
Chapter 3: Remember the rules.


Ugh, who the hell is calling me at 6:30 am I’m going to kill this person for ruining my sleep. It’s a private number. What if it is him? I have to get my bags and go I can’t believe he found me. Okay, I have to breathe and get my bags. I’m having difficulty breathing, I feel hot suddenly, and I’m sweaty about what is happening. I have to answer it to be sure.

Me: “What?”

Private number: “You answer me like that one more time and you’re fired, Miss Snow”

Oh my gosh, it’s Mr. Robot I am totally going to get fired again.

“Oh, I am sorry sir I didn’t-”

“I am not interested in your excuses Miss Snow come to work it is time to go.”

“But I start work at 8 am.”

“Either you come, or you are fired”

He hung up on me.

I wore red lipstick, a black dress and red heels I’m trying this again if I fall, I’m never going to wear heels. I arrive at work thankfully alive with my driving.

I knock on Mr. Manroe’s office after taking the stairs note to self never take stairs again.

I got in and I see Mr. Manroe in a black tuxedo. As always, his shirt is tight so I can see his abs and I can’t help but stare. He might be an assh*le, but he is a beautiful assh*le.

“Miss Snow your dress is on that chair go change and don’t take your time we don’t have time to waste”

I take the dress and I am shocked it is the most expensive thing I have ever put on my body and probably will be the last. The dress is stunning; it is a baby blue off-shoulder dress with a shimmery ball gown skirt.

“Are you ready?” Mr. Manroe asked.

“Yeah, just need to wear these earrings”

“You’ll find me downstairs in front of the building, don’t take your time”

“Yes sir”

Is it really smart for me to go to a place I don’t know with this man I mean I barely know him like yeah, he is my boss but what if he is a human trafficker? I have heard what rich men do to girls out there and he’d totally get away with it no one is going to be looking for me. That thought made me sad that no one would be looking for me I used to be the most popular girl until he came into my life now, I am a nobody.

Mr. Manroe barges angrily into the room and he looks taken back at first.

“Did I not tell you not to take your time!” He shouts scaring me then I feel anger bubbling up inside of me. How dare he yell at me?

“I don’t want to go”

“I told you I am not asking you to go I am telling you”

“Fire me then I don’t trust you I am not going to a strange place with you. What if you kidnap me?”

“Why would I kidnap you last time I checked people kidnap people who matter and those who are worth something you clearly don’t fall under that category so don’t worry you’re safe,” he said, and I felt tears come to my eyes.

“I’ll meet you at my car don’t take your time” he added he walked out, and I cried my eyes out till I heard my phone ring who could this be?

Me: “Hello”

“I said don’t take your time do you not understand English”

I hang up on him. I’m probably going to get in trouble for that but anyway. I went downstairs and got in his car

“Took you long enough,” he said

“And Miss snow,” he says and looks at me “don’t ever hang up on me again”

I just nodded he told the driver to start driving. I could feel the heat from him staring at me I couldn’t take it anymore, so I looked back at him, and he looked away then I looked away then he started to look again making me feel crazy. I looked at him thinking he was going to look away, but he made eye contact with me, and we stayed that way for a while and a thousand words were said with just looks.

“We’ve arrived and I want to lay some ground rules: you don’t talk to anyone I don’t talk to, you don’t speak to any media, you’re expected to be polite and courteous to the people that you’re allowed to talk to and you report to me every ten minutes” I nodded and went into the venue and I was taken back by how beautiful it looked, it looked like a scene taken straight from a movie. It was filled with rich socialites, business people and famous people.

“Okay I am going to talk to an old friend go to the bar and sit there don’t move around and remember the rules”

“Hey, what is such a beautiful lady doing sitting alone,” a voice said, and I looked at where the voice came from it was a handsome man, but he had your usual playboy vibe

“Doing what you should be doing minding your own business” I replied

“I will get out of your hair but only if you answer this riddle, which came first the chicken or the egg” Mmm tricky

" I don’t know ” I answered, uninterested.

“Come on try for me beautiful”

“Egg, I guess”

“I say the chicken because who laid the egg,” he says

He has a point, but I am right just like always I have a tendency to be right other people just don’t see that.

“But where does that chicken come from an egg” boom! Totally won Nuff said.

“But a chicken laid that egg”.







As we were arguing even lightly banging on the bar ” why don’t we ask the barman” he suggested

“Hey, can we ask you a question,” he asked the barman

“Which came first the chicken or the egg,” I asked him

“The egg,” he said I knew I was right again as always

“Ha boom I won,” I said while doing my celebration dance

“Thank you for answering” I thanked the barman.

“By the way what is your name?”