



“Are you going to keep the silence everytime I ask you about what happened at the party?”

Jamal looks at her remorsefully. “Myla, I–I don't know how to start telling you all these. For now, you have to understand, that I don't want to talk about my past. It's for the best.”

Myla chuckles. “The best you say? I'm your wife. You can't tell me, those people came for nothing. If not, you wouldn't drive them away, and mom won't have been... so shocked. Are you still going to keep it to yourself? Am I not that important to you?”

“Myla...I didn't say that,”

“Then, tell me. What's going on?”

He says nothing.

She turns around and faces the other side of the bed, covering herself with the blanket.

He leans in, and hauls it down, whispering into her ears,

“You have no idea how important you are to me. I've never loved someone so much, the way I love you. Just know, I'm trying to secure these feelings in my heart from my past.”

He kisses her cheeks, and the back of her ear. She turns around to face him.

He gives her genuine smile, and she doesn't help, but smile back, staring into his eyes.

He cups her face, brushing his thumb against her flustered cheek, while she leans into his touch, presses her forehead against his.

“No secrets, remember?”

He smirks. “I know. I will tell you everything someday. Just trust me.”

He brushes their noses together, and she shuts her eyes.

“You looked so gorgeous tonight. If it weren't for the distractions, I would've reserved somewhere secret for us alone.”

She opens her eyes, grinning back at his feedback.

“Good flirter”

He chuckles. “Then, you haven't heard me flirt before. I was just telling you the truth.”

She raises a brow. “You don't have to hide it, Jamal. I see it in your eyes.”

He makes a serious face, and she laughs. But the after changes into a dark romantic side of him.

Before she comes to her senses, his lips are lingering against hers. She closes the gap between them, and kisses him eagerly, while sinking her hands into his sleek hair.

His palms run down her waist, and curves. She hums in response, pressing herself against his crate as he inserts his tongue into her mouth.

She rolls her hands down his body, feeling his muscles, and abdomen, whereas her leg lift to wrap his figure down.

Jamal notices her struggle in pinning him to the bed, so he hovers over her smoothly.

His tights part and cages her in-between themselves. She freezes, looking at him blackly.

“I want to be in control.” he says.

She gulps as he leans in, plastering light kisses against her tangible skin, while his hands pull down her black panties.

She helps him take off his shirt and he does the same for her pyjama.

He trails his lips down her chest, and nips on her nipples. It causes her to shift back, and jerk her hips high up.

He pins her hands above her head, while he sucks over the little hardened buds again, until her they turn dark red.

He stands from the bed, takes of his short, while looking at his wife who is as lust as he is, and then kisses her again.

Slowly, and deeply at first, and hungrier afterwards.

Suddenly, she gasps in his mouth as a hard object penetrates the damp entrance in-between her legs.

It's been a while this happened, so it feels like her first day of meeting with him.

He stops the kiss, and looks into her eyes, while diving into that slimy opening.

Her brows grow cringier each second, and her nails digging his flesh, until he is fully in.

“You're— so tight.” he groans.

She let out a moan when he starts ejaculating, but later on converted into sounds of pleasure.


“Keep cummin.” he whispers in her mouth.

Her grip on him, tightens and his gaze softens. He slows his pace, and she says,

“No, don't—don't stop.”

He kisses her passionately as his dick grows bigger inside of her.

She pushes her hips higher, wrapping her legs over him.


“Get it out—fuck!” he curses as he feels something at the tip of his dick.

He presses on, hitting her on that sensitive spot over and over again. Myla shuts her eyes, absorbing all the feelings he is stroking through her vagina.

“Jamal!” she moans louder as the emotions grow stronger.

And not just that, but something inside of her hammers, sending a sharp thrill down her spine.


Jamal grips her tights firmer, but gently while the other arm settles above her head.

“Yeah,” he answers, and says again “Look at me.”

She tries to open her eyes, which split out just a little.

“Good girl... Just get it out.”

They stare into each other's eyes, while breathing bateredly into one another's mouth as the lousy sound of their copulation fill the spacious room.

She bit on her buttom lip, but it's not enough to hold what's about to explode out of her.

Jamal realizes her contraction, and when something seem to come out of him so boldly, he remembers... She's in her ovulation days.

“Myla—I have to get out.”

She frowns like never before. “W–what? Are you crazy?”

“You sure?”

She nods rapidly, giving a sad face afterwards. “Please,”

He pecks her lips and fastens his pace, stroking and rocking even harder. She leaves her mouth hanging, until her climax dawns over her.

A load moan escapes her mouth out of prevailation and he follows immediately after with a groan.


Mrs. Mehdi, has been waiting for Patricia to come back from her journey, since she left at dawn.

The door opens up to her daughter, who walks straight towards the corridor.

“Patricia, please we need to talk.”

Her daughter halts, and faces her mom. “Your time had expired.”

Mrs. Mehdi, rises from her seat and walks towards her daughter. Patricia steps back.

“Listen, child. There are things you can't change, even if you know them. Why can't you let it be this way. Peaceful—”

“It is not peaceful as you think!” She yells and her mom shivers.

“This way has made me what I am. Until I know the truth, I won't rest. So, stop saying it is peaceful. You have no idea the battle I face alone, because of what y'all hid from me!”

“I thought you called me to actually say everything. But, I think I'm just wasting my time, here. I should've known this is no good. I'd find an apartment within the week. I don't want to see your faces.”

She turns to leave and her mom says. “Is that really why you're leaving? Not because... You don't want us knowing about your adventures with Kon? Are you really going to choose him to us?”

She pauses and turns around; befuddlement rising over her.

“No need asking who told me. But, how on earth could you see someone like him after everything you know about his relationship with Jamal! Going against your own family for some stranger?”

“You must be mistaken here. I am not that type. I left this morning to tell him, I'm not interested in his help anymore. Besides, I have right to my privacy. Whatsoever I do shouldn't be your concern. I am minding my business, since no one is answering to my pleads, so mind yours, too.”

“What has gone over you? I didn't train you this way.”

“No, you didn't. Just as you didn't train Jamal to murder people.”

Mrs. Mehdi, holds her head as she feels a slight headache.

“I can see that idiotic bastard, fed you with lies.”

“Lies? Do you really know what lies are? I've lived in it since I was born. Even right now, it just left your mouth.”

“Enough already, Patricia! Stop being naughty. This is hard for us, too. You can't run from your family for the truth. Bare with us, and we'd tell you everything at the right time.”

She grits. “I hate when you say that! I hate it so much! Stop telling me what to do. I'm not a kid!”

“You are my daughter! I bore and raised you! And, that makes you a kid to me! Besides, I won't say this if you stop reasoning like one!”

Patricia shakes her head, unbelievably ogling at her environment.

“All these people trying to pull us down, have an objective. Which is to separate us. To keep us divided in other to penetrate our minds, and use us against one another. I have just you and Jamal. Don't make this harder for me. I've gone through so much nursing you two all alone. Do you want to loose me, too?”

Patricia eyes well up. “I'd never want anything to happen to both of you, mom. I just want to clear my mind away from home. I want to forget about what happened to Benjamin,”

“He hurt me and deserves that bath I gave him at the restaurant, but deep down I had feelings for that guy, already. And I don't want to accept, Jamal has a hand in his death. Yet, I can't help, but think that way after everything I heard from Kon.... It's so confusing.”

“Fine. I'd tell you everything. Even if Jamal doesn't want me to, because he's scared that you might think he killed Benjamin,”

“If he didn't do it, why should he be scared? I'm not going to denounce him or something,”

Mrs. Mehdi, smiles. “Common, let's seat and have a proper conversation.”

To be continued...