
S2 C31

What is more dangerous and cruel than the heart? It makes us fly to the sky then throws us very hard to the ground. The heart controls us using our feelings. It makes us happy, sad, hurt, emotional, hateful, angry, even falling in love. It showed something ordinary to be extraordinary. It makes us blind to the things around us and only sees what it wants us to see. Just like a traveller who found an oasis in the middle of the desert and a mine digger who found diamonds in a dark cave. We are swayed and immersed in a sea of happiness created by the illusion of love in our heart.

It will make us think of all that forever, be it love, people we love and everything. But nothing is eternal whether it's life, love, suffering or happiness. Just like a spinning wheel we are in a cycle that will always change our lives. We cannot control our heart and there will never be someone who can stop the heart if it has fallen for someone.
