
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Broken Dam

Standing at the front of the ship, on the deck, Genji was looking off into the distance with a somber look on his face.

It was already late afternoon when Genji left Toph's room and stepped out onto the deck to relax his mind.

As troubled as he currently felt, Genji was up to smiling and helping everyone around him.

Especially Ty Lee right now since she had just awakened her Airbending abilities.

"How long do I need to do this?"

A voice drifted into Genji's ears and he turned around to look at Ty Lee sitting down on the ground. With her hands resting on her knees, Ty Lee was currently meditating.

"Not long, you only need to occasionally do this if you want your Airbending to be constantly strong," said Genji as he approached Toph. "Airbenders are benders who are very spiritual. If you don't meditate, your Airbending won't be as strong as those who do."

"But this is boring…" complained Ty Lee as she wished to get up and move around.

She was an energetic person who liked to be on the move. Jumping and twirling, anything that would make her feel joy.

Genji chuckled and patted Ty Lee's head, "Truth be told, you don't have to meditate like this. If you're skilled enough, you can meditate whilst doing many things. You just need to be able to clear your mind and achieve inner peace.

It should come easily for you when you do your acrobatics."

"Ah! I can try doing it like that!"

Ty Lee excitedly stood up and began to move around like a child. A wide and beautiful smile on her face as she twirled and back flipped as she liked.

Her eyes were closed and she moved around like a flower petal that was picked up by the wind. Swaying around gently and beautifully.

Nodding, Genji felt like Ty Lee was currently in the right mind state. Though she would occasionally exit the meditation state and focus on what she was doing since she didn't want to fall off the ship.

"Haha, maybe you should focus in a lotus position and train your mind before trying all this," laughed Genji as he watched Ty Lee tumble and fall.

She stood with a pout and listened to Genji before heading over to the center of the ship and sitting down with her legs crossed.

Quietly, Genji nodded and occasionally gave Ty Lee some tips when she would feel nothing.

"It's okay, relax. Clear your mind."

"Think of a white piece of paper and enlarge it thousands of times and focus on it. Envision nothingness."

"Lose yourself to this emptiness and forget your desires."

Occasionally Genji also mentioned stuff that he had personally experienced when meditating. As well as a couple of stuff from Guru Laghima.

Since Genji had already read through everything about Laghima, Genji had more or less absorbed all his wisdom.

Including the Immortal Tieguai.

Genji had assimilated the little wisdom they had left behind in their books and adopted them. After deducing then and comprehending most of it, Genji began his own spiritual journey.

At this moment, it wouldn't be an exaggeration for him to be a Guru. The only thing was that even if he knew something, it didn't mean that he could easily apply.

Genji still needed experience.

However, this was something that he was rapidly earning and experiencing as he trained Toph, Zuko, and Ty Lee. He even helped Zuko and Azula go through a spiritual change.

All this helped him grow.

'I must be some form of genius or very talented,' thought Genji with a shake of his head, musing to himself.

It was a fleeting thought, but it contained some truth to it.

Without relying on the system, Genji had completely recreated the Immortality Art and had even refined and improved Waterbending, Firebending, Earthbending, and Airbending.

If that wasn't all, he had even discovered Energybending, which was very obscure!

All the books he had discovered on energybending were all books that hardly mentioned energybending.

Within them, Genji would be lucky to even find a single page with energybending written on it.

"Okay, you can relax now."


Ty Lee jumped and smiled as she stretched her body before turning to look at Genji expectantly.

Her eyes shone with a bright light as she waited for Genji to tell her what was next. She was waiting for this very moment for an entire night and even the entire morning just to begin training.

She wanted to airbend!

Now that she could bend, Ty Lee could only feel excited at the prospect.

Feeling Ty Lee's burning excitement, the corner of Genji's lips twitched.

"Alright, let's begin with the basics. Moving with the wind," said Genji.

"Moving like the wind?"

Ty Lee seemed confused at Genji's words and wondered what it meant.

Seeing her expression, Genji walked away and eventually came back with a metal staff in his hand and a couple of leaves in his other hand.

Fresh leaves from some poor plants in his room.

"Moving with the wind to evade obstacle," said Genji before tossing the leaves in the air and then swinging his staff at them.

With a wave of his staff, the leaves looked like they had come alive as they actively evaded the staff. Genji didn't stop there and continued to move his staff as he prevented a single leaf from touching the floor and being taken away by the wind.

Ty Lee watched the leaves dance around Genji's Staff and found it rather interesting. The scene seemed rather amazing and Ty Lee felt like she understood what Genji had meant.

Usually Genji would be able to hit the leaves even with his staff. With a simple twist, the staff in Genji's hand could drag those leaves over and make them stick to the staff.

It was like a sword that had to perfectly cut through the air and wind in order to hit a leaf and slice through it.

In this case, the staff was a little more difficult because of the wind it generates when swinging because of its thickness and no sharp edge.

"You need to be like these leaves and move with the wind. You don't command the wind, neither does the wind command you. Airbending is all about freedom," said Genji as he slowly stopped moving the staff and eventually guided the leaves down to the ground in a neat pile before they were suddenly blown away by the wind of the sea.

