
COTE : Everything about power (R-18)

Hello ShirooYuki here~~ I am looking for new experiences and challenges by publishing my second novel. So give it a try and Please give me a review because I always read and follow the advice from the reviews you give!!! I will try to upload 7k-9k Character / Chapter in this novel so Cheer me up!!!! ================================================================================ This is a Classroom of the elite fan fiction that have a Harem and R-18 elements in this novel. Why? because why not?? . Just try to read first, if you dont like it just drop it and if you love it, Make sure to add this to your library!. See ya! ~~ =============================================================================== Theres an additional genre tags that i will add it in the future. ( If you know what genre i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) if you have read my last novel, you should know what tags lol :). ================================= Want to read advanced chapter? Give me your stone to this novel to reach the milestone that will give you bonus chapter per day!!! 200-300 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapters / Day 301-400 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapter / day 401-500 Power Stones = 3 Bonus Chapter / day Want to support me? You can join as member in my P4TR30N p4treon.com/ShirooYuki ( Change 4 to a) See ya!!

ShirooYuki · Anime & Comics
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103 Chs

Chapter 98 : Counting the seasons that have passed


(A/N: Prepare your tissues!!!

Anyway, actually sometimes I start streaming games in the evenings during my time. As you know I am Indonesian as I mentioned in the author's complaint chapter, so I stream games in my native language but if you want to stop by and watch my gameplay and leave comments in chat, I will reply in English of course!! .

Fun fact, before I started diving into the world of anime, manga and novels, I was one of those people who often lost track of time when playing games because as time went by my laptop wasn't strong enough to play games nowadays, I switched my hobby to now, hehehe.

However, after I upgraded to PC, I can play again!!!!

So if you want to watch my gameplay, just go to my YouTube, which I will include the link in the comments of this paragraph

The games I'm currently playing are CS2, Rainbow Six Siege and Naraka


The season is mid-August, a little past the time known as Obon, but there are still many people who will go to visit graves. 

However, there's a place I absolutely must go. So, despite the current lockdown, I wear my school uniform and make my way to the advanced development high school I attend. There are no teachers or students present, of course, but the administrative office is open.

While leaving the school premises without permission is strictly prohibited, once permission is granted, leaving is allowed.

So I make my way to the faculty entrance and as I step inside to write my permission slip, a voice comes from behind.

"Oh, are you Horagasaki-kun from Class 2-C?"

It's a man in his forties to early fifties with a gentle demeanor who addresses me. I'm not quite sure who he is, but I figure I should greet him.

"Ah, hello. I'm Jin Horagasaki from Class 2-C..."

"I never expected to have a chance to talk to you... I've heard quite interesting things about you from my daughter Arisu."

Oh, this must be the chairman of the school. And he's Arisu's father. But why does it feel like he's prying into my daughter's affairs? Am I the only one who finds this awkward?

"I appreciate your kindness."

"Haha, there's no need to be so formal. It seems you're quite popular, but I've also heard you're good friends with Ayanokoji-kun. Is that true?"

"Well... yes, we're friends."

"I see. I'd be happy if you continue to get along with Arisu in the future."

"Yes, of course."

"So, what brings you here?"

With that, Chairman Sakayanagi gets straight to the point. I express what I want to say directly and tell him that I want to go out for just today.

As the chairman, he should have the final say. If worst comes to worst and I can't go, then I can't, but I really want to make up for not being able to go last year.

"Hmm... what's the reason?"

"The reason is... to greet someone important to me."

"I see... You should know that leaving the school premises is prohibited, right?"

"Yes, but the documents say, 'Leaving without permission is prohibited,' so as long as permission is granted, it should be fine, right?"

"That's correct. Hmm... let's arrange for a car. Horagasaki-kun, it's purely coincidental that I stopped by here today. Ordinarily, I wouldn't be able to arrange for a car."

Chairman Sakayanagi says this jokingly with a wry smile. I'm truly grateful. I really must go today.

Then, a black Century, which must have been arranged, is parked outside the school gate.

"Oh, by the way, there's a surprise in the car, so it should help pass the time."


