
Cosmic Ascendancy: Rise of the Overlord

In a secluded village, Evan discovers a mysterious knife that unlocks his dormant cultivation potential. Rising from Mortal Seedling to Mortal Crown, Evan undergoes a transformation from a frail boy to a young cultivator. He later joins an academy, gaining allies and mastering new techniques. During his cultivation and transformation, he will lead his village to the focal point of the universe using all his legendary encounters and objects.

sunhell · Eastern
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77 Chs

Fire part 1

Evan's experience so far in Mystic Meadow had taught him the importance of adaptability. While the horned blue rat lay defeated at his feet, a part of Evan recoiled at the thought of consuming such a creature. But the more pragmatic side of him wondered if there might be benefits to ingesting its flesh. He'd observed creatures in other realms derive strength and sustenance from their meals. Perhaps, in this ethereal realm, there could be more to gain than just filling a belly he wasn't sure he even had.Determined to try, Evan first set about cleaning the rat. With careful, deliberate movements, he began separating the meat from the bones, using the knife he'd fought with. The process was unfamiliar and slightly unsettling, but he pressed on. The meat was a peculiar shade of blue, matching the exterior of the creature, and was surprisingly tender to the touch.Once he'd collected a reasonable portion, Evan's next task was to start a fire. He scoured the immediate vicinity for wood, collecting an assortment of twigs, branches, and leaves. As he worked, Evan pondered on the mechanics of creating fire in Mystic Meadow. Would the laws of physics he was accustomed to even apply here?He arranged the wood in a small pit he dug out, fashioning a makeshift firestarter by rubbing sticks together. To his relief and slight surprise, after several moments of effort, a small spark caught the leaves, and a gentle flame emerged. The fire's glow felt oddly comforting, a little bubble of warmth and light in the vast, unpredictable expanse of the forest.With the fire steadily burning, Evan skewered the pieces of rat meat on a long stick he'd found. He held the meat over the flames, watching as it sizzled and changed color from the ethereal blue to a more familiar shade of cooked meat. The aroma was unexpected, not unpleasant, but different from anything he'd ever smelled before.As the minutes ticked by and the meat cooked, Evan found himself lost in thought. Every action he took in this realm was a gamble. Eating the rat was no different. What if it was poisonous? Or what if it offered some incredible power or insight? The outcomes were as vast as they were unpredictable.

The fire crackled softly as the blue hue of the meat turned to a more palatable brown. Drawing it away from the flame, Evan hesitated for a brief moment, examining the cooked meat closely. The aroma was different, something between the scent of fresh rain and a hint of wild berries. Tentatively, he took a small bite. The flavor that danced on his palate was like nothing he had ever tasted. It was not entirely pleasant, an odd combination of sweet, tangy, and a hint of bitterness, but it wasn't repulsive either.

Evan made a face, his taste buds struggling to process the strange sensation. He forced himself to chew slowly, half-expecting some immediate adverse reaction. The texture was a bit chewy, akin to overcooked chicken, but with a slippery quality to it. Swallowing the first bite was a task, but he told himself that this wasn't about savoring a meal; it was about survival.

He took a few more bites, each one slightly easier than the last, as he tried to acclimate himself to the taste. Each morsel was a challenge, but his drive to survive in this enigmatic realm urged him on. As he consumed more of the meat, he felt a warm sensation spreading from his stomach throughout his body. It was a gentle, reassuring warmth, like basking in the first light of dawn.

At first, Evan thought it might just be the psychological comfort of having a 'meal' after such an ordeal. But as minutes ticked by, he began to notice something astonishing. The numerous gashes, cuts, and scratches that covered his soul form, remnants of his battle with the horned blue rat, started to mend at a pace that was visibly discernible. Like watching the smooth surface of a pond being restored after casting a stone, his injuries were healing.

Evan looked down in awe, watching as deeper cuts began sealing themselves, with the smaller abrasions disappearing entirely. Within a matter of half an hour, most of his injuries had significantly reduced in severity or vanished. This miraculous recovery was beyond any logical explanation he could fathom.

Was it the meat? The thought was both exciting and terrifying. If the horned blue rat's meat had such properties, then the creatures of Mystic Meadow might possess abilities or qualities far beyond Evan's understanding. This realization was double-edged; while it meant potential resources for Evan, it also signified that dangers could lurk in the most unexpected places.

