
Hard Changes Part 1 My Wife??

It took some time that was spent hunting and preparing different talismans while also thinking up methods to circumvent various items to recover strength further quicker. But it paid off today as he came across the most perfect incidents.

The Flame Lion and the woman clashed. Overwhelming power hit against dutiful skill and the mind honed by diligent contemplation.

"Woman, in so many years, you are the first one who dares to challenge me!" The Lion's gruff voice came out with all of it's arrogance. A small scent caused it to have trepidation from something in the air the last few days but it mostly chalked it up to the human hunting it down.

"Lion King, if you are willing to trade the Purple Crystal with me, I will naturally not bother you." Calm despite the situation, the woman floated in the air like a Valkyrie on a mission. 'I feel something is wrong.. but what is it?'

Her senses stretched out a little to make a pass but nothing was found. But she and the Lion could not find out what was going on. Tension increased, and the battle continued as the Lion let loose a gale of power.

"If you want to die, I will help you with it!" Opening its mouth a hurricane of wind and dou-qi twirled towards the woman with the intent to kill her! "Die!"

The powerful attack was suppressed with the use of the woman's sword. Her brow wrinkled under her cowl as the attack was the strongest yet.

A few more blows were struck with the woman gaining the upper hand once and using that to her advantage to cut the horn off. The Lion enraged unleashes more dou-qi that causes the end of it.

'It is time!' Xiao Yan moved once a few more moments passed. Activating different Arrays that blended with the surroundings to sent the Lion on a goose chase. Moving to the river that was now covered in a purple crystal layer. 'There she is!'

Suffering from the now visible Mark of the Purple Crystal Seal on her chest, the woman was in for more pain and hurt then she would ever think.

Taking her to the cave, Xiao Yan was grateful for the opportunity. Placing a Sound Seal and using his acupuncture skills, she was imbolized and her cultivation was suppressed completely, the injury made her even weaker to fight back.

"Good!" With a wave of the hand, she was pulled into his Internal Space. "Alright, time for the next step. Long Shuyun's remnant looked at him briefly with concern. Looking through him in ways only a few could. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, she is quite beautiful and seems strong. This body will do really well." Long Shuyun entered the body of Yun Yun. Her soul blazing with power. 'To have such a good husband to find such a body for me, I will defintely enjoy this life to the fullest!'

Removing a few pieces of the dogma of the woman's clan, she would not deal with another Dragonseal incident. The physical weakness would not be an issue with some work of her own added in.

Outside the different Killing Arrays activated to injure the Purple Lion King. Maddened, the beast continued searching but the wounds were adding up subtly. Marks across it's fur that started to make a pattern.

Long Shuyun found the information of the person she now inhabited to be very worthwhile. From her own years of cultivating and running a Clan, she could tell where she would run into problems.

"Ahh, feel a lot better." Long Shuyun looked at him smiling. "She was even a virgin to. Have you recovered enough to refine me further?"

"Yes." Xiao Yan looked at her seductive body giving her lips a kiss. "Do you want to take a little longer to do so?"

"No, the faster it is done, the faster we can implement matters to help grow faster." Long Shuyun shook her head in dismay. "Besides, taking over the Yun Lan Sect is paramount to surviving. The Sect Master is a pain and I will need the full memories to blend in easily. Even though she is a little aloof and they won't be able to tell due to your energy inside me."

"Your experience is defintely needed." Xiao Yan nodded agreeing. "Let's get started then."

Exuding force the now returned woman attacked him with fervor. Running the Dual Cultivation method she was taught by him, the passing energies built up quickly.

While they worked and enjoyed themselves, Xiao Yan's runic lines spread further and further with new marks. The very patterns were inside them are more complex than the one's he usually inscribed on himself.

He knew what they meant but the fact they inscribed on their own method something inside him had changed once more.

"Much better." Long Shuyun said the same thing again once they finished. "She will be easy to work as. Plus I can dismiss any little thing with the various techniques I know as being ones I found while traveling. As for Nalan Yanran, I really do not want to put Long Yuyin in that little one. But she has decent skills and it will help with keeping in cover. We are already close."

