
Cosmic Ruler

Amidst an ordinary stroll home, Jake is struck on the head by a mysterious object, plunging him into unconsciousness. When he opens his eyes, the world has transformed. Now, reborn into a newborn in a magical realm, Jake grapples with the surreal fusion of past and present. Navigating the challenges of infancy, he discovers latent magical abilities tied to this extraordinary reincarnation. As the threads of his former life intertwine with his newfound existence, Jake must unravel the mysteries of his past to fulfill a destiny that spans realms and confront the enchanting and perilous journey that awaits him. ############################### What to expect 1. Cool headed Mc 2. Unique power 3. Level up system 4. Harem 5. Self interest Mc (Not hero or Villain) A. I. Generated cover -------------------------------------------- Bonus chapters Goals :- 10 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter Gift above Dragon = 1 bonus Cahpter

Enigmatic_Dream · Fantasy
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253 Chs


As the members of Jake's team gasped in shock at the swift beheading of Jess, a heavy silence settled over the group. While some understood the implications behind Cilia's actions, others felt a shiver of fear ripple through them as they witnessed her cold and emotionless gaze.

With Jess eliminated and the message delivered, Cilia turned her attention to the rest of the team. Her gaze swept over each member, her demeanor unwavering and resolute.

"This is the end for traitors," she declared, her voice cutting through the silence with icy clarity. "Don't forget, we are a team here."

Her words resonated with finality, a stark reminder of the consequences of betrayal within their ranks.

Jake nodded, observing the tense atmosphere. "You heard her, and if she hadn't killed Jess, I would have done it."