Genji kept his eyes on Ty Lee and ignored the leaves and continued as if nothing happened.

"This is where you will exceed fairly easily Ty Lee, you're someone who freely moves around. Which is such a charming feature of yours."

Ty Lee blushed at Genji's words and nodded, "Do I have to train in that?"

Nodding at Ty Lee's words, Genji said, "You can train in that later. For now, we will take advantage of the wind and help you get used to controlling the wind with your Airbending before focusing on other moves…

Now, focus on the wind and feel it. Let the wind guide your body before you attempt to move. I will help you correct your moves while you train.

In the future, you can also ask the Avatar for some help. He would be more than glad to teach you about Airbending."


With a bright smile on her face, Ty Lee closed her eyes and felt the wind on her body. It was refreshing, but also slightly cold.

As she felt the wind hit her body and clothes, she could feel the loose parts of her clothes flutter. Unknowingly, Ty Lee began to move along with the wind.

It was rather clumsy and rigid, but there was a certain joy within her movement.

Genji watched Ty Lee move slowly and twirl under the guidance of the wind.

As Genji kept his eyes on Ty Lee, he felt like Ty Lee's movements were akin to a dance as she waved her hands and twirled.

'She's a natural at this,' thought Genji as he looked at Ty Lee move.

At this point, Genji wasn't too sure whether it was Ty Lee who had a talent for Airbending or him who was such a good teacher.

However, that didn't matter to him as long as Ty Lee enjoyed herself whilst Airbending.

The training was smooth and Genji would often give Ty Lee some tips. Eventually they moved on to Airbending and although she didn't bend the wind on her first try, Ty Lee didn't give up and continued to try.

Within just three tries, Ty Lee managed to bend the wind around them and slightly control it.

Four hours passed and Ty Lee was panting with a flushed face. A smile loosely hung on it as she laid down on the floor, only making her look more cute.

"You're quite good at this," said Genji as he looked at Ty Lee.

"Hehe… you really think so?"

Elated at the words Genji said, Ty Lee felt like she could airbend some more as she tried to get back up.

A finger pressed upon her forehead, stopping her from getting up from the ground. Looking at the owner of the finger, Ty Lee found Azula looking at her with a smirk.

"Well well well… looks like you've had quite the productive training," said Azula as she pulled back her finger. "Now it's my turn to hog this horny bunny."

Azula shot Genji a look before standing up and walking over to Genji before pushing him back slightly and resting on his chest.

Drawing circles on his chest, Azula had a playful pout on her face.

"How about we hang out a little… would you like to, Babe?"

Looking at Azula's playful stare as she blinked her eyes coquettishly, Genji smiled, "How about that…

Let's go then. The rest of the day is ours."

"Hm… let's seize the day then!"

Azula pulled Genji with great gusto, unable to hide her own excitement.

She had seen Genji hang out with the other girls various times and even her own brother.

Seeing that, Azula was beginning to feel rather envious. She wanted to be Genji's main wife, but it is difficult when she can't even hang out with him when he's constantly moving.

Now that she had the time to hang with him, she was going to take advantage.

"Let's go! I had the cooking crew prepare us a special meal," said Azula as she walked forward proudly.

Genji listened to Azula and followed closely behind her as he watched her ramble on.

"At first the crew wasn't listening to me… but after a little talking, I convinced them," said Azula with a smirk on her face. "I didn't even need to threaten them! It was such a weird thing to experience."

"I might do it more often…"

"I was uncomfortable at first since they weren't shaking in fear, but I managed to pull it off!"

"Even Mai was surprised at what I managed to accomplish."

As Azula continued to speak, Genji could just hear how proud she was of herself. Hell, even Genji was proud of what she managed to accomplish.

She has come a long way after the traumatizing childhood she had with that abusive manipulative father of her's.

Everyone Genji would think about it, he couldn't help but wish to kill Ozai.

However, killing him won't let Azula make a complete recovery from her trauma.

As he walked next to Azula, Genji couldn't help but stretch his hand over to Azula's shoulder that was farthest from him. Pulling her closer to him, Genji rubbed her shoulder with a grin on his face.

"Haha! You're amazing, you know that Azula? You are a capable and amazing woman," said Genji as he looked into Azula's stunned eyes.

She didn't expect to be praised in such a way, yet it warmed her heart knowing that it was Genji who said it. Her eyebrows trembled and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

Without even realizing it, a couple of tears streamed down her charming face.


A nervous laughter escaped out of Azula's mouth as she continued to look at Genji. She unconsciously reached out and held onto Genji, clenching on tightly to his clothes.



Her nervous laughter slowly turned to sadness as she let out all her pent up feelings in the form of crying. Feelings she had kept hidden and stashed away under hundreds of bricks of pain, sadness, and fear all burst out.

It all just flowed out like a broken damn as she continued to grasp at Genji, afraid he would disappear.

A soft and warm embrace covered her and she just held on tightly to that warm embrace.

Genji held her in his arms with his own sad and gentle smile, his hands caressing her back whilst his other hand was on her head in reassurance.

"It's okay… let it all out.

I'm here for you."