Leaning against his chest her fingers ran down towards his thighs at a certain runic mark.

"Sounds good. Do you still have your Demon Spirit by chance?" The Champion followed her gaze and noticed the marks. Reading it, his heart started hammering along with the pulse of the Metal Seed. "??"

"Yes, it was isolated in my soul and not refined as well. Even becoming a little stronger in the process. However, a lot of the transformation this body can not handle yet. I will fix that upon returning to the sect." The broken piece of the Purple Lion King floated over to her hand. "These marks are similar, what are they?"

"The dou-qi I took from eating you is very compatible with me. I didn't think this compatible though." Puzzled he read it over only pausing to grip his head in pain. "Tch!" A flash of purple raged briefly before dispersing.

"When you.. when everything went wrong before.. when you were at the Dimension fell for the 1st time how did you feel?" Her voice was hesitant but mostly concerned.

"I was to busy pushing against the Dimension Boundary to keep it from collapsing. As well as refining various materials and especially Ling Tian the Demon Lord."

"What happened at the end of my Dimension?" Long Shuyun sat up keeping her gaze on him fully. She started running a deeper look over her body in detail to see if anything was wrong. Also keeping engaged with him. "Were you occupied in the same way or found yourself to be any different afterward?"

The cave became quiet as Xiao Yan looked deep in himself and used his Astral Sense to speak with anyone who was awake. Asking them if they noticed anything different about him or felt something was off.

For the most part, they only sensed he was a little more direct and less willing to give people chances. To be precise, he carried a feeling of Dominance without trying. For those who understood the Heart Method (Maxium) technique, this was nothing but a piece of it to them.

However, with the use of his Aspects working all at once and digging deep into the Flame Vortex Core to pull up memories deeper something else became apparent.

Were various cracks used to be, where they had all healed up, there were now Rune's in the shapes of cracks. Written in confusing ways but also in prominent ways that tug deeper at his Aspect of Time.

"Tch!" Scoffing as he read them over for a few hours led to one thing. "It is because of the Sage Emperor! He attempted to scar my Soul! The damage done at the end by him and Nie Li was healed but the characteristics of my Flame Vortex Soul still have to do something in that regard to the power taken in! The memories of the Sage Emperor are vast and much more than any I took in before!"

"Are you yourself?"

"Yes, I am. But I underestimated the Sage Emperor a little. To use even his own Soul to make sure he is able to return once more is quite daring. However..." Eyes flaring, Xiao Yan cultivated his various Cultivation while spinning the Flame Vortex Core at max speed. "....he made a mistake thinking I wouldn't cannibalize my Soul to such a degree! In my haste to heal, I overlooked what would be gained!"

Leaving him to work as she could see this would take some time, Long Shuyun worked on consolidating her cultivation further. Only opened her eyes every now and then trying to get used to the face but finding herself having slight trouble with it.

'If not for the newest Aspect of Corruption I would have been in trouble. But the changes after all these years won't just go away after everything that happened anyway. I find myself not wanting it to anyway.' The Metal Seed thrummed with the beat of his hearts in a deeper rhythm. 'I can feel the discomfort she exudes when looking at me, I would think looks would not play a full part but then again she may have misgiving in what I hold within. No matter, as long as she is happy.'

In his hands, the Thundergod Meteorite Sword appeared. Running Dou-Qi through it, the sword repaired further as it still recognized him as its master even more so now. This itself made sure he was still himself so to speak.


Prickle of an issue-


"Here." Long Shuyun removed a box no bigger than a pumbkin. The seals already became undone with the exposure of his Soul. "This should be all that is needed to keep you healthy besides getting stronger."

Inside was something as his wife she was intrustedf with and only allowed to return in the event of him dying or if he was dead for her to use. An Artificial Divine Spark was inside containing a lot of the Knowledge and his feelings during the time it was removed from him.

Basically a large portion of his Soul and Cultivation at that time was removed from the core of himself. Taking it inside, his current Body was more than capable for handling it. Just not in the terms of overall power use.

*Brrm!* Shing with his various Aspects, something he assumed would happen to took place.

The majority of the Divine Spark was extracted and fed to himself with the rest dividing into two.

