
Cosmic Ruler

Amidst an ordinary stroll home, Jake is struck on the head by a mysterious object, plunging him into unconsciousness. When he opens his eyes, the world has transformed. Now, reborn into a newborn in a magical realm, Jake grapples with the surreal fusion of past and present. Navigating the challenges of infancy, he discovers latent magical abilities tied to this extraordinary reincarnation. As the threads of his former life intertwine with his newfound existence, Jake must unravel the mysteries of his past to fulfill a destiny that spans realms and confront the enchanting and perilous journey that awaits him. ############################### What to expect 1. Cool headed Mc 2. Unique power 3. Level up system 4. Harem 5. Self interest Mc (Not hero or Villain) A. I. Generated cover -------------------------------------------- Bonus chapters Goals :- 10 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter Gift above Dragon = 1 bonus Cahpter

Enigmatic_Dream · Fantasy
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188 Chs


Next day Jake woke up and run to blacksmith house, Uncle Gregory is the only blacksmith of their Bucks village.

Jake reaching there knocked on his door and after a second a voice responded " Coming".

Soon the door opened and a muscular tanned skin middle age man appeared, " Oh, hello Jake, what brings you here this early".

"Good Morning Uncle Gregory , Can I use your Smithy?" Jake smiled as he asked.

"You want to use my smithy?, Do you even know how to operate one?" Gregory narrowed his eyes as he questioned Jake.

"Of course I can" Jake nodded his head with confidence.

"Hmm" Gregory stared at Jake for some time and then let him in.

"Go on do what you want, But make sure not to break anything" Gregory said as he opened the smithy for Jake and left.

Jake eagerly entered the blacksmith's shop, The dimly lit room was lined with various tools hanging on the walls, and the anvil stood at the center of the workshop.

Excitement surged through Jake as he surveyed the equipment. He quickly set to work, gathering the necessary materials and lighting the forge. The flames roared to life, casting a warm glow on the surroundings.

He then started taking out all the junk equipment he got from the Goblin cave, Taking out the unnecessary parts, he started melting them all. 

As he began working the bellows to stoke the fire, Uncle Gregory observed from a distance, still skeptical of Jake's abilities. 

Seeing him melting the junk and then recycling it earned a nod of approval from him 'At least he is not wasting my stuff'. He thought and continued to observe Jake.

Soon the various equipment melted and then Jake carefully poured them into molds, After some hours Jake done melting all the scraps, he obtained 21 blocks of pure and refined metals.

Nodding his head he then decided to practice on these metals blocks before forging the main equipment.

He grabbed a piece of metal and placed it in the forge, watching as it gradually heated up.

Uncle Gregory couldn't help but notice Jake's focused demeanor. As the young man started hammering the hot metal on the anvil, Gregory raised an eyebrow, acknowledging Jake's skill. The rhythmic clinks echoed through the workshop as Jake shaped the metal with practiced precision.

After a while, Jake stepped back to inspect his work. A proud grin spread across his face as he presented the finished piece to Uncle Gregory. It was a well-crafted dagger, gleaming in the light of the forge.

Jake then used his Akashic Insight to find about it.

[Steel Dagger-Common]

Although the finished product turned out to be only common grade but it was still perfect as Jake didn't used even an ounce of magic in it.

Impressed, Uncle Gregory nodded approvingly. "Not bad, Jake. Looks like you do know your way around a forge. What made you want to use my smithy so early in the morning?"

Jake hesitated for a moment before explaining, "I and my friends have a journey ahead, Uncle Gregory. We need to be well-prepared, and I thought a custom-made weapon would serve us better."

Gregory chuckled, patting Jake on the shoulder. "A journey?, Academy test right? Well, you've got some talent. If you ever need more help along the way, you know where to find me."

Jake then continued and focused on creating Spears, Swords, Daggers, Bow, Arrows and chained Dagger, as he and his friends main weapons are these.

After 3 days of continued practice Jake finally decided to craft Rare grade weapons.

Taking out the Bronze Ant Bone sword and staff, he dismantled it and then stated melting it using Inferno Forge, and with in a second it become bright red and then Jake continued and it melted.

After Jake obtained it, he took out another batch of materials, he obtained from Slime Gate, Tantalium, and started melting it too, soon it melted into Grey blue liquid, Jake then heated up both the Bone liquid and Tantalium liquid and then mixed it properly and then mixed it into the metal liquid and then poured in to the mould and Jake then obtained 6 blocks of Bronze-blue alloy.

"Now the main parts start" Jake then closed his eyes and meditated for some time and then placed the alloy block on the anvil and then heat up with Inferno Forge.

After the metal block heated up properly, he added his essence mixed with void energy and then he started beating the metal block into the shape, carefully forging the alloy into the desired form. The intense heat from the Inferno Forge made the bronze-blue alloy malleable, allowing Jake to shape it with precision. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he focused on each strike, ensuring the metal responded to his will.

