
Cosmic Ruler

Amidst an ordinary stroll home, Jake is struck on the head by a mysterious object, plunging him into unconsciousness. When he opens his eyes, the world has transformed. Now, reborn into a newborn in a magical realm, Jake grapples with the surreal fusion of past and present. Navigating the challenges of infancy, he discovers latent magical abilities tied to this extraordinary reincarnation. As the threads of his former life intertwine with his newfound existence, Jake must unravel the mysteries of his past to fulfill a destiny that spans realms and confront the enchanting and perilous journey that awaits him. ############################### What to expect 1. Cool headed Mc 2. Unique power 3. Level up system 4. Harem 5. Self interest Mc (Not hero or Villain) A. I. Generated cover -------------------------------------------- Bonus chapters Goals :- 10 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter Gift above Dragon = 1 bonus Cahpter

Enigmatic_Dream · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
176 Chs

Journey starts

After the appraisal ended, Tom invited everyone to celebrate this moment and everyone cheered and get ready to celebrate.

Finally at noon all the celebration started with joyous laughter, music, and dance. Jake and his friends swirled around on the dance floor, their movements filled with the exuberance of the moment. The parents sat at the table, savoring the lively atmosphere and engaging in conversations.

Amidst the celebration, Tom suddenly stood up and excused himself from the room, leaving everyone curious about his sudden departure.

"What happened to him?" Johnny asked, taking a bite of the cake.

"Who knows," Reynold responded, raising his beer glass in a casual toast.

After a brief moment, Tom returned, holding a beautifully crafted bottle of wine. The labels on the bottle confirmed Reynold's suspicions. The bottle is ruby read with a red crystal as cap, inside the bottle, the wine sparkling, as if to seducing others to drink it.

"Is that Blood Berry Wine, the specialty from Vampire towns?" Reynold exclaimed, eyes lighting up with recognition. Johnny, though not familiar with the specifics, couldn't deny the allure of a fine bottle of wine. Whatever its origin, he was ready to savor the moment.

Tom grinned, acknowledging their enthusiasm. "Indeed, it's Blood Berry Wine. A little something to add to our celebration."

"A little? Are you showing off here old man, that thing is premium, how do you even get it" Reynold said, causing Johnny and Nina to open their eyes wide.

"Humph, what's all this showing off? I saved it for a moment like this," Tom snorted and brought five glasses. Seeing this, Sera sighed and stopped Tom. "As much as I want to drink it, I can't."

"Yes, forgive her, Tom. She can't drink it," Reynold nodded apologetically to Tom.

"What happened?" Tom stopped and asked, concerned for her.

"Hehehe, she is pregnant," Reynold laughed with a big toothy smile.

Everyone exclaimed and looked at Sera collectively as if to ask if it's true. Sera blushed, seeing everyone looking at her intently, and nodded.

Johnny laughed out loud and hugged Reynold, congratulating him. Nina, too, smiled warmly and congratulated Sera, while Tom poured the Blood Berry into all five cups.

"Hey, old man, have you finally gone senile? Can't you understand she can't drink it?" Reynold said to Tom as he saw him pouring wine into all the cups.

Tom smiled widely and said, "Don't you know the origin of it?"

"I only know it's premium that royalties like but not its origin," Reynold replied.

"No wonder, it was actually developed by a female alchemist to get drunk safely even in her pregnant state, but it became so enchanting that everyone started liking it, and thus it became premium," Tom explained.

"You mean it's safe for Sera to drink it?" Nina asked.

"Yes, it was made for pregnant women after all," Tom smiled and nodded.

Relieved and delighted by Tom's explanation, Sera accepted the glass of Blood Berry Wine.

 Tom then poured it for Jake and others too, they are already adult now capable of drinking wine.

As the glasses were raised, a collective cheer filled the room. The clinking of glasses echoed, and the rich aroma of the Blood Berry Wine filled the air. The wine was exquisite, its flavor a harmonious blend of sweetness and depth that delighted the senses. Each sip seemed to carry the essence of the momentous occasion, making the celebration even more special.

Soon the time passed by, and the sky was painted golden orange, signaling the setting of the sun.

With hearts full of contentment, Jake, his friends, and their mentors bid farewell to each other, looking forward to the adventures that awaited them in the days to come.

Despite her protest, Reynold again carried Sera back home while others smiled at their affection.

Returning to his room, Jake laid on his bed; today was both a fun and tiring day.

[You enjoyed a lot today] Nexus said.

"Yes, it was fun. Show me my status," Jake nodded and said.

[right away]

[ Character: Jake Dreamstar

Class: Not Selected (Available at Level 100)

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100

Sub-Class: BlackSmith

Level: 1

Experience Points: 0/100

System Level: 1

Rank : E-

(Rank starts from E - D -C - B - A - S - SS - SSS- EX , with Each rank is divided into A-, A, A+ )

Combat Power : D-



Health (HP): 1000->10,000

Strength (STR): 30+20->100+20 (Subclass effect+20) 

Agility (AGI): 25->95 

Intelligence (INT): 50->200+100 (Ring effect +100)

Wisdom (WIS): 30->150+100 (Ring effect +100)

Vitality (VIT): 20->200 

Dexterity (DEX): 20+20 -> 80+20(Sub class effect +20) 

Charisma (CHA): 99 (beware, there is chances for you to get kidnapped)


Core Energies :

-Origin Core : White Grade

Mana (MP): 15,000

Divine Energy (DE): 10,000

Aura (A): 15,000

Abyssal Energy (AE): 10,000

-Heart Core: White Grade

White Heart Energy (WHE): 500 -> White Mana (WM): 50,000


Authorities :

1. Authority Of Information : Akashic : Level 3

~Eyes of Akashic : Level limit raised to 20 levels


~ Akashic insight(New) : Grants the user access to glimpses of hidden knowledge within the Akashic Records, providing insights into any skills and arts user wants to.

