lu Jingqian lay on his back with his eyes closed, and their skin stuck tightly together in the water. This feeling made them both feel comfortable.

Lu Jingqian kept clinging to Frederick and refused to swim on his own. If Frederick didn't hold him or hug him, he would let himself sink and wait for him to come down and lift him up.

Rather than swimming, the two of them were more like entwining in the water. Frederick would hold Lu Jingqian's waist and lift him up to breathe. And Lu Jingqian would take the opportunity to hug Frederick's neck or wrap his legs around his waist.

Frederick began to feel something in his body because of Lu Jingqian's movements, so he wanted to quickly bring him up before he lost control.

Lu Jingqian was really tired and had no strength left, so he let Frederick carry him up.

Lu Jingqian's feet were wrapped around Frederick's waist, and he hugged his neck tightly. Frederick was worried he might fall off when he went up, so he held him tightly around the waist with one arm.

Frederick walked over to a lounge chair and sat down, gently patting Lu Jingqian's back and saying, "Get down."

Lu Jingqian leaned on Frederick's body and refused to move, putting his face on his shoulder and saying, "Uncle Fred… can you hug me?"

Frederick heard the loneliness in Lu Jingqian's voice and realized he was just a teenager who had lost all his family and must feel anxious and lonely, and would want to have someone to rely on. So he slowly tightened his arms, holding the soft and delicate body tightly in his arms, his palms stroking his back. He had originally intended to give him some comfort, but he gradually became addicted to the soft and smooth touch of his skin.

Frederick lay on the lounge chair with Lu Jingqian lying on his chest. Frederick could tell that he was really tired. He had originally planned to wait until he fell asleep before carrying him back to the room to sleep, but Lu Jingqian slowly began to move on Frederick's body.

"Don't move," Frederick held down his body, preventing him from moving.

"I feel so uncomfortable," Lu Jingqian opened his eyes and looked up at Frederick with his eyes shimmering. "Help me…"

Lu Jingqian's complexion, rapid breathing, and obvious abnormality in his body were all signs Frederick naturally understood because he felt the changes in Lu Jingqian's body.

Lu Jingqian's voice carried some sobbing and light humming making Frederick's heart in chaos and hard to bear. But he felt that Lu Jingqian was still just a child, and he needed someone to guide him with this kind of thing so that he could know what to do.

Frederick sat up, helped Lu Jingqian change his sitting position, and then took off his swim trunks.

Lu Jingqian buried his face in Frederick's shoulder, holding him tightly. After Frederick's large hand gripped him, he couldn't help but begin to tremble.


Lu Jingqian's body was weak all over as he was carried by Frederick to a room and then placed on a big soft bed.

When Frederick was about to get up and leave, Lu Jingqian held the hand that just held his neck and said in a whisper, "Don't leave…"

"You're still too small…" Frederick said softly, "You can't control your lust right now. You're most likely will regret it later."

"I'm already an adult. I know what I want and what I'm doing." Lu Jingqian said in his ear, "I like you. Uncle Fred, if you like me too, please teach me from now on, 'kay."

In this world, sixteen is considered an adult. Even if their age difference was a bit too big, it would not be a reason why they can't love each other. At least, in Lu Jingqian's heart, this can't even be called a reason.

"If you do not teach me…" Lu Jingqian can see the hesitation on Frederick's face, and deliberately threatened him, "Then I'll go find someone else to teach me, and let you experience the results after I learned it."

Frederick took a deep breath, the vein on his forehead burst out from holding his anger, he hugged Lu Jingqian tightly and said, "If you really dare to have this idea, I'll lock you up, so you'll not see anyone else for the rest of your life."

"Don't be angry, I'm just all talk. I only like you and will only let you teach me." Lu Jingqian was held too tightly and felt some pain, so he hurriedly please him with his words.

Frederick kissed this mouth that could manipulate his mood, thinking that since he strongly requested for him to teach, he would start to teach him strictly from today, and would never give him the chance to regret it later.

"Hurt, it hurts!" Lu Jingqian gripped the bed sheet tightly, thinking that when Frederick said he was too small was perhaps not referring to his age.

Lu Jingqian struggled to endure the shocking sensations but eventually cried out. Frederick did not soften his heart at the critical moment because of his crying, instead treating him with stronger force.


In the end, Lu Jingqian passed out and did not remember anything afterward. Even in his sleep, he still unconsciously cried and begged for mercy.

Lu Jingqian woke up the next day at noon. After remembering what happened yesterday, he could not help but let out a groan, because his back was too sore.

In the next few days, except for the time spent practicing in the water, Lu Jingqian was almost always pressed into bed by Frederick for a strict lesson. No matter how much he begged for mercy, it was useless.

It was only the last two days that Frederick let him go, considering he was going to work and should be in good shape with plenty of energy, that he let him rest and recuperate.

Lu Jingqian then remembered he had not yet chosen the cloth he had to wear for the live competition, then ordered a bunch of clothes that he liked on the internet and had them sent to Frederick's villa, where he was going to pick out the one he was most satisfied with piece by piece.