
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime & Comics
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239 Chs


["I still think the young master should confess to Miss Ichinose as planned."

"Mr. Isaki, do you really want to see me dumped by her again?" You showed a completely incomprehensible expression.

"That's right." Mr. Izaki said with a smile, and then added:

"To be clear, I hope that the young master can be rejected by her again openly. It is best to lose completely and cry like a mess. This will make sense."]

["Wow, why didn't I notice that Mr. Izaki has such a ruthless side in relationships before?"

"No, love is not a pure, fresh, and gentle thing. The young master should have experienced it."

Mr. Izaki still refused to let you go, he continued:

"Love is an emotion that comes from the most primitive desires of human beings. It is full of deception, exclusivity, and betrayal. Therefore, it is the most complicated and dangerous thing."

"That's why the young master makes up lies over and over again to oppress Miss Ichinose's heart and force her to make a choice. You two just keep hurting each other."

"But love is just such a self-serving and hateful hopeless thing."]

[But he came closer to you again, caressed your head with the care unique to an elder, and said:

"Because of this, because it is such a cruel thing, people will pursue the light that appears in it, which is the feeling of love."

"It is precisely because of discomfort and sadness that happiness will come after getting through these."]

[You have long understood what he said. In order to realize this relationship, you have used many people and many things. Even now, you cannot determine what kind of feelings you have for Ichinose Honami. , you trace all the way back to the source, remembering the winning popsicle you handed her when you were a child. It turns out that you had already made a promise at that time. ]

["That's why I can't meet her again, let alone confess my love." You replied. ]

["We will definitely leave tomorrow morning, so I can't see her." You turned over and looked up at the white ceiling.

"I once said that when I see her, I will be reluctant to leave her, and I will be reluctant to leave."

"But, but, yesterday I saw a lot of burning paper cranes in the room I stayed in. She must have been preparing a farewell gift for me in advance."

"You see, it was she who... let me go first."]

[You took out a paper crane from your pocket. It was given to you by Honami Ichinose on your twelfth birthday. This is the only one you have now. The thing she gave you is still on your body. , except for the Buddhist bead bracelet on my right wrist that I won't take off even when taking a shower or sleeping, this is the only thing left. ]

[What Ichinose Honami has never understood is that you can make one wish by folding a thousand paper cranes, and you can make one wish for your birthday, but as long as she stands in front of you, she can make ten wishes. One, one hundred, one thousand wishes. ]

[Unfortunately, summer is coming to an end. At tonight's fireworks display, you have an appointment with Karuizawa Megumi. ]

[As night falls, you have already put on the yukata that your mother prepared for you in advance. The summer evening breeze is cool and comfortable. The weather forecast is very accurate. There is no sign of rain tonight. The festive atmosphere has begun a little bit. It appeared that you still had about half an hour to make an appointment with Karuizawa Megumi, but you still chose to go to the appointment some time in advance. When you passed by some small vendors who had set up together next to you, you suddenly realized that you actually still had a date. I don't know what Karuizawa Megumi's hobbies are, sweets or non-sweets? Candy apple, marshmallow or takoyaki? ]

[Thinking about this, you dialed Karuizawa Megumi's mobile phone and asked her what she wanted to eat so you could bring it to her in advance. It seemed that there were many people around Karuizawa Megumi over there, laughing and laughing. It was a bit noisy, but Megumi Karuizawa whispered to you that she didn't have anything in particular to eat, so she could just buy an apple candy. ]

[After confirming the other party's location, you bought two candy apples and turned off your phone. You didn't want to see other people's calls and text messages. You didn't want to see Ichinose Honami, and you didn't want to think about her. Today Your task in the evening is just to say a final farewell to Megumi Karuizawa, the girl you have been using, before leaving. You take the candy apple and walk towards your destination. ]


["No way, Kitagawa-senpai really said that he wants to propose to Karuizawa-san tonight?"]

