
COTE: Harem Route

Well, I have always liked Classroom of the Elite novels and also the anime. And well, suffice to say, this fanfiction is just my take on how it can go down the harem route. The trigger of the change I set up is when Kushida is trying to blackmail Ayanokoji. And instead of just getting blackmailed by Kushida, Ayanokoji fools Kushida at that moment and starts to blackmail her in return. Well, I will also change how Ayanokoji changes his interactions with Sakura Airi and Ichinose Honami and even Chabashira Sae. Well, I hope you all like it. ~~ A/N: This is a reupload of the fanfic as I have removed some of the redundant scenarios that were the same as in the original. So...You can enjoy this fanfic purely. I hope you all like it.

Evil_Villain · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Kissing Ichinose Honami

Surprise flickered across his otherwise impassive expression. It was Ichinose Honami, the radiant Class B leader, her normally bright demeanor dimmed with worry. Her signature blonde hair, with a hint of strawberry, cascaded down her shoulders, framing her delicate features.


He opened the door a crack, his voice devoid of any inflection as he inquired, "Ichinose-san?"


"Ayanokoji-kun," she responded, her voice barely a whisper. "May I come in? It's urgent."


Ayanokoji considered her request for a moment. There was an earnestness in her eyes that piqued his curiosity. Finally, he stepped aside, allowing her to enter the room.


 "Come in," he said simply, stepping aside to allow her entrance.


Ichinose entered the room, her eyes flitting nervously around the sparsely furnished space. Ayanokoji closed the door behind her with a quiet click. He gestured towards the chair across from him. "Please, sit down."


Ichinose sat down gingerly, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. The silence stretched for a few moments, thick with unspoken tension. Finally, Ayanokoji broke the silence.


"Would you like tea?" Ayanokoji finally offered, breaking the ice.


Ichinose shook her head, her voice barely audible. "No, thank you. Ayanokoji-kun… I… I need your help."


"This is about the exam, isn't it, Ichinose-san?" he asked, his voice devoid of any inflection.


"Yes," she continued, her voice trembling slightly. "I want to make sure none of my classmates get expelled. But…"


She took a deep breath, her voice hardening with resolve. "The point requirement is simply too high. Even with everyone pooling their points, we still fall short. By quite a bit, actually."


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow. This wasn't entirely unexpected. He knew Class B's focus on cooperation would likely hinder them in this individualistic exam.


"How much are you short?" he inquired, his voice devoid of curiosity.


Ichinose bit her lip, her face flushing a darker shade of crimson. "A little over 4 million," she mumbled. "I… I've been considering all sorts of options. But they all seem so…"


Her voice trailed off, her eyes pleading for understanding. Ayanokoji remained impassive, but a flicker of something, perhaps amusement, crossed his features.


"Are you considering to seek help from Nagumo, perhaps?" he said, his voice flat.


Ichinose's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected him to know about her plans. "You… you know?" she stammered, her voice barely a squeak.


Ayanokoji offered a curt nod.


"Indeed. Nagumo's offer is tempting, I presume," he said finally, his voice a low murmur. "Private points in exchange for… companionship."


Ichinose flinched at the bluntness of his words. A crimson blush crept up her neck, painting her cheeks a delicate shade of rose. "It's… not ideal," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I wouldn't want any of my classmates to be expelled. I have to explore all options."


Ayanokoji observed her, his sharp gaze dissecting her every emotion. He understood her sense of duty, the unwavering dedication she held for her class. However, the idea of Nagumo preying on her desperation did not sit well with him.


A plan began to formulate in his mind, a way to ensure Ichinose wouldn't stoop to such a level. He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers in a contemplative gesture.


"There might be another solution, Ichinose-san," he said slowly, his voice devoid of any emotion.


Ichinose's head snapped up, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. "Another solution?" she echoed, her voice laced with disbelief. "But how? We've already exhausted all our resources."


A mischievous glint, a rare occurrence on his face, flickered in Ayanokoji's eyes. He stood up abruptly, his movements smooth and deliberate. Ichinose watched him warily, unsure of what to expect.


He rounded his desk and approached her, his gaze unwavering. A shiver ran down Ichinose's spine as he stopped mere inches away, his presence filling the small room. His usual emotionless expression remained unchanged, yet a strange intensity emanated from him.


Then, without warning, he reached out and cupped her face in his hand, his touch sending a jolt through her. Before she could react, he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against hers.


The kiss was unexpected, a sudden assault on her senses. His lips were firm, demanding in a way she hadn't experienced before. His tongue explored her mouth, a silent battle for dominance.


