
Corruption of a good man

A young beggar was taken in by a newly anointed aristocrat family. The young boy was fed and treated like one of their own. Growing up, he wanted to repay the family that took care of him as much as he could. However, during the coming age ceremony, in which inhabitants of this world can be granted a 'class' when they reach 16, the hope for his first step for reciprocating the goodness that was showered to him starts to be out of reach. * Class Granted * Netori Slow paced story 1 chapter every 3 days

ClicheMuncher · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 26 : Roth's Future Goal

Roth was still unconsciously emanating his murderous intent. A hand touched him that awoke him from his inner fury.

"Sir Roth, please retract your aura. This is considered a violation because you are inviting to harm other adventurers. Please consider this a warning, since this is your first time. Please understand." Stella told him in a serious tone.

Roth got jolted by her voice, and slowly got his sanity back.

"Sorry, I lost control." He apologized profusely.

The adventurers relaxed as the unnerving killing intent was gone. Raymond and Lilian were still in shock that such cold aura could come out of their caring friend.

Loud steps were thumping from the back of the guild, and a long haired man emerged with his shirt unbuttoned at the top that puffed his hairy chest.

"What's happening?!" His loud shout thundered.

The guild branch leader wanted to see who wanted to mess around.

"It's fine Sourez, it was just an accident. Umm can you take it from here, I need to go to go powder my nose." Stella walked passed him and quickly went at the back.

Sourez frowned as he saw her disgusting smile again. He scanned the room to see who was responsible for it. There was only one boy who was standing in front of the reception table, while the other adventurers were backed away, still wary.

'The boy with the Dawnsteel.' He remembered.

"What's your name again?" Sourez crossed his arms.

"Roth, sir. Sorry for the problem that I have caused." He bowed and apologized further.

"You see-" He got interrupted by the sudden opening of the door.

"Everyone safe?" Glidal burst through the door with Lexia and Carlin following from his back.

"Oi Glidal, come here, this is your boy right?" Sourez motioned his hands to come over.

The three looked at each other confused, and walked towards the reception table to Roth.

"Tell your boy to tame that intent. Sheesh... Scared me a bit. I'm going back, got some more work to do." Sourez, not waiting for a response, just turned and left while waving.

"Roth, was that you?" Lexia was concerned.

Roth embarrassingly nodded.

Lexia saw that he was still firmly gripping a piece of paper.

"Show me that." Lexia reached out for him to hand over the paper.

"It's fine Lady Lexia." Roth tried to not to let them get involved.

"Hand it over Roth." Even Glidal urged him.

He handed the bounty poster, and a face of an ugly rough-looking bald man with unkempt beard was displayed.

Bounty : Dead or Alive

Name : Hagel

Recommended Rank : B

Reward : 50 Gold Coins

Crime : Leader of a prostitution ring in the Capital.

Lexia glared at the poster as she might knew who this was from Roth's reactions. She wanted to question Roth about her thoughts, but was stopped by Glidal.

"Let's go back first… apologize then we leave." Glidal saw the picture of the man as well, and decided to talk about this matter at home.

Roth apologized to each adventurer, and they accepted and just laughed it off.

At the back of the guild, Stella was at the toilet. Her back was behind the cubicle door while she was gasping for breath. She slid her underwear down to her knees and took a peek, and it was wet with sticky strands of white liquid hanging.

"I was absolutely right… grow up faster Roth." She said in ecstasy.

The walk back to the manor was quiet.

They've arrived and went straight to the office, and saw Elias patiently waiting standing while staring through the window.

"So, what's the problem?" Elias asked because he wasn't strong enough to sense killing intent at all, more so on such a distance.

"Nothing much dad. We'll continue the talks tomorrow." Carlin implied that they needed to leave.

"Okay." He was quick witted and readied his things.

They said their farewells before going back, however, Lilian was still unsettled because of the unnatural reaction of Roth at the guild.

"Worried about Roth?" Carlin asked her daughter on the way back.

She just nodded.

"He'll be fine… there's Lexia and Glidal to help. And… he's a smart kid anyway."

