
COTE : Everything about power (R-18)

Hello ShirooYuki here~~ I am looking for new experiences and challenges by publishing my second novel. So give it a try and Please give me a review because I always read and follow the advice from the reviews you give!!! I will try to upload 7k-9k Character / Chapter in this novel so Cheer me up!!!! ================================================================================ This is a Classroom of the elite fan fiction that have a Harem and R-18 elements in this novel. Why? because why not?? . Just try to read first, if you dont like it just drop it and if you love it, Make sure to add this to your library!. See ya! ~~ =============================================================================== Theres an additional genre tags that i will add it in the future. ( If you know what genre i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) if you have read my last novel, you should know what tags lol :). ================================= Want to read advanced chapter? Give me your stone to this novel to reach the milestone that will give you bonus chapter per day!!! 200-300 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapters / Day 301-400 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapter / day 401-500 Power Stones = 3 Bonus Chapter / day Want to support me? You can join as member in my P4TR30N p4treon.com/ShirooYuki ( Change 4 to a) See ya!!

ShirooYuki · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 67: Even if you fall, Get up again

After steadily earning points, I realized that the exam had reached the morning of the 13th day. It was time for the usual GPS search. First, I checked who was nearby. In the process, I noticed something unusual. Kiyotaka seemed to be surrounded like a first-year student and was trying to escape from there.

'It's begun...'

After observing for a while, I was able to detect Hosen with GPS, but Ryuen was also there. They probably intended to confront each other here. Well, the outcome is clear, and Hosenis quite disappointing. Since the opponent is Ryuen, he will probably resort to incredibly dirty tactics.

As the exam entered its final day, I checked the GPS search. It seemed that Kiyotaka was heading towards I2. There are no tasks here, and there shouldn't be anyone sharing a table. It's close by, but I have a bad feeling about it. But today is the final day... Kiyotaka's destination is I2.

At this point, something crossed my mind. It's not just the first-years trying to frame Kiyotaka; Director Tsukishiro is also involved. Perhaps this is a trap to lure him to that place. Thinking so, I destroyed my wristwatch with a nearby stone. It wouldn't be good if I were exposed to GPS. The destination is I2.

I increased my walking speed and paced faster to arrive as soon as possible. Suddenly, I saw Amasawa, who seemed on the verge of collapsing, clutching her abdomen. I couldn't help but call out to her.


Whether she noticed my voice or not, she showed a smile of relief and approached. Clearly something was wrong, so I hurried towards her. She couldn't stand properly and leaned towards me.

"What's wrong with you?"

"...Hehe, if Horagasaki-senpai is here, then everything's fine."

Amasawa, with her beautiful white skin, had noticeable marks on her arms. When I rolled up her sleeve, her body was covered in bruises, as if she had been struck multiple times. It's a miracle she can even stand like this.

"What happened to you?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you... But I think you can guess the timing... Well then, Senpai, I'll leave Ayanokoji-senpai to you. I still have things to do."

Saying so, she stood up and headed in the opposite direction from me. She must have had a confrontation there from the direction of I2.

"Hey, Amasawa... Don't push yourself."

"'Thanks, Senpai. Even though I'm a White Room student, please don't underestimate me~♪"

Feeling both reassured and uneasy about Amasawa's words, I had been asked, so I had no choice but to go. I walked quickly towards I2.


Finally, on the morning of the last day, I, Suzune Horikita, was heading towards I2, walking along the boundary between I3 and I4. Currently, the possibility of expulsion exists only for the bottom 5 groups of third-year students. Fortunately, none of them are from our class D. However, I can't relax. If the fifth group teams up with another group, their score will inevitably rise.

The specified area I should go to is I7, which is in the opposite direction of I2 where I'm heading. It's a reckless act to ignore the place I should go to and head in a different direction. Why am I doing this? The answer lies in a piece of paper folded and hidden in my right hand when I woke up in the tent this morning. When I unfolded it, there were four words written irregularly: 'Noon,' 'K.A,' 'Expulsion,' and 'I2.'

Two things struck me. One was how neat the handwriting was, to the point where I thought I wanted to use it as a model. The other was that notebooks and pens are not free.

