
Returning to the Clan Test Part 3 Jia Nan Academy

As the crowd was in a hub bub, Xiao Yan moved about taking into account those who had sinister hearts. Jealousy was a good way at finding out the present and future traitors.

If he had this technique back then, he owner how different the final days in Tales of Demons & Gods would have been. But that was in the past and not something to dwell on for to long.

A few members of the Xiao Clan gave him odd looks during the time he was in deep thought. Some remember Xiao Yan did not have a look like that since the day his mother "died" out of nowhere.

"The people below may start picking their opponent!" Xiao Zhan shouted. He wanted to speak with Xiao Yan but his son didn't even look his way. 'What is going on in that boy's head?'

"I do not have time to waste with you all anymore. You are just so undeserving." Moving into the arena, he was the first to challenge to get it over with. "I will take as many challenges at one time while restricting myself to that of a 9-star Dou Disciple. If I lose, I will even disown myself as a member of the Xiao Clan!"

That last bit got a few riled up. Ya Fei smiled as she thought of him joining the Mitre family to work. She would see him more and her cultivations would receive further guidance.

Xiao Ke, Xiao Ning, and a bunch of no-names jumped in the ring at once. Only a slight pause to give the Patriarch token respect. But all the eyes on him were that of contempt.

A few members of the Xiao clan were unwilling to miss this chance.

Nothing he could do if Xiao Zhan brought this up himself. To them, it would be good to curb his arrogance once more even though he seemed more promising than ever.

"The Battle Begins!" The elder looking over the arena frowned at those who jumped in. He had a really bad feeling in regards to the situation.

"Look closely." Xiao Yan looked towards his people. "Dragon Martial Arts, Dragon Aura Explosion!" The release was so swift and brutal, most of the spectator's mouths went slack.

A wave of purple qi erupted from around his body. Composed of fire and lightning, a dark blue dragon let out a shout forcefully behind him. Cracking the tiles and sending his opponents out the arena with broken bones and ruptured eardrums in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Ke stood in the arena completely unmoving. Eyes rolled over from the shock to his very soul.

Xiao Ning fared a little better, but only because the bulk of the attack was taken by Xiao Ke who charged in first. All the others were in need of serious medical attention.

"Marvelous!" Feeling a sense of euphoria from the increased Connection with his people, his qi was kept restrained a little more this time. 'The gamble had paid off to alienate some of them!'

"Tch!" Xiao Yu jumped in seeing her brother so injured. "Brother!" The torn muscles and bloody face were the least of his concerns. The fear ingrained from Xiao Yan would nurture in his heart at this rate. "You ruined him!"

*Woom!* A few of the Xiao elders were about to interfere. However, they were stopped once again by the Mitre family. Xiao Yu was a member of the Jia Na Academy as well as the Xiao clan, the elders were not wanting her to be injured making a mistake.

"You were to heavy-handed!" The whip in hand, she lashed out. "You heartless dog!" It met a strong resistance with a blur appearing in front knocking her out of the arena instantly. "Kufff!" Embedded in the wall, Xiao Yu was barely alive.

Most looked towards the Snow Demon Ape thinking it was the culprit. However, it was sitting down eating some fruit. Minding its own business calmly.

"Dragon Fist, should be only used if you can handle the recoil properly." Xiao Yan shook the scales off that came with the use of the skill. "Also works as armor for the skin as well. Highly recommend it for those who do not want to work directly towards body strengthening. A focus on it can cover that weakness."

"We understand master!" The Xiao clan members of his said respectfully. Loyalty was earned already and they were happy to not be on the other side.

Xiao Yan stepped down and left the situation with out an issue. Enough trouble had come their way with a lot of them swallowing their pride in the difference in strength. Several elders of the Xiao Clan had ugly looks on their faces.


A few Days Later-


The Xiao clan came to a decent deal with the Mitre Family. Nothing to major but enough to let them become better than before. It was made apparent that they would not be put to high up based on clan interactions with one another.

The Mitre Family stated clearly they just were not what they were looking for afterall.

Jia Lie To came and paid respects to them and spoke of future deals to strengthen the town as a whole. Causing the Xiao elders to wonder what changed for the 2nd Elder of the Jiao Family so recently.

A few mentions of the Dark Moon Family had some on pins and needles.

"Big bro Xiao Yan!" Xun Er called out while he was training in the courtyard with the others. She was beside herself in happiness over recent events. "Aren't you going to the tryouts?"

The little heiress of the Gu clan didn't think he needed it but a lot of people in the clan were wanting Xiao Yan to go after his display. Those people could not come into his courtyard and ask themselves, however.

"No, only a few things are worth it there and I get them at almost anytime. Or for that matter after the Academy gets ransacked." He didn't open his eyes as his Qi push and more of his soul restored. 'My overall Power, Defense, Willpower, and Intellect is rising well. A good bit more and I can use my Aspects better.'

"It would be a good place to grow safely." Xu Er looked at the others who were trained by him and stronger than most people from bigger clans at this age. "Won't they need a safer place to develop?"

