

22 years ago, the Second Outbreak put the world into ruins… Now factions and companies fight over control of the Outbreak's origin planet and the ruins the war left behind. It is Zane's dream to bring peace to this war thorn world and aims to join the Tactical Mages as a first step. Meanwhile his best friend Zero would rather like staying in his hometown and run a restaurant. But then war reaches their shores …

DraXiniC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 23


"Well done guys." Zero raised his glass in the air in cheers.

"Cheers!" Everyone toasted.

Zero's entire class of 16 was in his bar. Thirteen, as Zane had already remarked, were girls and only three were boys. Seven of the girls had come to New Comound from Halsion; they had all been a step below Zane and Zero. Among them was Sera, the girl who always wore pigtails. She was also the leader of the "Zero fan club" as it was known in internal circles. The remaining seven were from New Comound or surrounding towns. Three of the girls were Mytics - two of them Yokai-class Mytics of the Mammal group and the third an Angel. There were also three elves who attended classes in New Comound as part of an arrangement with the Elian elf kingdom. Among the remaining three boys, only one stood out. A Draconoid, one of the half-breed races similar to the Anikai. Whereas the Draconoid, as the name implied, was descended from the Mytic gender of dragons. His stature was accordingly. Standing upright, he was over 2.80 meters tall, on his back he carried wings and a tail. His human face was covered with scale-like patterns that gave him something exotic. Like most Mytics, Draconoids were able to change their shape, which he used quite often to get rid of his wings and tail, as they tended to get in the way of his daily life.

Zero had set up a large table with all sorts of goodies spread out on it. From cold to hot food, everything was available. Zero had not only helped himself to the Alliance cuisine, there were also Mytic and Elven dishes among them, even some Teikoku dishes had found a place on the table, which resembled a buffet.

"As promised, I'm inviting you, so dig in." Said Zero.

The mood among the students was boisterous and immediately they began to help themselves and talk.

"You defeated one of the vampires yourself?" Asked someone.

"I was really scared!" Said another.

"How do you get it all done Zero?" Asked Sera, who was enjoying her food.

"Trade secret." Laughed Zero.

"Zero is popular with his students." Said Nathan, who was sitting at the bar.

"As always..." added Zane, who was squatting next to him.

"Don't worry, you'll get someone off eventually too." Tyler patted him on the shoulder with a laugh.

"You got another one sitting down already?" Looked Zane at him questioningly as Tyler downed his beer.

"That felt good!" Put Tyler's glass back down.

"Going well." Tyler said as Zero turned back to the bar after chatting a bit with his students.

"They're having fun, yeah."

"Heard about the outreach." Narrated Nathan.

"Seems like it went down pretty good." Said Zane.

"Yeah, didn't go as planned." Reported Tyler.

"Significantly..." Zero placed a glass on the counter.

Meanwhile, Asagi stood next to him serving drinks, which she passed to Carol, who then brought them to the table. As they did so, both of them were constantly looked at by Zero's students, especially the angel seemed to be eyeing Asagi.

"I read it was a slave traders' camp," Zane said.

"Exactly. Apparently they got on the trail through the bitten man you met in the lane." Explained Tyler

"I'd love to punch them in the face! But, I didn't think they'd be this close to the capital." Reflected Zane.

"Given the size of the city, it's not surprising." Remarked Nathan.

"Sometimes you miss what's right in front of you." Said Zero.

"True. What's the saying? Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer." Laughed Tyler.

"That's an age-old saying." Remarked Nathan.

"You're really drunk, aren't you?" Looked Zane at Tyler.

"But I think the vampire has already done the job for you Zane." Grabbed Tyler the new beer Zero had set out for him.

"Did you get him?" Zane inquired.

"Unfortunately not, the Tactical Mages went after him, but there was no result." Narrated Zero, somewhat depressed.

"Instead, you were able to free many slaves and seize illegal weapons and drugs. The operation is recorded as a success." Zane tried to cheer Zero up.

"That's right." Nodded Nathan.