While vaguely considering such things, I also thought about the meaning of other codes.

Forget about expulsion; the problem lies in this 'K.A.' If other students were to see it, they wouldn't understand, but I suddenly thought of it: the initials of K.A. are Kiyotaka Ayanokoji.

Yes, if you take it as it is, at noon today, Kiyotaka Ayakoji will be expelled.

I thought it was a joke, but I was also worried about Kiyotaka's GPS being E3. If Kiyotaka were to head to I2 like this... with such a premonition, I headed north to confirm it.

"Ah! Finally caught up!"

As the scenery opens up and the river comes into view, a voice comes from behind.

"...Why are you here?"

Breathlessly, B-Class Mio Ibuki stares at me.

"Show me your score."

"Wait a minute. What are you talking about?"

"I told you, I won't lose to you."

With a bit of aggressiveness, she points her index finger in front of my eyes and demands to see my score.

"There's no need to check now. Couldn't you wait until it's over?"

"There's no guarantee that the exam will end and the results will be announced."

Indeed, the important thing is only the scores of the top and bottom groups. There is no guarantee that you can view the scores of the many other groups.

"How many times did you do a GPS search before coming here?"

"Three times. I thought there was no better time since you were nearby."

"Thank you for your trouble."

"That's not a word of consolation, so tell me! I scored 131 points!"

Even I can tell she's not someone who would give up easily. Pushed by her determination, I reluctantly responded.

"Hmm... I collected 145 points. You were close, but I won."

"Are you winning against me? Then show me the proof."

Although I feel irritated inside, I take off my backpack and pick up the tablet. It's strange to call it efficient, but every minute counts now. I was about to press the power button on the tablet when it happened.

"Caught it"

An innocent voice, as if a child had encountered a playmate.

"Hello, Horikita-senpai."

Seeing the girl who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, Ibuki-san expressed her displeasure without hiding it.

"...Who are you?"

"Ichika Amasawa from Class 1-A."

While there was a possibility that she had coincidentally appeared in the same place, her demeanor was odd. While remaining cautious, I tried to turn on the tablet to see if it was the paper from this morning—could it be her?

"You're in the way."

"Horikita-senpai, is Sudo-senpai doing well?"

"Huh? Ignoring me?"

Despite Ibuki-san's question being audible, Amasawa-san ignored it.

"...Yes, I owe you for saving me."

With a smile, she didn't offer any apologies or acknowledgements towards me.

"I told you you're in the way. I had a prior arrangement here. Go somewhere else."

"Prior arrangement? Didn't Ibuki-senpai just barge in on her own?"

It seemed as though she had been listening to our conversation. Perhaps that was the case.

"Do you have some purpose?"

"I just wanted to ask you something. Where are you going, Horikita-senpai?"

"I'm having a chat with Ibuki-san here, but I'm aiming for F3."

"Liar, Horikita-senpai. Your designated area isn't here, is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"There's no point in playing dumb. The original designated area you should be heading to is I7, isn't it?"

It couldn't be guessed by mere chance. Even from her expression, it seemed she had been planning to corner me from the beginning.

"We have our own way of fighting as second-years. It's natural to be cautious towards those who tried to ensnare Ayanokoji-kun, right?"

"Hmm, well, that might be true. So where are you heading, Horikita-senpai? Surely... not I2, right?"

"You're quite perceptive."

As we discussed this, Ibuki-san, who had grown impatient, stepped forward.

"How long are you going to chat leisurely?"

Prepared for the possibility of leaking the information, I showed Ibuki-san the scores on my device. At that moment, Ibuki-san clicked her tongue slightly, showing a hint of frustration.

"I'm going to I2 from now on, but what about you?"

"Why are you heading to a place unrelated to your designated area?"

"Isn't that something you'd understand best?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. You slipped this paper into the tent while I was sleeping. What's your aim?"

"...Paper? If you don't mind, could you show me?"

Amasawa-san mimicked it as if it were a monkey show. Well, it was unnecessary now, so I returned it to her.

"Geez... how far are you willing to go with this game?"

Reading the contents of the paper and closing it once, Amasawa-san, with a somewhat troubled smile, tore it apart seven or eight times, then threw it away in pieces.