"They do, but they can get that here in the Xiao clan while I gather a few more supplies." Xiao Yan closed his hands together condensing dou-qi into a ball. With a toss, he popped it in his mouth like a piece of cotton candy. "Unless the terms are good, they shouldn't waste time there with the little assholes."

As they talked, an actual representative of Jian Nan Academy moved to the courtyard with a few disciples. Xiao Yu, had told her master Yun Lan about what happened and the stronger members of her clan.

Wanting to get in good with her master after her loss and humiliation, she also wanted to put Xiao Yan in his place for being so heavy handed with her brother. She hoped her teacher could also heal the injuries the others suffered against Xiao Yan as well.

"Humph, I am sure she exaggerated Teacher Yun Lan," a young man with an arrogant look on his face said. He came along for the fun and because he wanted a challenge after overhearing what happened. "no way this Xiao Yan is this strong naturally."

"He received a lot of medicine for a broken engagement, that is why he is so strong I hear. But rumors says he was pretty gifted before losing his cultivation one day." Another disciple who came with spoke carefully with a little more information. He mostly came to see the new beauties. "It would be best to tread carefully La Bo."

Yun Lan said nothing and only thought of how a young man could be so brutal his own family members. If rumors were to be believed, the Xiao clan was not the best place to grow. Xiao Yu had her faults but was nonetheless a good girl.

"Grr." One of the red wolves smelled the air and growled. The cubs that played around moved behind and hid. "Arrooo!" A warning howl wen tout to the other red wolves around the courtyard to be on alert.

"Humph, your cousin raises these pets?" La Bo taunted as he moved to one. He was not the brightest one at all. "Come here you mangy..."

*Bam!* A jab struck him in the chest with the strength of an anvil. The student went flying out the courtyard and was only stopped by the wall. Yun Lan looked on angrily at the Snow Demon Ape that stood in front.

"What a dangerous beast." The teacher couldn't see the strike until it was to late. Looking into its eyes, the level of intelligence she detected made her believe she was looking at human instead. "I understand we may have come uninvited but no reason for such hostilities."

"Of course there is." Xiao Yan walked over releasing the Heart Method out. The air immediately became stifling for the uninvited guests. Yun Lan went on guard. "From his very movement, and tone he was up to no good. The useless teachers at Jia Nan Academy maybe use to allowing disciples to run amok on teacher and do what they want, but we do not do that here."

He did not mean the Xiao clan of course. Just his courtyard.

"Such strength at your age needs to be guided properly, you might run afoul of someone stronger than you if not careful."

"Been there done that, I know how to take a loss though." Xiao Yan smiled at her attempt to steer the conversation. "State your business, some of us are actually busy."

"Xiao Yan!" Xiao Yu did not like his disrespect towards her teacher. She just couldn't let her cousin act this way to her like this. Let alone ain't a bad image for the Xiao clan. "Apologize to Teacher Yun Lan before I tell your father!"

"Pfft!" He scoffed at the statement. "Do what you want girly, I don't care."

"That's enough." Yun Lan pulled the angry girl back. "Are you not interested in improving yourself further? You can only do so much on your own you know."

"I am improving myself every day. Whether it is medicinal studies or improving my body itself. Not much can be learned for me in your little academy." Xiao Yan racked his head once more on what was all located there. 'Those bones would be good for refinement as well as that flame.'

"Little academy..." Yun Lan took offense. Her circlet she wore gave her a cute intimidating look as her brow furrowed. "..you think so little of my school. I can not let that slide so easily."

"Oh, how about a bet then." Xiao Yan smirked turning to her. She gave a simple nod to continue as she wonder what he had up his sleeve. "I am in need of a decent maid, you would fit the bill enough and take care of my disciples if I send them to your little academy."

"Maid..." Yun Lan was embarrassed and boiling mad.

"How dare you insult my teacher Xiao Yan!?"Xiao Yu was pulled out her whip and was about to strike until she saw Xiao Mei give her a glare that froze the blood in her veins. "Grrr!"

"Do not be foolish and try to attack Master Xiao Yan, it will not end well for you at all." Xiao Mei and the other members of the Xiao Yan gave them dirty looks as if they were invaders.

"Xiao Yu, you must learn to control your temper." Yun Lan said peacefully. She had calmed down and was determined to see this through a little more now. "To be your maid if I lose is one thing, but when I win you must apologize and become a proper disciple of mine. As well as apologize to Xiao Yu."

"Hahaha, this will be an easy win. I promise not to kill you." Xiao Yan signaled them to clear the way as he pulled out the Thundergod Meteorite Sword. 'Let's test the recovery so far.'

Status: Xiao Yan Health 1900 Qi: 21000

Power: 29 Defense: 34

Willpower: 42 Intellect: 45

Connection: 27

Aspects: Fire, Lightning, Medicine, Corruption, Soul, Time

Divine Sparks: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Earth, Ice, Hell, Light, Death, Beasts, Primordial Chaos, Blizzard

Cultivation: Flame Vortex Core: 9-star Dou Grandmaster

Metal Seed: 9th tech level

Astral Fire Body Sense: 8th tech level

Heart Method (Maxium): 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 4th tech level

Shen Yue: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Nether 1-Fate, Time 1-Fate

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Wind 1-Fate, Water 1-Fate

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