
Business partners.

Myla's phone rings, while she eats some vegetables.

She puts the bowl down and answers, “Hello, brother.”

“Myla, how are you doing?”

“I'm ok, and you?”

“Not at all. I've been having some ministrations about you. So, tell me, is everything really ok?”

Myla sighs. “I don't know what you're talking about. I'm alright.”

“You know you can't hide everything from me. I've been hearing the news, and to talk of the party you attended at your friend's house, was a dangerous ground for you. I've said this a number of times, but right now I'm making it clear.”

Charan, Myla's brother is a Pastor and a businessman. There's never a moment when he talks to Myla without making statements like this to put her in line with God's word.

“Brother, I know that. I've stopped going there, not because of those people. But, because it's best for me and Jamal.”

“I thought as much, that this will bring problems into your relationship.”

Myla becomes impatient as she knows that her brother wants to say something else, but he's not being direct.

“Yeah, you knew that as usual. You're right, I've been on dangerous grounds. But, I'm not anymore.”

“Good. One last thing. At your husband's party, why did he drive those men away?”

“I don't know. He refuses to tell me who they are. But, what I got through Patricia is that, they work for the man who killed his dad.”

There is silence on the other side, before he responds, “Strange. You need to pray for your family.”

She nods. “Yes, I will do just that—Ahh,”

“You okay?”

Myla holds her stomach, and nods. “Y–yeah. Um... It's nothing important.”

“Like I was saying, you have to be cortous. Temptations will always arise to bring division. Don't be weary, but sober.”

“True. Thanks.”

“Hopefully, you're a good girl. You'd choose to do the right thing always, I believe. I should hang up now. Make sure you greet Jamal for me.”

“Alright. I'll pass your message. How is your business anyway? Any new visions?”

“It's running smoothly. I'm thankful to God. I got in contact with a good number of business men at the party, anyway.”

“Oh. Lucky you. Or should I say, favor you?”

Charan chuckles. “Have you been communicating with Helen?”

“Yes. Anything?”

“Not at all. Just making sure,”

“I get it. She's a busy mom, remember?”

“I know right. Sooner or later we're going to receive another dose. A new mom on the way...”

“That'd be great! I'm going to have a new niece, or nephew?”

“Your so dump. I'm talking about you.”

Myla frowns. “Oh, me?”

“No, US.”

“That's not going to happen anytime soon. Stop saying things like that. It may come to pass. I still have a lot to manage. I'm not ready to be a mom.”

“It shouldn't be about, when you want to have it. But, when God wants you to be a mom. And, most of all, Jamal is the man after God to you. That's his decision to make.”

“But, he's not the one who's going to carry the child. So, how is that his decision to make? It's our decision to make. Not one man.”

“Whatever. I've already said what I had to say.”


“Just when I'm trying to do the right thing, you're making it worse. I don't need guards! I'll be fine on my own.”

Jamal says nothing to her as he walks upstairs. She follows, from over his shoulder.

“Jamal, I'm talking to you, please. We can't trust these people. Why are you doing this, anyway?”

“I don't want to blame you, but I still will say, you are the reason I'm doing this! If you had listened to me and stopped going to that place earlier, this won't have happened!”

“What are you talking of? What is happening? Did someone rub the house?” she gets into the dressing room, where he is taking of his shirt.

“Well, guess what? Yes! Someone didn't rub, but knows this house to their finger tips, since they stole the house plan.” he walks out of the dressing room, to his office.

“How do you know that?”

He picks up a file from his table and gives it to her.

“I don't understand, what am I supposed to do with this?”

“Good question. Maybe, you could ask whosever returned it back to us.”

She looks at the paper again.

“Wait a second. Isn't this the file you were looking for?”

“As you can see, someone found it for me.” he settles on his work chair and leans over it.

“Someone? Who?”

He just stares at his wife tiredly, and she gets the message.

“No way. How could anyone have gotten their way into this house, or even steal this? For what?”

“I have no idea. That's why the guards are here.”

Myla bits hard on her lower lip. “Someone is trying to get into this house. Someone is trying to kill us.”

“Woo...I didn't expect you to say that. I thought you weren't scared?”

She blinks her eyes a bunch of times. “I'm not scared! I'm just thinking of the possibilities why this stranger will want to get into our house.”

Jamal takes up a pen from his desk and places with it. “And, you haven't figured out who?”

Myla frowns. “What are you insinuating? I should be asking you that. Maybe you know something.”

“Ok, let's not start pointing fingers, drama queen.”

“You started it first.”

“The other day Latif came here, don't you think... she must've tried to come back?”

“Or maybe Gabriella is behind this. I mean...she has showed up twice without invitation—”

“There you go again. She's not here! You should stop talking about her!”

“I can't believe you're always preserving that woman! I've been wondering, did you invite her to our welcome party, and your business celebration, Jamal?”

He presses his lips into a thin line. “Yes, I did.”

Myla shakes her head as her eyes start blurring.

“You did?”

He nods.

“And, all these while you said nothing, but acted as if I was foolish. Are you meeting up with her?”

“What? No! Myla, you need to calm down.”

“Calm down? Are you even listening to yourself? After everything she did to her own friend, you still commune with her? What if she tries to hurt me?”

“Myla!” he stands, and walks towards her.

“Don't near me, you liar!”

“I couldn't tell you, because this is exactly the way you would've reacted!”

“Are you kidding me! You're seeing your first love, and you expect me to clap hands for you!”

“She is my first love, but you are my last! That's not going to change. Besides, there's nothing going on between us!”

“But, you two have been meeting up, right?!”

He sucks in a deep breath. “Yes, we have. She came to apologise for what she did. And, I have forgiven her. Whatsoever going on between us, is a normal relationship as with Latif, and every other person I meet.”

Myla shakes her head. “It's ok for you to meet up with Gabriella, but the least I do, you get jealous!”

Jamal says nothing.

“If you were in my shoes, what will you have done?! Told me to stay away from Gabriella, right?”

He forks his hair, which bounces back against his red forward. His expression is defeat as he looks at the table instead.

“Well, you will do the same as I have done for to my career for the sake of our marriage. Stay away from Gabriella. I don't want to see her near my house, or around you!”

He looks at her remorsefully. “That's going to be impossible.”

Myla's eyes bulge out. “Meaning, what? Are you going to risk me for her?”

“We are business partners, now.”

Myla gulps as she tries to sip what just left his mouth.

“Her family gave her whole of their enterprise to handle. She asked for my help, and I couldn't refuse to it, because I owe her family for what they did for us in past. That was the only I could repay them.”

“Through the help of my company, she's going to be a big business woman. Gain popularity and investors. And, I will be the top priority of every nursing enterprise to encourage others, and solve backrubs. They gain something from me, but I gain more.”

“How could you do such a thing without consulting me? I thought we were best friends.”

He walks a step forward. “Myla, I'm doing this for our future. Forget about Gabriella, and focus on my objectives. Our objective.”

“It still doesn't change the fact that you belittled me. Even at the party, I was humiliated so many times, when Bianca told me about the business you have with a certain prince. And those men?”

“You keep so much from me, Jamal. Am I really your wife?”

He makes another step towards her. “Myla... Please, be patient with me. And, stop saying these things. I don't mean to hurt you. About Prince. Hamad, we had no business, together. He asked for us to sign a contract, and I refused. That's why he lied.”

“You know what? I need fresh air.”

She rushes out of his office, and their room rapidly.

Jamal stands there helplessly. Turning around, his eyes catches the frame of them on their wedding day.

He clenches his jaws, and pinches the brim of his nose, which reddens more due to stress.

To be continued...