"Maybe so... How's it going with you guys?" He looked at Zane and Nathan. "If you don't mind me asking?"

"You guys have had quite a few deployments." Drank Tyler. "Anything come of it?"

Zane hesitated, his hand on his glass, looking at the puddle of water that had formed under his glass. "Damage control, I'm afraid..." he shook his head, setting the glass back down on the puddle of water that was about to spread.

"I see..."

"You're already doing everything you can, Zane. Don't sweat it." Asagi tried to cheer him up.

"Exactly!" Agreed Carol, returning from serving.

"Thanks guys."

Clink clink. Sounded the sound of the door.

"Welcome." Greeted Zero the guests and looked behind Aki.

"Hey Aki." Greeted Zane to them.

"Aki!" Ran Carol to her and Asagi waved.

"Hey everyone." Greeted Aki to everyone.

"Who did you bring with you?" Saw Tyler the girl hiding behind Aki.

"Let me introduce you, this is Rika."

All eyes turned to Rika, who was visibly uncomfortable and wanted to hide behind Aki again.

"This is the girl from the mission, isn't it?" Said one of Zero's students.

"Wasn't she with the slaves?" Said another, to which yet another punched her in the ribs under Zero's gaze.

"Hello, how are you?" Zero greeted her formally.

"H...hello...um. Aki invited me over...and..." she said shyly, looking around uncertainly. "I wanted to..." she felt everyone's eyes on her. "I wanted to thank you for saving me! Thank you so much for saving me!" She bowed with her head held high.

"Is she cute." Said Sera, grinning.

"You're welcome for that." Nodded Zero. "No need to bow, and you're welcome to call me Zero." He explained.

"Thanks, then um... I'm Rika." Smiled she at Zero.

"OK, do you want to eat something Rika?" Zero asked.

"Um... actually, I didn't mean to interrupt..." she said, looking around nervously.

"Don't worry, you're not interrupting." Replied Zero

"Don't be shy, sit down." Said Zane and Aki pointed to the chair next to her.

"How do you like it?" Asked Zero.

"It's very tasty. Thank you." Said Rika.

"Zero's food is the best!" Confirmed Carol, who had sat down next to Rika.

"Where did you guys meet?" Asked Nathan Aki.

"Oh, she's been sneaking around the bar for a few days." Mentioned Aki casually.

Immediately, Rika started coughing and almost choked on her drink.

"That's when I approached her and we got to talking." Aki continued to tell, while Rika hesitantly tried to stop Aki. "She just didn't dare."

"Is that right?" Zane asked her.

"Y-yes..." she looked down at the ground.

"Why is that? We don't bite, do we?" Looked at Carol Rika incomprehensibly.

"Not everyone is like you Carol." Laughed Nathan.

"It... it's like... there were always so many people here..." she said softly.

"You're not used to a lot of people, are you?" Said Zane, looking to Asagi.

"No...at home there have never been um...so many people..." she looked down at the ground sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter." Asagi looked at her kindly. "Zero and I feel the same way."

Rika looked at Zero questioningly.

"That's right, the last time Zero almost lost it when we went shopping." Laughed Carol.

"What do they all have to be in that one aisle too." Complained Zero.

"That's where the bar here comes in handy." Laughed Tyler.

"Far away from the big hustle and bustle." Agreed Nathan.

"True." Laughed Zane.

"That has nothing to do with it." Tried Zero to justify himself. "But yeah." Turned to Rika. "You might just have to get used to it. You can come over anytime you want."

"Right, if you want you're always welcome." Smiled Carol at her and Asagi nodded in agreement.

"There... thank you..." she nodded happily.

The evening went on happily and the groups had broken up a bit. Some of the students had already left when Zane turned to Rika.

"Did you stay at the refugee shelter too?"

"What, that's a hell of a long way away. Shouldn't you be getting going then?" Tyler wondered.

"Tyler!" Scolded Aki. "Don't mind his gruff demeanor, he's had one too many again."

At the same time, Nathan lightly smacked Zane on the head with the edge of his hand.