"Did you feel anything suspicious after seeing these four words?"

"You might interpret it as Ayanokoji-kun possibly being expelled. It's only natural."

"Hmm, unsatisfied, huh? I think it's a bit presumptuous to act like comrades just because we're classmates, even though you don't know anything about Ayanokoji-senpai?"

Amasawa-san muttered as if she knew more than I did.

"Do you think you know a lot about him?"

"Of course. I know Ayanokoji-senpai very well. Why is he so cool, smart... and stronger than anyone else? What about you, Horikita?"

Perhaps they knew each other from junior high, but I couldn't imagine a first-year newcomer knowing so much about Ayanokoji-kun.

But what did I know? We ended up talking a lot because our seats were next to each other, and at first, I thought he was just an ordinary student, but he was much smarter than I had imagined. He was also recognized by his brother and was knowledgeable about martial arts. But usually, he hides that side of himself and wants to lead a quiet school life.

"I guess you still don't get it, huh? Well, you see, I've started to get to know another amazing person—yes, Horikita-senpai, I'm talking about Horagasaki-senpai, whom you're familiar with too."

After that, Amasawa-san hesitated to open her mouth.

"Well... I don't know why Horagasaki-senpai is so strong, but I think I know more about Ayanokoji-senpai than anyone else."

Certainly, there are still few who know about their abilities, but more importantly, it's not about how much they know about them right now.

"Well, I don't know anything about Ayanokoji-kun. Of course, the same goes for Horagasaki-kun. But..."


"That's not the point. What's important isn't how much I know about them right now. What matters is how much I want to get to know them from now on, until we graduate. As classmates, as friends."

"Do you think you can be useful? A person like Horikita-senpai?"

"I may not have enough strength right now, but when he's in trouble, I intend to be someone who can help him."

"Isn't that unnecessary? Ayanokoji-senpai has a partner like Horagasaki-senpai, and I don't think Horikita-senpai can do anything, right?"

As I was about to walk away, Amasawa-san's right hand stopped me, blocking my path. Her smile had already disappeared, replaced by a strong sense of hostility. It seems she knows what's going on at I.2.

"Where are you going?"

"In this situation, don't you understand? I'm going to I2."

"I won't let you go, Horikita-senpai. Your determination is clearly conveyed, but I'll wait for you to put down your luggage."

It's better not to think of it as just words. I obediently put down my backpack.

"I'll let you know, but I have experience in martial arts."

"I know."

"...Well, you're quite well-informed."

"I'll let you know in advance, but I'm really strong, so you better keep that in mind."

Since she showed anger, I could feel she wasn't just going to leave it to chance. Slowly getting ready, I monitored Amasawa-san's movements in front of me.

"If you're going to meet Ayanokoji-senpai, shall we play a little to stop you?"

As Amasawa-san's left foot stepped in—


Despite being completely on guard, as soon as I saw her move, I felt danger and jumped back, feeling as if I were jumping backwards. Her outstretched hand didn't seem to have much force behind it, as if she were trying to grab me.

Anyway, I avoided the first blow. Thinking so, the next moment, she grabbed my collar and the sleeve of my right arm.


As I muttered words that weren't quite words, my field of vision spun around. Just after a sharp pain shot through my back, the realization hit me that I'd been thrown over someone's shoulder.

"One point~, just kidding."


"You can't afford to be careless. Here, let's start over. Stand up, stand up."

Looking down at me, Amasawa-san flashed a wicked grin. Just one encounter was enough to understand her strength. As fellow women, I had assumed that even if there was a gap in ability, it would be slight—a reversal might still be possible with a bit of ingenuity, resourcefulness, or a sudden insight. But perhaps that assumption was too naive.

Regardless, the damage to my back was anything but trivial, not something I could just laugh off. Thankfully, the ground was soft earth, but it would still take some time to recover.

"I'll wait for you, so relax. Take a break for 5 minutes or even 10."

"If you don't want me to send you to Ayanokoji-kun, then that's what I'll do, right?"

"If we can avoid fighting, isn't that the best?"

