
battle of power

Hundreds of charged range attacks were launched from the sky, the ground, the sea and from every other direction you could look. They smashed into several of the large black glitched tentacles that were racing towards the legendaries. The tentacles that were hit were destroyed but dozens more took the places of the destroyed ones and the glitched appendage showed no signs of slowing down. As soon as the corruption got in range it was met with hundreds of claws, teeth, tails, heads, and all sorts of other attacks.

The corruption was sliced, incinerated, pulled apart, crushed together, obliterated, exploded, bashed, impaled, electrocuted, bitten, frozen, stung, liquified, squeezed, broken down, drilled into, kicked, blasted, scratched, but it just kept coming. Soon there was so much corruption there that every legendary had a tentacle or more of their own to deal with.

Smaller legendaries like mew, celebi and victini were distracting tentacles, dodging between swings and dodging several at a time. Most large legendaries were in fierce fights with their tentacles, only one tendrel went after one pokemon, almost like it was playing with them. And larger and stronger legendaries were taking on multiple at a time.

Giratina was in a battle with 5 and each tentacle was almost the same height as giratina. Giratina had a system where he would destroy 1 tentacle, dodge another two, destroy the fourth, and dodge the fifth and then destroy the first one again. Giratina was so busy dodging that he didn't notice that every tentacle he destroyed was the one he had previously destroyed and it had just reformed, he thought every tentacle he destroyed was a different one coming to try to take him down, but he was smart, suw what was happening and decided to change his tactic. But by that time it was too late. A sixth tentacle that had formed under him had sprung up and had developed a casing of corrupted glitch around him. When it dissipated, giratina was not a pokemon anymore, it was a puppet for the glitch to use.

In another intense battle regirock, regice and regigigas were fighting eight. They kept them away using rock wall and attacked through holes Regirock made for the attacks to exit through. Whenever the glitch attacked, regirock covered the hole back up and attacked somewhere else. There was a rock ceiling on top so the corruption couldn't climb down over the walls. With each attack the corruption got more and more excited and developed a thick layer of glitch onto the outside of the rock wall. When an opening was made for an attack corruption poured into the walls and covered the three regis. When the walls were lowered the regis were no better than giratina.

But the most impressive feat on the battlefield at that moment was with mewtwo. It was taken on twelve and was holding its ground. It had a forcefield around it and everytime the shield received a blow it retaliated and reversed the force of the attack and gave the tentacles their attacks back. He was throwing shadow balls, aura balls and every psychic type attack he knew and when they fazed through the shield they caused large amounts of damage even though the damage was regenerated and covered over seconds later. Even though it was impressive it doesn't mean he was winning. In fact he had taken several mental blows when the corruption used its powerful unstable mental waves to disorient him. The waves were in the same frequency as feeling are but it was so bad it could knock a weaker psychic tyce clean out, actually nevermind, it could knock a normal being out, it was so strong you didn't even have to be a psychic type to feel it. Even though mentally in pain mewtwo was not out yet and ith a grunt of effort expanded the shield pushing the corruption back and flew high out of the reach of the tentacles. Mewtwo wasn't running away, he was coming up with a plan to beat it. He was now level with the ship and caught sight of Pibby. A small but noticeable smile made its way onto his face despite the situation.