
COTE: Harem Route

Well, I have always liked Classroom of the Elite novels and also the anime. And well, suffice to say, this fanfiction is just my take on how it can go down the harem route. The trigger of the change I set up is when Kushida is trying to blackmail Ayanokoji. And instead of just getting blackmailed by Kushida, Ayanokoji fools Kushida at that moment and starts to blackmail her in return. Well, I will also change how Ayanokoji changes his interactions with Sakura Airi and Ichinose Honami and even Chabashira Sae. Well, I hope you all like it. ~~ A/N: This is a reupload of the fanfic as I have removed some of the redundant scenarios that were the same as in the original. So...You can enjoy this fanfic purely. I hope you all like it.

Evil_Villain · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Ayanokoji Finds Out Nagumo's Plan For Ichinose

The early morning sun cast long shadows across the path as Ayanokoji Kiyotaka headed towards the school building. As he rounded a corner, he came face-to-face with Honami Ichinose, her signature shy smile gracing her lips.


"Ayanokoji-kun! What a coincidence," she exclaimed, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. The memory of their stolen kiss on Valentine's Day still lingered in her mind, sending a flutter to her heart.


Ayanokoji's expression remained unreadable, a flat affect that contrasted sharply with Ichinose's vibrant emotions. "Good morning, Ichinose-san," he greeted with a curt nod. "Are you also heading to class?"


"Yes," Ichinose replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Would you like to walk together?"


Ayanokoji hesitated for a beat, then nodded. "Very well." As they walked side-by-side, an awkward silence settled between them.


Ichinose stole glances at Ayanokoji, her heart pounding in her chest. She wanted to say something, anything, to break the ice, but felt a strange paralysis in his presence.


Finally, she blurted out, "This special exam… I want to save all of my classmates, Ayanokoji-kun."


Ayanokoji raised an eyebrow, a flicker of interest passing through his emotionless eyes. "Saving everyone," he repeated, "would require acquiring twenty million private points. Quite an ambitious goal, wouldn't you say?"


Ichinose nodded fervently. "I know, it's almost impossible. But I'm trying everything I can think of. I've been gathering private points from the upperclassmen, offering to run errands or help with tutoring."


Ayanokoji listened intently, his expression unreadable. "I see," he said finally. "And what about the praise votes? Are you planning to use any of them strategically?"


Ichinose's cheeks flushed again. "Well, actually…" she mumbled, "if you needed them, Ayanokoji-kun, I would be happy to…"


Her voice trailed off as they rounded a corner and bumped into a group of students. It was Nazuna Asahina, a student council representative from Class A of Second Year.


"Well, well, well," she drawled, her eyes lingering on Honami. "If it isn't our precious Class B saint, and the stoic Ayanokoji-kun. Fancy meeting you two here."


Ichinose curtsied politely. "Good morning, Asahina-senpai."


Ayanokoji offered a curt nod. "Asahina-senpai."


Ayanokoji's gaze flickered towards Honami for a split second. "Ichinose-san," he said, his voice calm, "would you mind going ahead to your classroom? I want to have a few words with Asahina-senpai."


Ichinose hesitated for a moment, then bowed again. "Of course, Ayanokoji-kun. See you later." With a worried glance back at him, she scurried off.


As soon as Ichinose was gone, Asahina's smile took on a sharper edge. "Now," she said, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "about the situation in Class B…"


Ayanokoji leaned in slightly, and they spent the next few minutes engaged in a quiet conversation. Asahina mentioned a rumor circulating among the upperclassmen, a possibility so outrageous it made Ayanokoji's eyes narrow for the briefest of moments.


"Nagumo might be willing to offer Ichinose-san the points she needs," Asahina said, her voice laced with amusement. "Of course, there would be some… expectations in return. More like… offer her a lifeline in exchange for a little… companionship."


Ayanokoji's mind raced. Nagumo could potentially see Ichinose's desperation as a means to manipulate her. He could use the promise of securing the necessary points to gain her trust and possibly even… affection.


The thought sparked a flicker of something akin to annoyance deep within Ayanokoji. He wasn't sure if it was the prospect of Nagumo weaseling his way into Ichinose's good graces or the mere possibility of anyone disrupting his carefully constructed plans for Class C.


