

If she was a character in a book, she would have been the perfect villainess created to disrupt the leads in their pursuit of true love. Born with a silver spoon, Sarah lived her life like a hooligan, loved like there was no tomorrow, and pursued whoever made her heart flutter. What is love? This question had always tormented her, daunted her, and haunted her for most of her life. Love made her unruly, made her happy, led to her fall, and made her lose everything that meant everything to her. Living a life filled with so many unanswered questions it wasn’t easy; that was until she finally found out what role she had been playing in the so-called book if she was a character in one; a pitiful cannon fodder. Unknowingly used by an enemy she had never met, Sarah found herself losing everything and everyone around her because of a love that was doomed from the beginning. And when she thought that everything was lost and gone, she found herself bound to a system that promised her riches, fame, and, above all, a second chance to rectify her wrongdoings. How will she use this opportunity? Will she forgive and move on with her life? Will she open her heart and find love? Or will she choose to have it all? Read more to find out!!!!!!!!!!!! Excerpt [Ding! Mission: Find a baby boy in 12 months. Reward: 1 skill art.] [Ding! Mission accomplished. The host successfully brought the first boy home. Keep up the good work and spread the word about what a fantastic cougar you are. How can you have just one boy as a qualified cougar?] [Ding! Issuing a chain mission. How can you, a great cougar, be satisfied with just one baby boy? Make it your mission to bring in as many boys as possible. Don't you think it's nice to have a lot of people around you who love you, care for you, and protect you?] [The mission's duration is indefinite, and the host should always keep in mind that all boys must be seven years younger, or more and rewards will be issued. I look forward to your commitment.]

GEEGEE · Urban
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298 Chs


"I can't believe that you thought that far. This is definitely good and you can gain a lot of knowledge and experience from it. Besides, you don't need to be directly involved with the business, and this gives you a chance to see if you have any leadership skills," Sarah said of O'Neal taking on the project.

O'Neal was beaming, relieved that his hard work had finally paid off.

"So, I was wondering how many cars I could rent out for this?" O'Neal inquired eagerly.

He didn't want to rush into something he didn't fully understand; he has the information, but reality may differ.

"How much of your money is not invested?" Sarah inquired because she had neglected to monitor her lover's cash flow issues.