["I heard that the fireworks for the proposal were specially customized. I have a relative who works in the logistics of this fireworks display. The Kitagawa family did buy an area to set off the fireworks they purchased."]

["Isn't sixteen too early? After all, Karuizawa-san and Kitagawa-senpai have only been dating for more than ten days."]

["People like it. Young masters from such wealthy families don't always do whatever they want."]

["Hey, hey, if you really propose using fireworks on an occasion like tonight, the girl's name will be on the news tomorrow."]

["I'm super envious. That Karuizawa actually has such a boyfriend, and even sent us all messages in a show off."]

[Among the chattering group of girls, Karuizawa Megumi unnaturally echoed the questions of the girls around her, trying her best to appear less nervous. She held the phone she had just hung up tightly, and the one next to her called The girls who came over and bullied her have now become her most solid protection network. ]

[She will never accept the ending of breaking up with you, even if she piles lies on top of lies. ]

[Karuizawa Megumi took a deep breath. Wearing a blue yukata, she smelled like a rose today. It was the perfume he gave her. ]


[For the thirteenth time, Ichinose Honami heard the cold electronic voice of "The number you dialed has been turned off, please try again later" coming from the receiver of her mobile phone. Every time she heard it, she clenched the shape of something in her hand. The strength increased until you could see the veins protruding from the snow-white wrists. ]

[Ichinose Honami is an outstanding talent. The difference between her and you is that she grasped the essence of Karuizawa Megumi earlier. She clearly knows that Karuizawa Megumi will never let go of you. It was a life-saving straw that you finally got, but after you listened to her past and accepted her weaknesses, she became a...parasite that you can't get rid of. ]

[The fourteenth call failed. Ichinose Honami threw the phone into the nearby grass. The distance between her and Karuizawa Megumi was now fifty meters. She could clearly see the surroundings of Karuizawa Megumi. In the circle of girls, this expected ending made her sneer. ]

[The closer the time came, the calmer her mind became. When Hanami Ichinose stayed in the woods, a deep and quiet boredom filled her heart, as if she no longer missed anything. , it was like nothing mattered. At this moment, she finally no longer had to worry about her family, her classmates, or others. This kind of forgetfulness made her feel a kind of peace that she had not seen for a long time, a bottomless peace. ]

[Obviously she still regretted yesterday and wanted to go back to the previous time point, whether it was when she buried Hotaru, or when the two of them were hiking, or even when she went to the hospital to visit you for the first time, but now Ichinose Hon Bo no longer thinks about these possibilities because she is already in this reality. ]

[She saw the boy walking towards here with two apple candies. As he approached Karuizawa Megumi, he was obviously stunned. ]

[Sure enough, he didn't expect that Karuizawa Megumi would want to take advantage of his tenderness and show off his pity to delay the hypocritical relationship at the end. If he understood emotions that well, I won't spend such a long time on myself unnecessarily. ]

[Ichinose Honami opened the greeting card in his hand. This birthday card was not thrown into the fire and swallowed up by the flames as you thought at the time. Instead, it was thrown into the corridor and was later picked up by Ichinose. Fanbo picked it up. ]

["I hope you can trust your own soul and make judgments. I hope you can care more about yourself. If there is a situation where you have to sacrifice yourself to save others, don't abandon yourself without hesitation. You are not really An omnipotent angel, let alone a prisoner born with original sin."]

[She... still can't seem to do it. ]

[Just like now, she just wants to give up herself again for you, for the person she likes, and solve the problem of Karuizawa Megumi once and for all. ]

[Ichinose Honami put away the sword in her right hand and walked towards it silently. ]


[The moment you saw the girls surrounding Karuizawa Megumi, you understood her self-righteous tricks, but what arose in your heart at the first moment was not the anger of being betrayed, but an inexplicable sadness. . ]

[Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to the other person's confession then, maybe you shouldn't have accepted the other person's past then, maybe...]