"Interesting," he finally said, his voice a low murmur. "But is there any truth to this rumor, Asahina-senpai?"


Asahina shrugged, her playful demeanor returning. "Who knows? Nagumo's a sly fox, always keeping his cards close. But hey," she said, nudging him gently with her elbow, "maybe you should warn your sweet Ichinose-chan before the bad boy sweeps her off her feet."


Ayanokoji met her gaze, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes for a fleeting moment. "Perhaps I will," he said, his voice flat. He knew full well that Ichinose was naive and idealistic. A nudge in the right direction might be necessary to prevent her from falling victim to Nagumo's machinations.


But his concern wasn't entirely altruistic. Ichinose, with her influence within Class B, could be a valuable asset in the coming Class Vote. If Nagumo managed to gain control over her, it would complicate Ayanokoji's strategy significantly.


As they reached the school building, their conversation came to an end. Asahina, with a final wink, disappeared into the bustling hallway, leaving Ayanokoji alone with his thoughts.


He watched Ichinose's retreating figure enter the building, then turned and headed towards his own classroom.


The morning lessons passed in a blur of textbooks and lectures. Ayanokoji absorbed the information with his usual efficiency, his mind already strategizing for the upcoming exam. The lunch bell finally rang, a welcome break from the monotony of academia.


He decided to visit the library, seeking a quiet corner to spend his lunch break. His usual routine was to enjoy a solitary lunch and then go to the library to spend the rest of his lunch break alone. But today, something different awaited him. As he entered the library, his eyes fell upon a solitary figure perched at a table nestled amongst towering bookshelves, diligently engrossed in a book – Hiyori Shiina of Class D.


A flicker of surprise, a subtle deviation from his usual impassive expression, flitted across Ayanokoji's face for a fleeting moment.


Intrigued by this unexpected encounter, Ayanokoji decided to forgo his usual secluded spot. Instead, he walked with measured steps towards the vacant seat opposite Hiyori. As he approached, he offered a curt nod, a silent acknowledgment of her presence. Hiyori, startled by the unexpected sound, looked up from her book. Her eyes widened in recognition, a hint of apprehension flickering across her normally serene face.


"Ayanokoji-kun," she said, her voice a soft murmur. "Hello."


He gave a barely perceptible nod in response and settled into the chair without further ado. Silence descended upon them once again, punctuated only by the rhythmic turning of pages as they both immersed themselves in their respective books. The quiet companionship was not unwelcome, a stark contrast to the usual solitude Ayanokoji embraced.


The thirty minutes of lunch break passed in a blur of turning pages and the gentle murmur of air conditioning. As the final chime echoed through the library signifying the end of the break, Ayanokoji closed his book with a soft snap, momentarily breaking the comfortable silence.


"Hiyori," he began, his voice devoid of any inflection. "How is Ryuuen dealing with his predicament?"


Hiyori's smile faltered slightly, a shadow of concern crossing her features. "Not well," she confessed.


Ayanokoji observed her thoughtfully. "He's always been reckless," he mused, "but he wouldn't be a leader if he didn't learn from his mistakes."


Hiyori sighed, a soft sound that barely ruffled the stillness of the library. "I just hope he can turn things around," she said. "Class D needs a leader, even if it is a flawed one."


Ayanokoji remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on a point beyond Hiyori's shoulder. Then, he spoke, his voice devoid of any personal sentiment. "You should be careful, Hiyori. Getting expelled can have serious consequences."


Hiyori tilted her head, her gaze searching his. "Are you worried about me, Ayanokoji-kun?" she asked, a hint of amusement playing on her lips.


Ayanokoji's expression remained unchanged. "In a manner of speaking," he replied. "Losing classmates weakens the class. I don't want your class to be weakened further."


Hiyori's smile returned, but this time it held a touch of sadness. "I understand," she said. "Just… don't get yourself expelled alright? I don't want to lose any more friends."


Ayanokoji met her gaze for a long moment, his eyes unreadable. He didn't respond with words, but a flicker of something, perhaps acknowledgement, perhaps something else entirely, passed through his usually emotionless facade. The silence stretched between them for a beat before Ayanokoji rose from his seat.


"I appreciate the company, Hiyori," he said, his voice flat. "Until next time."


Without another word, he turned and walked away, his solitary figure disappearing into the maze of bookshelves.