That's undoubtedly true, but if things go wrong, and I end up retiring, there's a possibility I could face expulsion as a lone individual.

"Once more..."

Even as the pain in my back eased, I readied myself again. Now, I'm not facing someone younger, but someone of higher skill.


While I was focusing on the slight changes in her legs and shoulders instead of Amasawa-san's face, she found it amusing and laughed aloud.

"Yeah, I get it, Horikita-senpai. I understand how you feel well. But you know?"

I didn't engage with her wordplay. Right now, I was concentrating all my nerves on anticipating her initial move—

Even as I timed my blink, I was caught off guard when her left foot, rapidly approaching my right side, struck me just above my hip, even faster than I could react. Once again, I realized this only after the shock and pain subsided.


In agony, feeling as if I might cry, I was kicked and sent flying to the ground. My arm, too slow to defend, could only take the impact.

"You thought judo was the main thing, right? How naive."


Instinctively, I clutched my side, where I had been kicked. This was the second time I had felt such hopeless strength, the first being when facing Hosen-kun...

And that had been just recently. Faced with such repeated challenges, my confidence was wavering.

"This year's first-years are nothing but trouble, aren't they..."

"Are you implying that last year's Horikita-senpai was more adorable than me?"

What a terrible question. Despite being different types, I knew I had never possessed any charm. As I tried to stand, I felt a strange sensation in my legs, as if they were giving way beneath me.

"What are you...? You seem to know the old Ayanokoji-kun."

"As if I'd ever tell you that? It's disappointing, isn't it, Horikita-senpai? You're more capable than you think? Even more so than you give yourself credit for? Still, Kushida-senpai has a better eye for talent."

"Kushida-san? Why is her name being mentioned here?"

"Stand up, Horikita-senpai. I get irritated just talking to you, so let's call it quits."

Though she made no attempt to hide her frustration, Amasawa-san, as if out of some mercy, allowed me a moment to regain my stance. Well, then, I couldn't afford to give up until the end.


Amasawa-san darted off with light steps, closing in on me. Should I intercept or dodge? Neither would likely succeed. So, I must strike back, at least!

The sound of bread and a dry fist echoed near my ears.

"You, why...?"

Without even turning to face me, the student who caught the approaching fist in front of them spat out.

It was Ibuki-san, whose small back had parted from here just a moment ago.

"What... why are you punching like that?"

"Nice catch, huh? I was a bit surprised by your unexpected appearance."

Ibuki-san, who turned back to me as I moved without fully grasping the situation, gave me a stern look.

"I'm the one who's going to defeat you. I don't want to see you losing to some unknown first-year."

Saying that, Amasawa shook off the fist she caught and backed away again.

"I'm Ichika Amasawa. Remember my name, Mio Ibuki-senpai."

"I'm not good at remembering personal stuff, so if you want me to remember, you'll have to leave some impression."

"Haha, that might be interesting."

"I'll be playing with this one, so why don't you go wherever you want?"

"Why are you challenging exams just to beat me?"

"You're also abandoning the designated area, right? It wouldn't matter even if I turned the tables."

"She's unbelievably strong. You might regret it. Are you okay with that?"

"What are you talking about? Are you implying I'm going to lose?"

"That's how strong she is."

"I won't lose to someone like Ibuki-senpai."

"...Fine, I accept the challenge."

Amasawa's weak threat seemed to have the opposite effect and ignited Ibuki's determination.

"Even if you defeat Amasawa, there might be an emergency alert. If that happens, you might face expulsion for acting alone."

"I'm confident I'm stronger than you."

With that, Ibuki made a dismissive gesture with her hand.

"Who's going to fight? Make your decision quickly."

"I'll do it."

"Those words are coming from someone who seemed like they were about to lose earlier? Get out of the way, Horikita."

No, I can't let her go on like this. I grabbed her and forcefully pulled her back.

"Let me say this: you can't beat her."

"Don't joke with me. Don't judge before the fight even starts."

"It's a fact. I couldn't even lay a finger on her."

"Then prove it to me right now."

I extended my left arm towards Ibuki.


"I don't want to engage in a losing battle. If you're going to intervene in this fight, you better show some serious commitment. Join my group. If one of us becomes unable to continue, withdraw to avoid retirement."

