
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · Fantasy
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138 Chs

Meeting with the Mercenaries

"Haa! Haa! Haa!! I have been walking for the past three days and I still haven't seen anything"

An exhausted young man wearing a black cloak with hood could be seen walking in a plain field. Sitting on his left shoulder is a black and white striped kitten. The young man is Feng Zhen while the kitten is YinYing.

'Dammit, what kind of mission is this... If not for the reward...' thought Feng Zhen.

[ Ding! Commenting the host, From previous analysis the system has discovered that the host is lacking spear control (Spearmanship)...]

'Then does that mean I have to attend an academy, this is bullshit...' thought Feng Zhen with an angry expression.

[ Ding! Commenting the host, calm down host, the mission is optional, so the host can decide to abandon the mission...]

'Tch! Like hell, I will not, having a reward like the {Perfect Qi Control} is worth this stupid mission' thought Feng Zhen.

[ Ding! Commenting the host, if that's what you want, then stop whining and complaining...]

After some few hours of walking exhaustively, he suddenly spotted some silhouettes far away.

Excitedly, he extended his vision. Looking tens of kilometers away, atop a hill, he saw some group of sturdy men on horses.

"Eh!" exclaimed Feng Zhen in surprise when he saw an old man with chains on his hands, being whipped.

At first, Feng Zhen did not understand what was going on, until the old man fell to the ground.

'Are those' thought Feng Zhen as he dashed towards the group, using the Asmodeus Flash Steps.


"GET UP" shouted a sturdy middle-aged man with scars on his face.

Looking at the ferocious middle-aged man who held an iron whip on his right hand, the old man fearfully stood up.

After the old man got up, the middle-aged man shouted angrily, "LISTEN TO ME SCUMS, IF ANY OF YOU FALL ON THE GROUND"

After saying that, the middle-aged man laughed evilly.

Like an electric shock, the hairs of the slaves stood up when they heard the laughter of the middle-aged man.

"Wei qu ze, When are we going to reach the Red City" asked the middle-aged man.

"Brother Fan yu, we will be arriving by sun fall" said a sturdy middle-aged man who looking at the map on his hands.

"That's good" said Wei Fan yu as he climbed his horse.


Just as their horse were about to move, someone appeared and blocked their way.

"Who the hell are you, and how dare you block our way" shouted Wei qu ze with a ferocious look.

"Sorry to ask, but what's going on here" asked the young man in black cloak.

Looking at the black clothed young man, who had a kitten on his shoulder, Wei qu ze smirked and said, "We are subordinate to the Dou Clan..."

"Dou Clan..." Feng Zhen pondered for a while, Then he said, "Never heard of it"

"Ah!" Wei qu ze exclaimed in shock.

It wasn't just Wei qu ze, everyone there exclaimed in shocked.

"Ar-Are you from this Country" asked a baldy middle-aged man.

Looking at the middle-aged man, instead of responding Feng Zhen asked, "and who might you be"


"Ha-ha-ha..." The old man that fell on the ground previously, couldn't hold back his laughter.


Angrily, the baldy middle-aged man tried to strike the old man with his iron whip.

With opened eyes and a smile, the old man looked towards the sky as he waited for his end to come. At least, that was what he thought.

"Foolish!" said Feng Zhen as his eyes turned pitch black.

~Darkness exists in the heart of men: Despair~

Just as the bald middle-aged man raised his iron whip to strike the old man, something unexpected happened.

An explosion occurred in the mind of the baldy middle-aged man.

"AHH!!" The baldy middle-aged man screamed in pain as he fell down from the horse.

While screaming, the baldy middle-aged man crawl towards Feng Zhen.

"AHH! Please, Make it stop... I-I don't want to lose her..."

Everyone was prettified at the scene; Starting from the baldy middle-aged man trying to whip the old man to death, to the current scene.

Looking at the pitifully bald middle-aged man, Feng Zhen shook his head helpless, then his eyes turned normal.

It was at that moment the mercenaries knew that they were in for it.

Fearlessly, Zhang Fan yu asked, "Who are you? Do you really want to offend the Dou Clan? "

"Too many questions... hah! I already told you, I don't know about this Dou Clan, also I don't plan on offending anyone. I just need to ask some few questions, and I'm done, I really don't want to cause any trouble" said Feng Zhen with a poky face.

After hearing what Feng Zhen said, Zhang Fan yu lightened his brow and said, "Just questions, I'm fine with that... So, what are your questions"

"Thanks for understanding. Well, My first question is actually meant for those people at the back" said Feng Zhen with a smile

"What's the meaning of that, I thought you said, you wanted to ask me some few questions" said Zhang Fan yu with a knitted brow.

Feeling the malicious gaze from other mercenaries, Feng Zhen smiled and said, "Sorry, but I don't remember saying that"

"Okay, fine"

Even though Zhang Fan yu was pissed off by Feng Zhen, as a mercenary his job comes first before any emotion.

After getting their approval, Feng Zhen walked towards the old man. Then he cubbed his fist and said, "Greetings, may I asked what might senior's name be"

The old man was shocked by the attitude of Feng Zhen, it is known that without power, you're nothing. But after seeing how Feng Zhen defeated that baldy middle-aged to a pitiful state without breaking a sweat, the old man thought Feng Zhen was another arrogant person. But his thoughts were proven wrong by the manners of Feng Zhen.

Suddenly the old man started laughing,"Hahaha..."

Everyone was startled by the action of the old man, including Feng Zhen.

Unnoticed at first, the baldy middle-aged leaped on the horse.



Immediately the male horse was stroked, he started running.

Looking behind him as the distance between the slaves, mercenaries and Feng Zhen was increasing, the baldy middle-aged man sighed in relief.

"Brother Fan yu, what is Xi Zhan Pei doing" asked Wei qu ze in shock.

The movement of Xi Zhan Pei drew everyone's attention.

Instead of worrying about the baldy middle-aged man, Feng Zhen asked, "Senior"

"Young man, I really appreciate your attitude and kindness, but it would be best if you don't ask question and leave" said the old man with a depressed expression.

"Is it because of that baldy man" asked Feng Zhen with a puzzled expression.

"Hah!" The old man sighed, "Yes. If that man is to reach the Red City before any of us, then I don't think th-"

Without letting the old man complete his words, Feng Zhen respectfully asked, "Do you want this junior to get that baldy man for senior"

"Eh! Y-You can catch him" asked the startled old man.

Instead of responding, Feng Zhen smiled.

{Shadow Teleportation}

At that moment, Feng Zhen vanished. After a few seconds, he reappeared.

When he reappeared at that same spot, he wasn't alone. On the ground is an unconscious bald middle-aged man.

Being startled again by the mysterious power of Feng Zhen, Zhang Fan yu and the other mercenaries heavily knitted their brows.

The more his skill, the more his mysteriousness. The greater his skill, the greater the pressure they felt.