*Schup!* The Soul Puppet of Shen Yue appeared. The Flame Vortex dousing him in dou-qi and the various Laws. The remains of the Flame Vortex Star Dragon going with it. Some Laws more concentrated than others as the change from a puppet to something more proceeded.

*Schup!* The body of Liang Yu appeared at the same time. The Scarlet Flame Tiger Demon overlayed his body with rich dou-qi and lightning circling around. The Flame Vortex dousing him in dou-qi and the various Laws. Some were more concentrated than others as the change from a puppet to something more proceeded.

"That.. was different but at least it was not painful." Xiao Yan did not feel any aches or pains throughout his body but he immediately found a problem with checking over the other two. His Aspect of Soul blazing in power further. Even matching up to that of Medicince. "You two.. are me but not me anymore.. Have the feeling as if you were my children even though you were a part of my very soul!"

"Yeah.... I don't like this much myself." Shen Yue said guarded. They were all the original leroy before all this happeneed. As Soul Puppets it was nothing as they could be retrieved back into one. Now they could not do so with the way it felt anyway. "I can feel the Aspects of Fire and Lighting but not the others developing."

"That should be the case considering we are shaving of ourselves. This should be correct maybe?" Liang Yu blinked briefly as he thought it all over slowly. A frown plastered as he to could only feel the issue of what took place. "I cannot feel the but the two Aspects such as Fire & Lighting as well."

"Hmm.." Xiao Yan as the one with the most Aspects as he only felt a lightness in his very being pushed on his Aspects quickly to figure something else out more. Sinking into contemplation. On the outside, it was only moments but internally it was days to weeks. "..I see.."

"What is it?" Long Shuyun asked. Her eyes focusing more on Shen Yue instead of Xiao Yan oddly enough.

"It is something to do with Rexford's Pantheon and me not having joined that of the African Pantheon back then. Considering the Dimensional energy that affected my Soul during the transitions of Dimension the last one being the worse with no real protection something has come up."

Eyes flaring up with the darkest purple than it ever did before, a energy that was even different than the others produced she had seen. It was the Aspect of Corruption having produced a new dou-qi.

"I have literally corrupted myself from my former self. Which is mind boggling to say the least. After this I don't think any of my previousl Soul Bound items will fit with me currently anyway." In his hand the weapons still responded to him. "Most likely because of being in my posession as the change took place. However if any of my other items are retrieved I will most likely have to destroy them for some of the benefits instead of using as is."

"Even using the Soul Aspect?" Liang Yu's frown deepened.

"What if you refine yourself completely again?" Long Shuyun asked.

"I can only guess it may help but then again as long as I have the Corruption Aspect it won't change." Xiao Yan sighed before getting up. "The perfect time to check is outside anyway."

"So we are going to kill it then." It was not a question by the other. Just a statement of what was about to happen. "Lots of material to start strengthing the Flame Vortex Core inside us anyway."

"Yeah. To have within each of you.. is vastly different considering I couldn't do so before. A large step above creating Dantians in others, creating the Divine Spark in others and now this. I still have much to look into in regards to the Sage Emperor much closer." Heading out, the group was going to deal with a very angry Magical Beast.

Status: Xiao Yan Health 2100 Qi: 24000

Power: 31 Defense: 34

Willpower: 44 Intellect: 46

Connection: 28

Aspects: Fire, Lightning, Medicine, Corruption, Soul, Time

Divine Sparks: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Earth, Ice, Hell, Light, Death, Beasts, Primordial Chaos, Blizzard

Cultivation: Flame Vortex Core: 1-Star Dou Spirit

Metal Seed: 9th tech level

Astral Fire Body Sense: 8th tech level

Heart Method (Maxium): 9th tech level

Sword Attainment: 5th tech level

Shen Yue: Soul Shard- Divine Spark: Nether 1-Fate, Time 1-Fate

Flame Vortex: Flame Vortex Star Dragon

Liang Yu: Soul Shard- Divine Spark: Wind 1-Fate, Water 1-Fate

Flame Vortex: Scarlet Flame Tiger Demon Spirit

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