

This story follows 2 characters called "Jax Midnight", and "Max Wellingness". It's a world of magic on a planet called "Olax", they are both from a small town called "Minatos". They have a beautiful place to live, clear skies, and beautiful rivers nearby. One day suddenly the small town of Minatos gets burned down in front of the two characters and they begin their journey throughout the world. What mysterious, quests, strange people, and the world around them will they find themselves in throughout the story. Read to find out

NexMax · Fantasy
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7 Chs

002| The Calm after The Storm?

Jax and Max were stunned, and could barely speak after witnessing the events they both had seen however they knew they would also die if they did nothing at all. Jax decided to go hunting with the small knife his father gave him a few years prior and had always kept on him since that day. A few hours worth of hunting later Jax returned to Max where he had gotten out of his most depressed state and started to calm down a little more while coming to terms with the reality before his eyes.

"Max...can we even survive by ourselves? How can we... how can we even think of doing that while everyone else just suffered?... What did our parents think for their last moments." Jax said while thinking about everything. Max replied "Well... honestly speaking I'm not sure what they could've been thinking about. One thing is for sure though... they would be proud if we got out of his hell hole and somehow manage to live you know? Let's make them proud and at least attempt.." Max said while still crying from the pain.

Jax agreed with max after thinking about it all for a moment of time. "Let's survive. Let's hunt, and more importantly let's make them all proud of the people we'll become in the future." Jax said while a reassuring smile on his face looking at Max with 2 fishes in his hand, and a small rabbit. They both knew how to cook and hunt from their father's teachings. Max got up and grabbed some wood and started a small fire while Jax started to cut the fish and rabbit to cook. After an hour of eating later they got up and went to the top of the mountain peak.

"This is going to be my final goodbye to you all.. this is a sad day for... for everyone involved. I wish the heavens may grant you all a wonderful and kind place to stay after death. Watch over us as we make our journey throughout the world." Jax said before turning away and walking a little bit away from the now pieces of wood that's turned upside down, fallen in, and burnt down pieces.

"Mom, friends, dad, and everyone else I knew. I thank you all for everything you all did. Thank you for being there and thank you for wishing me luck the last time I saw you guys... may heavens gate be open to you all and have a wonderful and lovely time together and watch over us two."

Max said while turning away and walking beside Jax as they both continue to walk towards a direction without knowing where they would end up at, without a destination in mind, or without having any clue where they would end up in a few years or days or even hours.

Max and Jax continued to walk, passing rivers to drink from, rocks, trees to sleep in while being weak, and hunting animals to eat when hungry for so long that they had forgotten time.

"Jax, do you even know which way we're going at this point?" Max asked while being confused as to where they were. After a few minutes of delaying reapplying Jax spoke up, "Well, I couldn't really tell you. We started out going southwest I know that much but after a while of that... I lost sense of direction. Hell man we don't even know how long we've been out here honestly."

Max kept quiet for a minute but spoke up suddenly. "Wait...Jax!" Max said suddenly loudly.

"What is it Max?" Jax replied being confused as to why Max was being so loud about something.

Max said nothing but pointed ahead of them in a small clearing of leaves and the trees. Jax looked over and saw past the clearing that there was a place that was brightly lit as if it was lit by lights. They both had their eyes lit up with hope, with faith of another town being so close to them. They had their hopes up, they had every fiber in their being lit up with joy of having more people to talk to, a roof over their head to sleep under possibly, and they were mostly happy about having more options open for food.

They started to walk closer and closer to the lights fast but being cautious with every step as they know nothing about the people who live here. Jax spoke up, "Max I want you to remember something okay? If anything goes wrong here I want you to run and I'll buy you time for your escape okay? Even if nothing goes wrong.. if anything even remotely seems suspicious just run and I'll buy you as much time as I can okay?"

Max looked up at Jax and was confused about why he was saying this. "What do you mean? You're just being overly cautious about everything Jax. It's going to be fine." Jax quickly turned towards him and puts both of his hands on Max's shoulders. "Promise me." Was all he said while looking at Max with more of a serious face than Max has ever seen Jax with.

"I- ... okay fine I promise." Max said while turning back to see the town getting closer and closer. They both started walking towards the town while being cautious but also appreciated they have found some form of humanity besides themselves.

They walked for another 20 minutes and finally reached the entrance for the small town and entered. Everyone around them started to stare as they never saw them before, and yet one girl approached them and started to speak in a foreign language they have never heard before.

"####### ### #### ## # ####" was all they heard from the girl that looked older than them both by maybe a few years or less. They looked at her confused by the way she spoke.

"Max...do you uh do you understand her at all?" Asked Jax.

"...Not in the slightest." Max replied when suddenly a guy approached them all and casted a spell called "Language Barrier" a spell that makes it where the targets can speak any type of language the user of the spell knows.

The girl spoke up again and reintroduced herself.

"My name is Noel Finspell. I'm currently the princess of this land, and I've never seen you two before... not in any classes, nor reporting in for any duties, and you didn't even speak out language? You're not from here are you? I demand a name of you two idiots before I lock you two up for life!!!" She exclaimed loudly and like a spoiled brat coming back from being spoiled from a mall spending spree.

The two boys looked at each other and decided to play along with her.

"Well my highness, my name is Jax Midnight. I come from a long line of royalty myself." Jax said sarcastically and in a mocking way. Max was starting to laugh but continued himself at the end. "And my name is Max Wellingness. I come from a royal household of so so far away."

The girl Noel, who was blinded by how everyone was always treated her, and from being spoiled couldn't notice the sarcasm from them both. "Very well, I'll tell my father about you two coming by now." Noel said while walking away getting back into a carriage and speeding down the concrete road as fast as the horse could go.

The two boys started laughing as if the world had came back into colors and they heard a joke which made them almost die. Everyone else there was shocked at the result after Noel left but decided not to interfere as they would get executed immediately if anyone found out. Max and Jax went down the road looking around the town and looked up and saw a giant building in the back of everywhere that looked like 10 houses built ontop of each other but it was all built together.

"Max...do you see that? It's so...giant" jax said while gulping a bit looking at the building before their eyes.

Max replied after a few moments of being lost in concentration of the building. "Y-yeah I do see it b-but why is it so...giant? Was she actually someone important like the town master's daughter?"

"I have no idea...but I don't think it was a good idea what we did huh?" Jax said while looking over at Max.

Max was so lost in thought that he couldn't even register the words Jax said to him just a moment before.

While they were both trying to process everything, they saw someone in a carriage coming towards them both.