Not quite understanding, I obediently get into the back seat of the Century. The driver also seems friendly and smiles when I say, "Please," responding with a "Go ahead."

As I open the car door and sit down, I turn to the side.

"There you are, Horagasaki-kun."

There sits Arisu Sakayanagi, the chairman's daughter. Ah, so this must be what Chairman Sakayanagi meant by passing the time. Well, it'll pass the time, so it's fine.

The car leaves the school premises and gets on the highway.

"I assume you're questioning why I'm here?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

"I heard you were planning to go out, so I thought I'd come along. Is that bothersome?"

With teary eyes and a pleading look, I can't just say no.

"It's fine, really."

"I see. So, where are you going?"

"That's right..."

After about a two-hour drive, we arrive at our destination. 

I get out of the car, and the driver is instructed to wait here. I take Arisu's hand, help her out of the car, and she blushes, murmuring only, "Thank you."

"So, this is... a cemetery."

"Yes, I absolutely have to come here."

"I see..."

Under the clear sky with not a cloud in sight, on the gravel-covered ground with lush green grass, I walk between graves with Arisu's hand in mine. And after walking for a while, we arrive at a particular grave. It's my first time coming here at this time of year, but I could never forget this place.

"Is this... your family's grave, Horagasaki-kun?"

"Well... it's my older sister's grave, I suppose."

I put on the rosary I brought with me, fold my hands together, and close my eyes while squatting down. Beside me, Arisu also joins her hands together, even though she doesn't have a rosary.

"It's been a while, big sis... It's hot, huh? I'm the same age as you now."

It's just me talking to myself, but I share what's on my mind. Arisu wears a gentle smile as she listens to my story.

"If you don't mind, could you tell me about it?"

"About me and my sister?"

"Yes, it may be insensitive to ask, but I know nothing about you, Horagasaki-kun."

"I see, well, this might be the first time I've talked about my sister to you."

I reflect on the past and open up to Arisu about myself.

"See, my mother wasn't around, and my father was a manager at a company, but he was a terrible person. He never came home because of work, so my sister, who was two years older than me, and I lived together. My sister was frail, so I mostly took care of the household chores by myself. Then, soon after, my father committed suicide, and despite her fragile health, my sister quit school and started working to support me."


Listening to my story with a pained expression, Arisu. To others, just this part alone would be difficult to hear.

"When my sister passed away, I was in a daze... My brain was rejecting reality. So I avoided talking about my sister, and because of that, many people think I'm an only child..."

"I see..."

"In middle school, I was a delinquent. Looking back, it's embarrassing... I caused a lot of trouble. I might have been scolded the most by my sister back then."

"Your sister sounds amazing to scold you, Horagasaki-kun..."

"Haha, she was kind and reliable, much stronger than me. But, I regret something... I wish I could have let my sister go to school. I should have worked so she could go..."


ーーー Two years ago ーーー January 30th, around 6:00 p.m.

About five months after my father passed away, after meeting Ichinose and being unsure about my future for a while, I received a call on my cell phone.

"Is this Jin Horagasaki's number?"

"Huh? Yeah, but who's this?"

"I'm from XX General Hospital. Is your sister's name Mina Horagasaki?"

"Yeah, but..."

As soon as I heard it was from the hospital, chills ran down my spine, and I felt a cold sweat break out all over my body.

"Your sister collapsed earlier and was taken to the hospital by ambulance."

As soon as I heard those words, my mind went blank. I hung up immediately and ran as fast as I could to the hospital. I raced up the stairs, burst into the room, and there she was, lying in bed with an oxygen tank, looking distressed.

"Haa,haaa ... Big sis!"

Even now, I can't forget. At that moment, I burst into the hospital room and weakly grasped my sister's hand as she lay on the bed. Her hand was warm, gentle, and reminiscent of nostalgia.

Slowly opening her eyelids, my sister removed the oxygen mask with trembling hands and gently placed it aside, then she overlapped her hands with mine.

"...You worry too much... Jin."

"It's normal to worry! Big sis, I'll work. I won't go to high school. I'll make life easier for you. My life is fine as long as you're here! So please, don't push yourself for my sake anymore!"

