
Cosmic Ascendancy: Rise of the Overlord

In a secluded village, Evan discovers a mysterious knife that unlocks his dormant cultivation potential. Rising from Mortal Seedling to Mortal Crown, Evan undergoes a transformation from a frail boy to a young cultivator. He later joins an academy, gaining allies and mastering new techniques. During his cultivation and transformation, he will lead his village to the focal point of the universe using all his legendary encounters and objects.

sunhell · Eastern
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77 Chs

Black pearl

Recognizing the need for immediate action, Evan mentally summoned the principles of harmonic resonance cascade. Unlike before, when he had used it to balance both body and soul, this time he had only his soul form to consider. In the realm of Mystic Meadow, physical qi was irrelevant; the ambient energy here was purely comprised of soul qi.

He settled his soul form in a meditative stance at the deepest corner of the cave. As he focused, it felt as if the walls of the cave themselves started to resonate with him. Strands of soul qi, invisible but palpable, began to seep from the environment into his soul form. The harmonic resonance acted like a magnet, pulling in these threads of energy to stitch back the gaps in his tattered soul form.

The cave's ambient soul qi gathered around Evan, thickening the atmosphere. Slowly, he felt his injuries start to mend. The parts of his soul form that had been ravaged by the treacherous chicken started to regain their original, luminous quality.

After what felt like an hour, Evan sensed a change. The gaping hole in his soul form, the mark left by the cunning chicken, had closed considerably. While not completely healed, it was no longer a debilitating concern, allowing him to function without significant hindrance.

However, as he assessed his semi-recovered state, Evan was struck by a deep revelation. While he had managed to heal to a considerable extent, the harsh lesson wasn't lost on him. He had survived but had also realized his vulnerability. In a realm where his soul form was his only existence, every decision carried immense weight.

After pondering his options, Evan resolved that reaching full health would be his wisest move. Just as he was about to re-enter his meditative state to continue his recuperation, a rumbling sound echoed above him. Glancing toward the far end of the cave, he noticed cracks spiderwebbing across the walls and ceiling.

Stones, boulders, and pebbles began to fall as the fractures advanced in his direction. Realizing the imminent danger, Evan didn't hesitate. Channeling the energy of his partially restored soul form, he activated EtherealGlide and shot out of the cave like a bullet.

He had barely cleared the entrance when a deafening roar filled the air, and the entire cave collapsed inward, sending a plume of dust and debris erupting outward. Pebbles and shards pelted him, but he was unharmed—his swift reaction had saved him from being buried alive.

The experience was another eye-opener for Evan. Just as the golem had warned, the forest could not be underestimated. Each moment held the potential for life or death decisions, and the margin for error was razor-thin. Even a sanctuary like a cave could turn into a death trap without warning.

Still shaken but alive, Evan realized that resting was a luxury he might not afford. He felt as if the forest itself was urging him to move forward, almost like it was a living entity with its own whims and caprices.

Evan sighed; the path ahead was uncertain, filled with both danger and opportunity. His first encounter in this perilous landscape had already tested the limits of his adaptability and survival instincts. But he had also realized that even in the face of extreme danger, there existed the chance for learning and growth. What would the forest have in store for him next? It was a thought that both excited and terrified him.

Before taking another step to continue his perilous journey through the forest, Evan's eyes caught a glint in the middle of the rubble that was once the cave. Curiosity piqued, he approached cautiously. There, nestled among stones and debris, was a pearl about the size of his eye. At first glance, it appeared to be pitch black, but upon closer inspection, Evan could see tiny pulses of light emanating from deep within it.

A mixture of caution and awe filled him. In a place teeming with hidden dangers and opportunities, Evan wondered which category this mysterious pearl fell into. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to take the risk and keep it, resolving to ask the golem for an appraisal—if he survived this harrowing test, that is.

Carefully, he picked up the pearl and felt an almost imperceptible thrum of energy from it. It was a strange sensation, but not an unwelcome one. Tucking the pearl securely in an inner pocket of his attire, designed to hold soul items, Evan finally turned away from the collapsed cave.

He was about to take his first step when a thought struck him: the cave had collapsed, but what had caused it? Could it be related to the pearl he had just picked up? Uncertainty clouded his mind for a moment, but there was no time to ponder these questions now. With the pearl safely stored and a newfound alertness, Evan continued deeper into the forest.

What lay ahead was unknown, but the pearl added another layer of mystery to his already uncertain journey. Would it turn out to be a boon or a bane? Only time would tell.

As Evan walked, a slight rustling from a nearby bush caught his attention. His instincts honed in immediately; every sense alert. With swift motion, he drew out his knife, its blade shimmering with a sharp gleam in the faint light filtering through the dense foliage.

Before he could even set his stance, a blue rat burst out from the underbrush. But this was no ordinary rat. Mounted atop its head were two sharp horns, and its eyes glowed with an unnatural intensity. The creature lunged at Evan, its speed catching him off guard.

With a swift reflex, Evan attempted to sidestep the attack. However, the horned rat's movements were precise, its intentions clear. It wasn't merely defending its territory; it was aggressively attacking, perhaps sensing the soul energy within Evan. The dense forest atmosphere suddenly became tense, as if every tree and shrub was holding its breath, waiting to witness the outcome of this unexpected encounter.