2. Authority of Forgemaster Craft : Level 3


~Inferno Forge

~Soulforge Transcendence(New): Bestows the power to imbue crafted items with a fraction of the user's or other's essence, enhancing crafts affinity with the wielder. Increased affinity results in greater performance of crafts.

3. Prismatic Empowerment(New) : level 3

~Light Absorb: Amplifies the user's abilities by infusing them with the diverse energies of refracted light.

Restriction : Can only absorb according to body's limit.

~Light Domination: Allows for the controlled manipulation of different light spectrums, providing versatile enhancements.

~Light Surge: Achieves a state of ultimate empowerment, where the user gains temporary mastery over all aspects of light, including unparalleled speed, strength, and healing abilities.

Restriction : Can only maintain this state for 1 minute currently.


Skills: (Common-Uncommon-Rare-Epic-Unique-Legendary-Mythical-Transcendent)

1. White Extinction Lighting ( Legendary )

- Description : White Extinction Lightning is a phenomenon rarely witnessed in the mystical realm. It manifests as brilliant white bolts of lightning, carrying within them the essence of pure, unbridled energy. Unlike common lightning, it is characterized by an otherworldly luminosity that can illuminate the entire sky with an ethereal glow.

Properties: Destructive Force, Purifying Energy

-Destructive Force: The bolts of White Extinction Lightning are known for their devastating power, capable of obliterating anything in their path.

-Purifying Energy: Despite its destructive nature, the lightning is said to carry a purifying energy that cleanses and revitalizes the magical energies in its vicinity.

Cost: Depends on usage with minimum 10 WM

Cooldown : None

2. Dual Core Synergy (Epic)

Description: Harness the unique synergy between two awakened cores and use them simultaneously 

3. Smithing Mastery (SM): The overall proficiency and skill level of the blacksmith in the art of forging and crafting.

4. Material Knowledge (MK): The understanding and familiarity with various metals, ores, and materials used in blacksmithing.

5. Tempering Techniques (TT): Expertise in applying heat treatment processes to enhance the strength and durability of crafted weapons and armor.

6. Artistic Craftsmanship (AC): The ability to incorporate aesthetic and artistic elements into the design of weapons and armor.

7. Magical Infusion (MI): Knowledge and skill in infusing magical properties into crafted items, creating enchanted weapons and armor.

8. Efficiency (EF): The speed and precision with which the blacksmith works, ensuring timely completion of projects without compromising quality.

9. Innovative Designs (ID): Creativity in developing new and innovative designs for weapons and armor, setting the blacksmith apart from others.

10. Repairing Prowess (RP): The ability to effectively repair and restore damaged or worn-out weapons and armor.

11. Elemental Affinity (EA): Mastery over working with elemental-themed materials, allowing the creation of weapons and armor with elemental attributes.

{All Blacksmith skills currently at Apprentice level, (Novice-Apprentice-Adept-Master-Grand Master-Expert-Perfection) }

12. Chained Dagger Mastery : Adept Grade

13. Sword Master : Adept Grade

14. Basic Rune Arts : Expert


Arts :

1. ??? Foundation Art (Perfection)

~An Art that allow one to refine their core to 100% purity

2. White Star Art (Grand Master)

~ An art specially designed for White Heart Core

3. Luminarum Arte (Master)

~ An neutral art for all cores.

{Master, grand master and such is proficiency}]

Jake looked at his status with satisfaction his new Authority Prismatic Empowerment came from completing Cube quest, his combat powers is one rank above his rank thanks to Dual core empowerment. His Core Rank automatically become E rank the moment he become 12 years old, like an unknown hand guided it.

"Nexus, now that I am E rank, how to progress further?" Jake asked closing his status screen.

[There are two ways now, first to absorb a core same as your core, which is easy for you as your Origin core can absorb all cores and refine it, as for your Heart Core there is no other way but to absorb only Mana core as it's Mana core]

"Absorb core?, like core of beasts and such" Jake asked

[Yes, now for the second method is to refine environmental energies using a art but it took more time then first method]

 "hmm, Where is the next part of unknown art?" Jake nodded and then asked, as he has yet to receive the next part of unknown art, the Foundation part is fully mastered by him now its time for next part.

[Check quests and you will understand]

Jake nodded and then opened Quests :

[- Main Quest : Absolute's worthy

Description : Get first rank in the academy entrance test

Reward : 2nd part of ??? Art, ???(Depends on difficulty of Test)

Punishment : two years delay before receiving the 2nd part of the ??? art. 

- Daily Quest : Conqueror Slime Gate

 Slime gate : (0/1)

 Reward : Gate improvement 

Sub Class Quest: Create Equipment of each ranks

Common (0/1)

Uncommon (0/1)

Rare (0/1) 

Reward : Any skill proficiency upgrade by one grade

Punishment : One random skill proficiency degrade

Time Limit : 4 years]

"I almost forgot about the blacksmith quest" Jake mumbled seeing the last quest.

"now that I think of it, Nexus what is essence mentioned in soulforge?" Jake mumbled and asked

[Essence is basically one's blood mixed with Mana or their core energy] Nexus replied.

"Master Tom will take us for academy test next week by then I should try to forge equipment for my friends and myself" Jake muttered rubbing his chin.

[That's a Good idea] Nexus approved

"Okay, next day I will ask them for their essence" Jake nodded and said.


Author's note : Forgive me for this note but we are lacking in reviews , can you all spare little of your time and give a honest review.

Thank you, and Adios