"No... You shouldn't sacrifice your life for your big sister's sake. You should go to high school."

"Why! Why does only big sis have to suffer while I get to have good memories! Because of that guy's suicide, big sis had to struggle..."

"Don't blame it all on Dad. Got it? Listen carefully. There are kids out there who are suffering more than your big sister. Even so, I'm luckier than most."

"I don't know about that. Please, big sis, don't push yourself anymore!"

"Haha, I'm not pushing myself. Jin, you were born with a strong body capable of doing anything unlike me. Make the most of that and enjoy your youth for me."

"Why... Why..."

"Hm? What's wrong?"

With a gentle touch, my sister strokes my head. Even in this state, my sister, who cares more about me than herself, earns my respect.

"Why does big sis have to suffer like this... work for me, and because I'm not satisfied!"

"Haha, you're so kind. But your big sister has never thought of herself as unlucky."

Gradually, her words become softer, and I begin to feel my sister's pulse slowing down, realizing that she's slipping away. Once again, I felt afraid of losing something.

"Stop kidding... Don't leave me alone, Nee-chan!"

"Haha... It's been a while since I heard you call me that. If you have that much energy left, you'll be fine even without me."

"What are you saying... Nee-chan."

"Jin, let's cook together again, sew together, play cards together..."

At that moment, I realized that my vision was blurred with tears. But I didn't want to worry my sister, so I forced a smile and tightly held her cold hands in mine.

"Ah...! Let's make curry together next time!"

"Hehe, sounds good. But I'm sorry... I might not be able to fulfill that wish... I'm sorry, for being such a weak big sister."

"W-What are you saying... I wouldn't have made it this far without you, Nee-chan! And why can't it come true,Nee-chan!"

"Ne... Jin, I've had fun being with you for these 17 years."

"I've had fun too, so stop it. There's still plenty ahead... Nee-chan."

"Sorry, I'm already... feeling sleepy."

"H-Hey, Nee-chan!"

"Thank you, Jin. Being born as a kind child, you're my pride and joy as a brother... As long as you're happy, that's all I need, just that..."

"Huh... Nee-chan...?"

As my sister's words began to fade, I felt an unbearable panic gripping my heart. At that moment, the strength in the hand I was holding weakened, growing colder, like an empty shell devoid of life. 

The electronic alarm of the heart monitor sounded a continuous beep, signaling cardiac arrest, a hellish buzzer ringing in my ears. In the next moment, I saw teachers rushing over to my sister, performing CPR on her, and my vision started to blur as I clung desperately to her.

"...Hey Nee-chan, Nee-chan!"

Doctors grabbed my arms, restraining me to prevent me from interfering with my sister's resuscitation efforts. In a state of panic, I was oblivious, shedding tears and shouting desperately as I tried to break free.

"Let go! My sister, my sis is going to die!"

"Calm down!"

Despite the doctors' use of an AED to revive my sister, there was no sign of her waking up.

"Please, doctor! Save my sister! I'll do anything, even donate my heart for her transplant! I don't mind dying, please, save my sister!"

I pleaded desperately with the doctors, clinging to them, but they shook their heads.

"Unfortunately, your sister's and your heart are not suitable for donation. I'm sorry, but there's nothing more we can do..."

"W-What?! Are you kidding me... sis, sis!"

Outside, snow piled up in the cold season. In the hospital room, the empty electronic tones echoed emptily. The doctors confirmed my sister's death. At 7:37 PM, Mia Horagasaki passed away at the age of 17.


"A-Ah... Uwaaaahhh!!"

For the first time in my life, I cried bitterly. After my tears subsided, my eyes were bloodshot and swollen, my mind empty like a hollow shell. My mind went blank, and when I went to the mortuary to see my sister's body, her face was serene, her beautiful silver hair gleaming like a doll's, her lips turning purple, and the lack of blood flow was evident from her eyes. Her skin was pale and cold, yet I still tightly held her cold hand.

"Sis... I don't feel like I can go on living without you..."