"You don't just ask something like that."

"Ouch! Is that going to be the new rule?" Zane wondered about the blow, holding the spot with both hands.

"Oh, um... no. It doesn't matter. I've been staying around here."

"I almost thought so." Said Nathan.

"And otherwise she would have been allowed to sleep with me." Added Aki.

"But you don't live here either." Looked Zane at her, confused.

"Yes, I do, in my second home."

"Since when do you have a second home?" Joined Nathan, confused.

"She does NOT have a second home." Clarified Zero.

"But Zero!" Started Aki drooping her ears, at which Carol started giggling and stroking her over the head.

"Do you know when you can go home yet?" Asagi asked her.

"Uh, not yet..." replied Rika uncertainly.

"I'm sure it's not easy to find the appropriate group..." mused Nathan. "Also, most of the Mytic villages are hidden..."

"Then they are also dispersed...," Tyler remarked.

"And the size of Nykara alone is huge..." added Zane.

Bong! Did Tyler and Zane each get two hand edges to the head. Tyler from Aki and Zero, and Zane from Nathan and Zero.

"Do you guys have to rattle them even more?" Scolded Zero.

"What?" Groused Tyler in a drunken stupor.

"I'm sure it'll go faster than you think." Smiled Zero at Rika.

"And until then, you can come as many times as you want!" Announced Carol.

"Thank you." Said Rika shyly.

"Is that decided?" Arihiro stood in General Pearce's office.

"The approval has already been given. But it's not official yet." Lucia replied.

"I see...", Arihiro looked at the announcement on the tablet.

Special permission to bring an Infected and an Akuryuma to the base for educational purposes.

"As group leader for the trainees, I wanted to ask your opinion." Pearce, sitting at his desk, turned to Arihiro.

"The approval only applies to teaching Zero's class correct?"

"Right." Replied Lucia.

"You don't agree?" Pearce inquired.

"I don't see the point, sir. Besides..." he hesitated. "If I may speak freely, sir, I am uncomfortable knowing the enemy is in my ranks."

Lucia looked to Pearce; she probably had the same concerns as Arihiro.

"I can understand your skepticism, and it is shared by many. But don't worry about it. I trust Zero in this case. It was from him that the suggestion of these special lessons came." Explained Pearce.

"He can control them?" Arihiro inquired.

"Control is a big word but they listen to him."

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, where did Zero get the Infected and the Aku?"

"Zero has had special permission to house the said Akuryuma and Infected with him for a few weeks now."

"What?!" Shuddered Arihiro.

"They've been under 24/7 surveillance ever since." Reported Lucia further, as if to reassure Arihiro. "In the past few days since the handover, there have been no incidents whatsoever."

"Besides, this isn't the first time Zero has brought them for training. So there's nothing to worry about." Assured Pearce.

"Plus, they'll be put under the necessary supervision." Added Lucia.

"You mean the task force."

"Exactly. It will also provide the surveillance troops." Pearce explained to him.

"You said Zero made the request. On what grounds?" Arihiro inquired.

"We suspect he wants to bring about some acceptance of Infected within the military." Explained Lucia. "Similar to what the Reunion Movement is trying to do."

"I see..." reflected Arihiro, turning to General Pearce. "Sir. If I may ask, what is their motive?"

"Thanks guys." Thanked Zero, who was closing the bar, to Asagi and Carol.

"We were happy to do it." Asagi answered him.

"Sora are you ready?" Zero called upstairs.

Today was the day Zero got to bring Sora and Deadra to his students' training. Therefore, he had closed the bar a little earlier than usual.

Immediately, pitter-patter was heard on the upper floor and Sora came running down the stairs, closely followed by Deadra.

As soon as she arrived downstairs she stood in front of Zero, as if she wanted to show off her new clothes she had gotten from him.

"You look totally cute Sora." Smiled Carol and bent down to her and started to improve her clothes a bit and fix Sora's hair.

Ding ding sounded the doorbell.