Her hands flew to his chest, a flicker of resistance quickly giving way to a surge of unfamiliar heat blossoming deep within her.


His touch was electric. His hands, surprisingly warm, slid beneath her school uniform shirt, caressing the soft skin of her waist. A gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of shock and a burgeoning awareness of desire.


The kiss finally ended, leaving them both breathless and slightly disoriented. Ayanokoji pulled back, his expression unreadable as he stared into her flushed face. There was a spark in his eyes, something akin to challenge, yet laced with a peculiar intensity.


"Remember this, Ichinose-san," he murmured, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down her spine. "Remember this kiss, this feeling."


His words held a deeper meaning, one that resonated beyond the physical touch. It was a promise, a warning, a calculated maneuver that left her head spinning.


"I will help you," he continued, his voice returning to its usual flatness. "I will help you gather the remaining private points. But you, Ichinose-san, must forget about Nagumo. Completely."


Ichinose stared at him, her mind reeling. The kiss, his touch, his unexpected offer – it was all so overwhelming. Yet, a sense of relief washed over her. She wouldn't have to submit to Nagumo's vile conditions.


"I… I understand," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. Her cheeks burned with a blush that extended all the way to her ears. "Thank you, Ayanokoji-kun. I… I trust you."


"So," Ayanokoji began, his voice devoid of emotion, "let's discuss your options."


He laid out his plan meticulously, dissecting the problem like a surgeon with a scalpel. His eyes, devoid of any warmth, held a glint of strategic brilliance.


"The most straightforward solution," he said, "would be to gather the points ourselves. However, given the limited timeframe, that's an unlikely path."


Ichinose nodded, understanding the difficulty.


"Therefore," Ayanokoji continued, "we need to exploit an external source."


He paused, his gaze locking onto hers. "And that source," he declared, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips, "lies with Class D."


Ichinose's brows furrowed in confusion. "Class D?" she echoed, a flicker of doubt clouding her features. "But how?"


Ayanokoji leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Ryuen Kakeru, the former leader of Class D, is most likely in possession of a substantial amount of private points. As the overlord of his class, he hoarded most of their collective wealth."


A flicker of surprise crossed Ichinose's face. She hadn't considered Ryuen's possible stockpile.


"However," Ayanokoji continued, "Ryuen has fallen from grace. With a new leader at the helm, his control over those points is tenuous."


Here, Ayanokoji explained the precarious situation within Class D. The upcoming exam, a special class vote where students could nominate and expel each other, threatened Ryuen's very existence in the school.


"The new leader," Ayanokoji stated, "will inevitably demand the transfer of all those private points."


He watched as understanding dawned on Ichinose's face. A spark of excitement ignited in her blue eyes.


"So," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, "we need to influence this new leader?"


Ayanokoji nodded curtly. "Precisely. There's a chance, a slim one, that you can convince one of Ryuen's… associates to see things differently."


He explained the gamble. Ichinose, the embodiment of Class B's cooperative spirit, needed to convince a student in the notorious Class D, known for their cutthroat methods, to defy the new leader and protect Ryuen.


"Focus on those who might harbor a sense of loyalty towards Ryuen," Ayanokoji instructed, listing names. "Ishizaki, Ibuki, Albert. Appeal to their desire to see Class D rise through the rankings. Emphasize that Ryuen's expulsion weakens their class."


"But wouldn't the majority of the Class D still vote to expel Ryuen anyway?" Ichinose argued, her voice laced with concern.


Ayanokoji smiled faintly. "Indeed. Which is why we need another play."


He explained the crucial aspect of his plan – praise votes. In this class vote exam, students could also anonymously cast votes in praise of someone, a mechanism to prevent a complete witch hunt.


"If Class B," Ayanokoji said, his voice low, "were to cast praise votes for Ryuen, it would shift the balance. A show of unexpected support."


Ichinose's eyes widened. She understood now.


By securing Ryuen's safety via Class B's praise votes, she could leverage that favor. She would convince Ryuen's loyalists to transfer the points before the new leader claimed them.


"Ryuen, being Ryuen," Ayanokoji continued, "undoubtedly possesses far more than the required 4 million points. This negotiation becomes a win-win situation for both parties."


Excitement bubbled within Ichinose. This plan, daring and unorthodox, offered a glimmer of hope. It relied on manipulation, on exploiting the internal conflicts within Class D, but it was their only viable option.


"It's… a brilliant plan, Ayanokoji-kun!" she exclaimed, a wide smile breaking across her face. "I never would have thought of this!"


Ayanokoji remained impassive, but a flicker of something, perhaps amusement, crossed his features. This gambit, a calculated risk, had ignited a spark of determination in Ichinose.