After that, I wrote my sister's death certificate, but honestly, I don't remember much about that time. What I do remember is that at the funeral a few days later, my sister's classmates and others came to pay their respects.

"You're Jin, Mia-chan's little brother, right?"

"...Yeah, that's me."

"Mia-chan always talked about you happily at school, saying you were her proud and handsome little brother. Even when she had to leave school, she said it with a smile... She wanted to give you lots of delicious food, take you on trips, and make you happy... uh... uuhhh..."


Those words made me shed tears, remembering my sister's words, I vowed to live up to the feelings she entrusted to me.


"Being with my sister, I caused her a lot of trouble, got scolded a lot, but she was kind, and I couldn't go against her."

"I see... Horagasaki-kun, you're suffering too much."

"Well, yeah, but thanks for coming. My sister would probably be happy too."


Without saying anything, Sakayanagi bowed her head once more towards my sister's grave and turned on her heel. I'm glad I could come here too.

That's what I thought as I tried to head towards the car.

"You're... Jin, Mia-chan's brother, right?"

"Y-You're the one from the funeral..."

"That's right, you've grown so much, Jin-kun. And your vibe has changed..."

"Well, yeah... Why did you come all the way here?"

"Hehe, saying 'all the way' isn't very nice, you know? Mia-chan's classmates come to her grave every year. I couldn't make it due to some business, but I came today... Mia-chan was beautiful, cute, kind, strong, and popular."

"...It's because of sis, right?"

"Yeah, and... Oh, this is for you. From Mia-chan to you."


Handing me what looked like an envelope, I opened it to find a message written by my sister.

[To Jin,

You probably won't receive this until by the time you do, I'm not around anymore, but don't cry, read it. Anyway, the two words I want to give you are "Thank you" and "Do your best." That's it.

Yeah. Jin, you're my pride, a perfect and handsome little brother who can do anything. Thank you for being born.

If I were alive, I would have wanted to talk to you more about school events, places I wanted to go, and more. And there's one more thing you should do from now on.

You can do many things, so use your high abilities to help those in need, okay? Jin, you used to be quick to anger, always coming home after a fight, and seemed like a delinquent, but you're actually a kind child, and I wonder if you've become less short-tempered? Your big sister worries about that in heaven.

And don't play with girls' innocent feelings, okay? Surely, someday something bad will come back to you, and you'll get stabbed, you know? So, narrow down to one girl? Because it's you, I think you might be tempted to cheat... lol.

You're probably fully enjoying your youth now, Jin. You might meet friends and lovers, even more important than me.

There may be various difficulties ahead, but Jin, you can face them, right? Your big sister will be watching, expecting.♪

From Mia]

Unconsciously, tears blur my vision. Two or three drops of my tears fall onto the letter, and its contents even bring a smile to my face.

"Heh, hehe... What's up, sis? Are you spying on me? *sniff*..."

From behind, a handkerchief is offered to me, and Sakayanagi hands it to me.

Perhaps out of concern, I feel apologetic.

"Are you okay?"

"Thanks, Sakayanagi. And thank you for the letter."

"No problem. I was entrusted by Mia , after all. I didn't know when I would get the chance to hand it over, but I'm glad I could today."

"Thank you. Well then, I'll be going."

"Yeah, do your best at school."

"Hehe, I will."

With those words, she waves her hand, seeing us off. Holding Sakayanagi's hand, I make my way to the driver who's been waiting for us.

"(He really resembles Mia... *giggle* Jin-kun has become reliable, hasn't he? Don't you think so, Mia?)"

As I start walking away, a gentle, serene breeze flows from behind.

"Jin, your big sister is watching over you, you know. Don't hurt any girls, alright?"


Feeling as if I heard my sister's voice, I instinctively turn around, but there's no one there, just my sister's grave.

"Is everything alright?"

"...It's nothing. Shall we go?"

I hold Sakayanagi's hand as we walk, boarding the car and heading towards the premises of Advanced Nurturing High School. And so, my first outing beyond the school grounds at the beginning of high school comes to an end.

It felt like quite a long journey, surprisingly, but summer vacation still continues. Now, what shall we do for the rest of it?

[Mia Horagasaki]


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