[There is an eerie atmosphere spreading in the air, and the fragrance of roses has a somewhat rotten meaning in this atmosphere. ]

[You take a step forward. ]

[The person approaching Karuizawa Megumi faster than you is another figure. Her shadow hits you in front of you, and the shadow's right hand shines with cold light. ]

[The blade struck at Karuizawa Megumi's chest like an arrow that had taken off its string. ]

[You step forward instinctively. The speed at this moment is so fast that even you feel unbelievable. ]

[The cold touch is accompanied by pain, and you feel that the power is constantly draining out of the body without obeying the will, as if all the bones are broken. The end of the optic nerve seemed to be cut off, and the information entering the pupil became increasingly thinner. Soon, darkness finally fell. ]

[The last thing that catches your sight is the grand fireworks blooming in the sky. ]

[Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked Ichinose Honami's blade from stabbing Karuizawa Megumi. Under the grief and shock of the two people's eyes, you died. ]

[This simulation lasts for fourteen days. You can choose a talent to keep. This talent will be automatically used in the subsequent simulation. ]

[Congratulations to the player for reaching the ending: Fantasy]

[Huanmeng: You failed to save anyone, but the good news is: you no longer have to see a more cruel future with your own eyes. Just like a fantasy, please sleep peacefully. ]

ps: The second simulation is over. It is estimated that there will never be such a long simulation again in the future. Although some readers complained that the progress was too slow, I personally liked this simulation very much. All the foreshadowings that can be recycled are recycled. I'm very happy that I tried my best to write the plot I wanted to write_(:з」∠)_

ps2: Thank you to all readers for reading, as well as recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards and blades. Thank you for your support.

ps3: No need for youth or anything like that. No need for friends or anything like that. The most important thing is to protect myself. For this, I will pay any price. I am a parasite, a weak creature that cannot survive alone. ——Karuizawa Megumi

Taking an excerpt from the original work, Karuizawa Megumi's character is what it is, and Ichinose's character has been mentioned before. Both of them have problems, so this is the ending.

Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance: Chapter 23: The Third Simulation

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement "First Clearance" and receiving a talent refresh card (purple)]

[Talent Refresh Card (Purple): Any talent can be refreshed, and the new talent level must be purple]

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement "I Want It All" and obtaining a permanent talent level]

[I want them all: the number of plot CGs triggered in one simulation is greater than or equal to three]

[Permanent talent grid: The player's initial talent is increased by one grid, and six initial talents can currently be drawn. ]

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement "Girlfriends in Pairs" and receiving a talent upgrade card]

[Girlfriends in pairs: gain the favor of two important female characters in the plot in one simulation]

[Talent upgrade card: The selected talent can be upgraded by one quality. Golden talents cannot be upgraded and are applicable to initial talents and solidified talents]

[Congratulations to the player for achieving the achievement "Remorse" and receiving a temporary talent card]

[Regret: Reaching the Bad End for the first time]

[Temporary talent card: It can be used at any time during the simulation process. After using it, the player will definitely get a talent that is beneficial to the current situation, and the quality is random]

[The goal of clearing the first chapter: to find the turning point in Ichinose Honami's life and correct it. It has been completed. The final comprehensive score is 69 points]

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the first chapter, the corresponding rating level rewards are being drawn for the player. ]

[Congratulations to the player for receiving the reward item: Ichinose Honami's Blessing]

[Blessing of Honami Ichinose: When extracting the initial talent, you will never get the white talent]

[The current highest score: 69 points]

[The remaining number of simulations in the first chapter is three times. Players can choose to simulate the first chapter again, or they can choose to end the first chapter with a comprehensive score of 69 points. The remaining three simulations will be graded at a 69-point score. By default, the simulation is completed and rewards are issued. ]


Touching the screen mechanically, Liang was still immersed in the afterglow of the second simulation for a long time. The lifelike characters and sincere feelings in the second simulation were more attractive to him than the rewards he received later. So much so that when the screen automatically returned to the very beginning of the game, he was still thinking about the girl in the story, Honami Ichinose.