"Are you kidding me? Why would I team up with you?"

"I told you, if you're not committed, don't interfere."

"I don't like this..."

"Still, it's fine. But if you're going to participate, I want to rely on you."

It takes 10 seconds to link up. I could stop her if I wanted to, but Amasawa showed no signs of moving.

"It's not a bad strategy, is it? If two individuals team up, they can avoid expulsion even if one of them gets seriously injured."

Amasawa turned her back and distanced herself quietly from us. After a while, she stopped and turned around.

"But there's one miscalculation, Horikita-senpai."

"Miscalculation? What do you mean?"

"If it's okay for one person to retire, then it's also okay to break one."

Amasawa wore a smile that seemed to embody pure evil, something I hadn't seen from her before.

"Are you trying to provoke me? That's fine."

Although she should have felt the opponent's strength, Ibuki seemed strangely amused.

"Which one should I break first?"

Amasawa, running up to grab her, had an expression full of fury.

"Ahaha! Ahahahahaha!"

Laughing loudly, she seemed distorted and almost inhuman.

"Ibuki-san, don't act recklessly!"

"Don't order me around!"

"Listen, if you've become my ally, you'll have to obey me."

"Huh? That's impossible."

"You're stronger than me, but only to a certain extent. Everything else, we're on different levels. You can't study, can't lead a class, can't cooperate with others. Sorry, but you're overestimating yourself to call yourself my rival."

She's not an opponent I can defeat alone, so we have to fight together. But Ibuki and I are like water and oil. However, there's no other way to convince her.

"The time for hesitation is over, Mio Ibuki-san."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you continue to go alone like this, you'll surely be in danger of expulsion somewhere along the way."

"I don't mind. If that happens, it happens."

"Does that mean you're prepared for a complete defeat against me?"


"Retiring halfway isn't a match for me. You should cling to me until the very end and grow to the point where you can threaten me."

"Ah, I get it now! I understand, so just shut up. I'll follow you just for now. Is that okay?"


"So, what do we do?"

"We attack simultaneously, but hitting is secondary. We need to maneuver skillfully to avoid getting caught."

Although she wasn't convinced, Ibuki backed away from me.

"Is the strategy time over? Then let's get started."

We both started running without hesitation, calmly approaching. However, Amasawa's movements began to slow down. Although she had a smile on her face, it was clear that she was getting out of breath.


Not missing the golden opportunity, I struck Amasawa with all my might. While she had been relaxed before, she now defended herself. Although my fist didn't hit her directly, Ibuki, who had circled around behind her, punched her in the face as she turned to respond.


I lowered my hips and struck her with a straight punch to her unguarded abdomen. Amasawa exhaled and fell, so I straddled her to prevent her from moving.

"That... that hit hard..."

"That's enough, Amasawa-san... I acknowledge your strength, but you lack stamina to a fatal extent."

"Haha, caught on, huh? I'm kinda weak constitutionally."

Despite being in a mounted position, she didn't seem flustered and stuck her tongue out, making me doubt my eyes when I looked at her gym uniform.

"What... those injuries..."

"I had a fight before facing you, senpai."

Normally, her injuries would cause her so much pain that she wouldn't be able to walk properly, but she was facing us in such a state, dominating the situation. She must have been fighting in a critical condition from the beginning. I felt dizzy at the truth. The only person I could think of who could inflict such injuries on Amasawa, even in her prime condition, was Kozuomi Hosen.

Then, for some reason, she got up, reached for her backpack, and took out a tablet.

"It's getting a little interesting, but it's time's up, right? Oh, by the way, I don't think you need to chase after Ayanokoji-senpai anymore."

"Why is that?"

"Because everything's over. If you think it's a lie, why don't you check it out? But you might regret not making it in time."

Amasawa seemed to be about to turn back, slipping past us. Did someone manage to defeat him?

"What are you going to do? Are you going to chase after him?"

"Yes, I'm going to chase him."

"Then I'll go too."


"If Ayanokoji's in trouble, I want to laugh at him from close."

"You're really mean."

We hurriedly put on our backpacks and ran towards I2.


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