The rhythmic clangs of the hammer against the glowing metal echoed through the smithy. Uncle Gregory, intrigued by Jake's determination, watched silently from a distance. The craftsmanship displayed by Jake showed a level of skill that even surprised the seasoned blacksmith.

As Jake continued to work, the once shapeless alloy block transformed into intricate pieces. He meticulously forged the components of a larger, more complex weapon. The process required patience, skill, and a deep connection with the craft.

After what felt like hours, Jake stepped back, his breath heavy, and wiped the sweat from his brow. Before him lay a set of six beautifully crafted, interlocking pieces. The Bronze-blue alloy gleamed in the forge's light, showcasing the expertise that went into their creation.

 Jake then assembled the each piece carefully and a half meter chain laid on the Anvil, Nodding his head Jake then proceeded to attach the last part which is Dagger to the chain, after Jake was Done he looked at it with his Akashic Insight.

[Void Chained Dagger

 Rank : Rare+

Special Features:

Empty Engravings: The dagger allows it's wielder to change Runes according to wielder's wish. Can only accomodate 5 Runes together, Two on dagger, 3 on chain.

Cooldown : 2 minute after each Rune change

Void Chain: A unique half-meter chain, made of an material infused with void energies, is attached to the dagger. This chain allows for versatile and precise attacks, as well as length manipulation of it.

Void Channeling: The dagger has the ability to channel the energies of the void, allowing the wielder to use void energy with less difficulties. This may have effects on both offense and defense, depending on the user's skill and understanding of the void. ]

Jake gazed upon the completed creation with a sense of accomplishment. The Void Chained Dagger, a Rare+ ranked weapon, gleamed in the dim light of the forge. The half-meter chain, interwoven with the intricate Bronze-blue alloy components, led to the finely crafted dagger at the end.

The dagger itself had a unique design, with engravings that seemed to shimmer with an ethereal glow. The chain, though short, appeared to be made of a material not of this world, giving it an otherworldly aura. As Jake inspected his work with Akashic Insight, he could sense the latent power within the Void Chained Dagger.

Uncle Gregory, now fully impressed, whistled appreciatively. "That's quite the blade you've fashioned there, Jake. A Void Chained Dagger, you say? Looks like you've got more than just skill; you've got a touch of the extraordinary in your craftsmanship."

Jake nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him. "It's more than just a weapon, Uncle Gregory. It's going to be my partner"

"Good you know how to treat your craft, " Gregory smiled and then praised and talked about the Dagger for some more time and then left the smithy.

As Jake placed another piece of alloy block on the anvil, he couldn't help but feel the excitement of creating yet another masterpiece. The familiar heat from the forge enveloped him, and the rhythmic sounds of the hammer against metal echoed through the smithy.

The new alloy block, a raw material waiting to be transformed, started to glow under the intense heat of the Inferno Forge. Jake took a moment to visualize the design he had in mind. With a deep breath, he began to shape the molten metal, his hammer striking with precision and purpose.

Jake worked tirelessly, melding the metal into a shape that matched his vision. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, but he remained focused on the task at hand. The design he aimed for required intricate details, and he wanted to ensure every element of the weapon was perfectly crafted.

After some time, Jake stepped back, allowing the metal to cool for a moment. He examined his work with a critical eye, making mental notes of any adjustments needed. The alloy block had transformed into the beginnings of another unique creation.

With a nod of satisfaction, Jake returned to the forge, ready to continue the process of shaping and refining the metal. The rhythmic dance between the hammer and the anvil resumed, each strike bringing the weapon one step closer to completion.

The sword began to emerge, its form defined by Jake's skillful hands. He paid close attention to the curvature of the blade, the hilt, and the guard, ensuring both functionality and aesthetic appeal. The alloy block yielded to his craftsmanship, transforming into a weapon that promised both strength and finesse.

With each strike, the sword's features became more pronounced. Jake meticulously shaped the edge, honing it to a keen edge that gleamed in the forge's glow. The hilt, crafted with precision, boasted intricate patterns that added a touch of elegance to the weapon.

As the final details fell into place, Jake stepped back to admire his work. The sword lay on the anvil, a testament to his dedication and skill. The blade reflected the flickering flames of the forge, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow.

[Blade of Thunderous Echoes

Rank: Rare+

Length: Standard sword length

Special Features:

Resonance: The blade is enchanted with a magical resonance that amplifies the sound of each strike, creating a thunderous echo. This not only adds a dramatic and intimidating effect but may also disorient opponents in battle.

Lightning Infusion: The alloy used in the blade has been infused with a trace amount of lightning essence, giving the Blade of Thunderous Echoes a subtle electric charge. This can enhance the cutting power and potentially shock opponents on contact.

Balanced Design: Meticulous craftsmanship has resulted in a well-balanced sword, providing the wielder with both agility and power in combat. ]

Jake, satisfied with his creation, placed the Sword aside, ready to present it to Jimmy.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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