Originally, Liang thought that this time he had drawn a golden talent like "One Promise Thousand Gold", which can be said to be a basic goodwill, and the progress of the second simulation should be smoother. However, what he did not expect was that the ending of the second simulation was still the same. It's a tragedy. Although the game finally determined that he had indeed cleared the first chapter and completed the task of changing Hanami Ichinose's past, it can be seen from the final system score of only 69 points that he did not completely clear the level.

On the initial interface of the game, the title of Chapter 2 is already lit. After completing Chapter 1, it becomes unlocked.

"The Lies of Autumn by Megumi Karuizawa."

"Is she the protagonist of the second chapter?"

Ryo frowned slightly. Unlike Ichinose Honami's situation, he was not very familiar with Karuizawa Megumi yet, but judging from the second simulation, what this girl encountered and faced were difficult. He is even worse than the protagonist of the first chapter, Honami Ichinose, and his character is more twisted.

Just as his eyes were a little sore, Liang simply put down his phone, closed his eyes and recalled the entire process of the second simulation from beginning to end.

Fake love, her and his cat, actors and the final fireworks. He could feel the struggle and entanglement of Ichinose Honami through the lines of the words, as well as the last knife she stabbed for him. He thought like this, Ryo himself was somewhat glad that the simulation was over. He had no way of imagining what would happen to Honami Ichinose who personally assassinated his childhood sweetheart, nor did he want to imagine it.

She deserved a better ending.

Liang flushed his face with cold water, reopened the game, and chose the first chapter without hesitation:

[The summer of Ichinose Honami reappears. ]

"Then let this summer come again."


"If I keep my talents, the most valuable talents last time were actually the golden 'Tokyo Handsome Guy', the purple 'Tokyo Handsome Guy', and the blue 'Flower Protector'. In fact, looking back now, 'Tokyo Handsome Guy' and 'Flower Protector' 'This is also the hidden reason for the second simulated BE. Megumi Karuizawa is attracted to Karuizawa because of her high personal charm. If there is no flower protector, there may not be enough time to block the knife in the end. Although not blocking it should be a BE. ."

"The importance of a promise is not only that it is a golden talent, but also that it can raise Ichinose Honami's favor to a higher level from the beginning, so if you want to keep it, it is best to choose this one."

Ryo sat back down at the table and quickly thought about making a decision.

[You choose to keep the "One Promise Thousand Gold" (golden talent)]

[A promise of a thousand pieces of gold (gold): You are very lucky. You and the heroine of this chapter have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. You and she have been in your youth. Your lives are intertwined with each other and will never be separated. At any time, you are both You will not leave another person alone, even if you are unexpectedly stubborn, shameless or nosy at certain times. (That is the person who accompanies you through the campus, through rumors, and through the years, day after day, from childishness to maturity)]

"It always feels... slightly ironic."

[This talent has been solidified. Do you want to start the third simulation? ]

[Ding-The life restart simulator simulation has been started. ]

[Ask players to name their characters]

[The player chooses to name Kitagawa Ryo]


[The third simulation of the first chapter will be carried out next. ]

[Chapter: Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance]

[Six talents have been selected for players, as follows:]

[Unforgettable (gold): You have an extremely mysterious past, and you can't remember too much of it, as if the past memories have been taken away out of thin air. (Drawing this talent can unlock the hidden endings 'Oedipus King' and 'Salvation')]

[Oedipus the King: Destiny will always catch up with you until you achieve the future it has chosen for you]

[Save: Then let's make a promise here, we will go a long way together in the future]

"...I remember this talent appeared in the first simulation, but it was called Heart-piercing, a purple talent, and it didn't appear in the simulation."

Looking through his previous notes, Liang found the previous description.

"As for these two endings, it seems that one is HE and the other is BE."

[Love Expert (Purple): Your understanding of women's psychology is extremely subtle, and you can easily gain their favor. (This talent has certain negative effects)]