"Yeah" She let out a squeak.

The air was stale and you could only hear the sounds of the silverware.

"How was the first day?" Glidal broke the silence that was looming over their family dinner.

"Not bad, we went to gather for the first quest." Raymond replied as he looked at Roth who was just blankly gazing at his food while eating.

"That's good." Glidal continued to eat.

Lexia inwardly sighed as nobody knows how to improve such downcast mood.

The silence visited them again until the rest of the dinner.

At midnight, Roth went to the garden as usual if he was bothered by something. He walked towards the bench and saw Lexia, who was already seated, waiting for him.

He walked over and sat beside her.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Was that the man?" She tried to confirm her initial thoughts.

"Yes." He glanced at her direction and he saw Lexia's balled up fists shivering, clearly trying to control herself.

"Sorry, I should have told you about him earlier." He apologized again.

"No… We didn't want to ask you, since it might be traumatic to you at that point." She said caringly.

Roth looked at the woman.

"Thank you." He smiled, knowing the gesture that they made was out of respect as a person.

"Are you going to do it or let somebody else?" Her tone turned serious.

"I'm going to, but only if I'm ranked B." He told his intentions.

Lexia paused for a bit and let the silence freshen her mind.

"What if somebody got him first?" Lexia probed about his plan.

"No. If his bounty was just released now after for so long, he won't get caught easily. Unless if the ones searching was at Miss Sapphines level." He made a conjecture.

"Haha!" Lexia let out a laugh.

"Very good analysis, but you got something terribly wrong. A level of Sapphine is countable by hand. And, they won't bother for a B class bounty."

"Oh yeah." He fell in contemplation again.

"But Roth, your aura was scary." She gazed at him with concern.

"It alerted us… experienced adventurer's, from this far. Did you ever had this inside you?" She continued.

"Yes lady Lexia… I found that I could produce such thing when Lord Glidal showed us killing intent to practice and defend against." He answered truthfully.

"Then why haven't you shown it before?"

"I just thought it was normal for a person to have, since everyone can use it. So… I just used what was necessary at times."

She shifted her position and face Roth.

"Roth, have you killed people?"


"And you plan to kill Hagel?"

Roth paused to think how to word his answer.

"I'm not sure if I can kill him… immediately." He looked at her with eyes filled with vengeance.

Lexia breathed a heavy sigh.

"I know you are telling the truth. But let me tell you, the amount of murderous aura you have shown a while back, is comparable to an A class bounty." She warned.

Roth's eyes widened as he didn't expect this calibration of his killing intent.

"How?" he asked

"That's what I want to know too. But it seems you are very talented at this area." She assumed.

"A murderous Cleric." Lexia suddenly said an absurd thing.

They both started to giggle at this oxymoron.

"Anyways, you need to train your intent to hide it or somebody would think of you as a high grade assassin."

"Yes, Lady Lexia."

"And it would benefit you as well. If you want to hunt that Hagel guy, you should not leak your intent. He might be good at running away."

Roth nodded.

"What kind of training shall I do?" He was curious.

Lexia's gaze sharpened.

"You will have to learn this supposedly when you're older, at least C ranked. You basically need to kill beasts, monsters…. people." She looked at him in the eye

"Of course, not the innocent." She added.

Roth nodded again.

"When can I start training?" He was eager to make himself stronger.

Lexia mulled for quite a bit. She critically thought that it would be the best if this young boy would learn now to control his talents.

"I'll talk to Glidal tomorrow. Let's see by then." She stood up and ready to get back.

"Umm Lady Lexia." Since the situation has cleared up, Roth remembered something to ask.

"Yes Roth?" She looked back at the boy.

"Who is Maple?" Roth was filled with curiosity.

Lexia was surprised by the mention of a name she hadn't heard in a long while.

She sat back down and crossed her legs.

"What has Raymond done this time?" She asked as she has quite the guess on the topic.

Roth was a little bit scared and thought. 'Instincts of a mother is scary.'

"Well…" Roth retold the scenes he went through to Lexia.

Lexia kneaded her temples as Roth finished his story.

"These poor girls." She sighed.