After ensuring that the fire was thoroughly extinguished and leaving no trace of his temporary camp behind, Evan pocketed the bead he had found earlier. His encounter with the rat and the subsequent discovery of the meat's healing properties had fortified his resolve. The forest was vast and filled with the unknown, but it was also a treasure trove of secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, he set forth, keenly aware of every rustling leaf, every distant chirp, and every shadow that danced in the corners of his vision. The forest was alive, teeming with mysteries, and Evan was both a guest and a player in its grand, unfolding narrative.

Evan had only taken a few steps when an uncanny sensation prickled at the nape of his neck. He halted, his instincts screaming at him that something was amiss. Glancing over his shoulder, he was greeted by an incredible sight. The very fire he had extinguished moments ago was not truly out. In fact, it had morphed and grown, coalescing into an increasingly recognizable form.

The flames, which were previously scattered and flickering erratically, now moved with purpose and unity. They were drawing together, condensing and shaping themselves. Before his very eyes, the fire started taking on a humanoid form. Legs, arms, a torso, and finally, a head, materialized from the searing heat. The silhouette glowed in the amber hues of fire, with bright blue, almost ethereal flames flickering where its eyes should be.

Evan took an involuntary step back, his heart pounding against his chest like a trapped bird against its cage. This was nothing like the horned blue rat or the dangers he had envisioned he might encounter in the Mystic Meadow. This was elemental, primal, and wholly unexpected.

As the fiery figure continued to solidify, Evan could discern more details. It appeared to be a female form, draped in what seemed like a gown made of pure flame. Her 'hair', a cascade of shimmering golden sparks, danced in the air, leaving smoky trails behind. Despite her incandescent nature, there was a strange sense of tranquillity that she exuded, contrasting sharply with the chaos that one would associate with fire.

Frozen in place, Evan was uncertain whether to approach or retreat. Everything in the forest had proven to be more than what it seemed, and this fiery apparition was likely no different. The Mystic Meadow was proving to be an enigma wrapped in layers of mystery, and Evan was right in the heart of it.

The clearing Evan stood in took on a surreal aura as the fire before him coalesced into a humanoid figure. This entity, birthed from the very flames Evan had sparked, radiated an almost palpable heat. Its form flickered and danced, giving it an appearance of being in perpetual motion, even when it stood still. Its eyes, twin sapphire flames, locked onto Evan's with a searing intensity.

Before any words were exchanged, the fiery figure lunged with a swiftness Evan hadn't anticipated. The first clash was brutal. With every swipe and every punch, Evan felt the scorching heat sear his soul form. Each hit, whether landed or dodged, left behind an agonizing trail of burns.

Despite the obvious power disparity, Evan didn't back down. He'd faced adversaries in this forest, each teaching him something new. From the horned blue rat, he'd learned the importance of observation and strategy. From the deceptive chicken, he'd understood that appearances were often misleading.

But the fiery entity was different. It didn't have any predictable patterns, its movements were as erratic and wild as a natural flame. There was no strategy Evan could discern, no weakness he could exploit.

The first part of their duel revolved around Evan's desperate attempts to evade and keep distance. He used the EtherealGlide as a defensive tool, flitting around the clearing, avoiding direct confrontation. But the fiery figure's relentless pursuit left him no room to breathe. The ground beneath them turned to ash with every step she took, while trees nearby were set ablaze just from the sheer proximity of the fight.

Several times, Evan thought he'd found an opening. He'd lunge, knife at the ready, hoping to pierce through the fiery veil. But each time, his weapon would pass right through her, leaving him vulnerable to a counterattack. It became evident that traditional means of combat were futile against this opponent.

As minutes turned into what felt like hours, the gravity of his situation sank in. This wasn't just a test of strength or skill. It was a test of willpower, of endurance, and of adaptability.

As the initial phase of their battle raged on, Evan began to notice something. Each time he utilized his EtherealGlide, the fiery figure would momentarily pause, as if thrown off. It wasn't much, just a split second, but it was consistent.

Building on this observation, Evan started integrating the EtherealGlide more fluidly into his combat strategy. Rather than just using it as a means to evade, he began using it as a feint. He'd dash towards the figure, seemingly ready to attack, only to use the EtherealGlide and appear behind of beside her.