
Cosmic Janitor

A man on a hospital bed was offered a job by a god. Said god introduced himself as a "god of amusement and entertainment." The man unhesitatingly accepted; what was the reason? He was bored. Having lived his life to the literal fullest—parachuting, skydiving, racing, boxing, and other adrenaline-pumping activities—left him exactly in his condition—a crippled, sick, BUT bored man in his middle thirties.  Join him in his wild adventures as he battles devils, zombies, and all sorts of crazy stuff you can dream up while lying in bed. Updates: It depends on my workload. Also, on my cat's mood. Suggestions: I've got some "worlds" planned, but feel free to suggest a game or anime world that needs some serious "cleaning." Disclaimer: The characters mentioned are not mine, except the OCs. Especially not the Book Cover.

ChrisTian3421 · Anime & Comics
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80 Chs

Relaxing Time

(Katsuo POV)

A day had passed since my last mission, and here I was, sprawled out on the couch with my best boy, Tom the Maine Coon, lounging comfortably on my chest. I had originally planned to unleash some stress on my drum kit, but Tom had other ideas. So, I settled for the second-best option: my guitar. As I strummed and sang various songs, hitting surprisingly high notes, I couldn't help but laugh. Who knew I had such a vocal range?

After serenading Tom and myself for a good hour, I finally put the guitar down and opened my interface. It was basically a digital Swiss Army knife, with information and access to almost everything I could need. Time to do some accounting.

From my first mission, I had racked up a solid 800,000 points. I remembered the thrill of victory and the sweet, sweet payoff. But that sense of triumph quickly faded as I reviewed my expenses:

- Adamantine Tachi: 120,000 points

- - Sword essence to master Summoned Swords: 200,000 points

- Threaded Cane: 200,000 points

Then there was the second mission, which netted me another 300,000 points. Combined, that brought me up to 500,000 points.

From that, I had splurged on:

- Enchanted Madara's armor (complete with power boost and speed boost): 400,000 points

- - Truffle worm for summoning Duke Fishron: 30,000 points

- Fishing rod: 1,000 points

That left me with a measly 69,000 points. Not exactly rolling in it, was I? Especially when I thought about the customizable Yamato sword I had my eye on. Five million points. Five million. My mood sank as I stared at the remaining points.

"What could I possibly buy with 69,000 points?" I muttered, scratching Tom behind the ears. He purred contentedly, oblivious to my financial woes.

Thinking back to my latest encounters with the corrupted monsters and the Justice League, I couldn't help but smirk. I might not have much in terms of points right now, but the excitement of the missions were worth more than any amount of points.

The sudden buzz of my earpiece snapped me out of my reverie. "Katsuo, report to the briefing room immediately," Batman's voice commanded.

I sighed, carefully moving Tom off my lap. "Duty calls, buddy. Keep the couch warm for me."

I made my way to the briefing room, knowing full well that Batman was probably ready to deliver another stern lecture about teamwork and coordination. The door slid open, and there he was, standing like a monolith of discipline and order.





After the meeting, I headed back to my room, already planning my next move. The customizable Yamato might be a distant dream, but there were plenty of other ways to rack up points. And who knows? Maybe the next mission would bring me one step closer to that legendary blade.

For now, I picked up my guitar again, strumming a few chords as Tom settled back onto my lap. There was a strange kind of peace in the midst of all this chaos, and I intended to enjoy every moment of it.





I then decided it was time to head to the training room to work on mastering my electric manipulation. The ability to coat my body in lightning and enhance my speed and strength was a rush, but I wanted to push it even further. As I walked in, I felt the familiar tingle of energy crackling under my skin.

I started by focusing on the electricity flowing through the room, trying to sense every device around me. It was like feeling a network of pulses and currents, each one distinct yet interconnected. My eyes landed on the TV in the corner, and I couldn't help but notice Flash sprawled out on the couch, watching some sitcom and devouring an impressive amount of pizza.

An idea sparked in my mind. Using the circuits connected to the TV, I concentrated and felt my body become one with the electrical flow. With a zap, I teleported, appearing right next to Flash.

"Hey, nice show?" I asked, grinning as Flash jumped, almost spilling his pizza.

"Jeez, Katsuo! Warn a guy next time, will ya?" Flash said, clutching his chest in mock horror. "And here I thought Batman was the only one who did the whole 'sudden appearance' thing."

We both laughed, and I took a moment to enjoy the reaction before teleporting back to my original spot using the same method. The rush of moving through the electrical currents was exhilarating. But I knew this was just the beginning.

I started practicing merging Shunpo, my high-speed movement technique, with this new electric teleportation skill. I focused on the feeling of lightning and speed, trying to sync them perfectly. I dashed across the room using Shunpo, then, in a flash, teleported to the other side using the circuits.

After several attempts, I felt the two abilities starting to harmonize. I could sense the shift in my movement, the seamless transition from one technique to the other. I began to experiment with rapid direction changes and quick teleports, feeling the power and speed enhance with each successful merge.

Finally, I took a deep breath, channeling both the electric currents and my Shunpo technique. In an instant, I shot across the room in a blur of lightning, appearing at my target point with a crackle of energy. The combination felt incredible – like I was truly becoming one with the lightning.

Just as I was about to test another round, Batman's voice crackled through my earpiece. "Katsuo, report to the briefing room. We need to discuss your recent… antics."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "On my way, Bats."

As I made my way to the briefing room, I thought about the potential of merging my abilities even further. The sky was the limit, and I intended to reach for it. When I arrived, Batman was there, arms crossed and looking as stern as ever.

"Katsuo," he began, "While your creativity with your abilities is commendable, remember that this team operates on coordination and strategy, not just chaos and improvisation."

I nodded, trying to keep a straight face. "Understood, Batman. I'll keep the chaos to a minimum."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'll believe that when I see it."

After the meeting, I headed back to the training room, ready to push my limits even further. There was always room for improvement, and with my newfound skill, I felt more powerful than ever. And who knows? Maybe my next mission would give me the chance to really show off what I could do.

For now, I immersed myself in my training, knowing that every second spent mastering my abilities brought me closer to my goals. And if I could have a little fun along the way, well, that was just a bonus.