"Hey Zane." Zero greeted him. "You're here already?"

"Morning." Waved Zane. "The car's pulling up now." He pointed outside with his thumb behind him.

"OK, we're almost there." Replied Zero. "I'll open the ramp for a minute." He hurried to the back.

"You guys all right?" Zane asked Asagi and Carol, who were still messing with Sora.

"It was quiet today since Zero closed up early." Asagi explained to him. "Are you watching Sora and Deadra?"

"Of course." Nodded Zane.

"So where's Nathan?" Carol asked.

"He has class, so I didn't bring him in. I already feel bad that he's neglecting his studies because of me..." he scratched his head.

"I'm not worried about that." Asagi assured him.

"Yeah, but still..." laughed Zane. "How are you guys doing? Are you guys ready for the exam next week?"

"We're ready yes, but we'll study again later we agreed." Asagi looked at Carol, who let go of Sora.

"OK, everything is ready!" Came Cara back from the ramp with Zero.

"Shall we then?" Asked Zane.

"Sure." Replied Zero.

"Take good care of each other." Waved Carol along with Asagi to the truck pulling away from the bar.

"Shall we study Carol?" Asagi asked her when they were back in the bar and Carol slowly made her way towards the counter.

Suddenly, Carol collapsed.

"Carol!" Asagi ran to her.

Carol sat on the floor, drenched in sweat, her back against the counter. She was breathing heavily when Asagi came to her.

"Carol what's wrong?" Asagi leaned down to her. "You're burning up!" Took Asagi's hand from Carol's glowing forehead. "You were already not feeling well this morning. I'm going to call Zero! You need to see a doctor right away!" Took her PDI.

"No please." Held Carol up to her. "I'll be fine, I just need to lie down for a bit." Smiled she at Asagi.

"But you're not feeling well, shouldn't we..." tried Asagi to convince her.

"Please Asagi." Carol looked at her pleadingly. "Zero's in enough trouble already..."

Asagi hesitated for a moment.

"All right, but I'm staying with you!" Did she look at Carol seriously.

"Thanks Asagi." Smiled Carol.

> 9:00 a.m.

> Special training area Three

"What do you think we'll do today?" Asked one of the two boys.

"This is a special training area." Remarked the Draconoid, looking around.

"What's that container?" Asked one.

"Good question...", pondered another.

A container stood on the square. On the walls around the training ground and the galleries were several soldiers they had never seen before. Among them was Arihiro, whom everyone knew, as well as Zane and his team. Drones flew above the square as Sera startled.

"There's Zero!" She pointed to one of the doors in the wall.

"Salute!" Said Sera and immediately the class saluted for Zero, who returned the salute.

"At ease. Thank you all for coming here today to participate in my special class." He greeted his students.

The container, which had previously attracted attention, seemed to have become uninteresting. Instead, everyone looked at the small hands that clung to Zero's pants and seemed to be hiding behind him.

"First, let me introduce someone to you." Zero started. "This is Sora." He stood next to her.

"She's so cute!" The girls started shrieking.

"Don't worry they're all nice." He whispered to Sora, who nodded and let go of his leg.

"Is this the little one you're taking care of?" Asked one of the Elves.

"That's right." Nodded Zero, while Sera and two others had already leaned down to Sora. Sora, meanwhile, stood around a bit sheepishly and moved closer to Zero's leg again.

"She's too cuddly." Said one of the girls near Sera.

"I guess she's always in bed by the time we come over." Said another a little disappointed.

Zero had bought Sora a little dress that reached just above her knees, underneath she wore long pants. Over that he had put a sweater that reached her hands. In addition, she wore some kind of sunglasses, which hid her red eyes through the tinted glass. The clothes still hid the small cracks that had started to appear on Sora's skin. Therefore, she looked like a normal ten-year-old.

"Will you stay here for a minute?" Zero leaned over to Sora.

Sora nodded and immediately the girls swarmed around her as if to protect her.

"So, the reason I asked you guys to come here today..." Zero walked over to the container. "Is that I want to show you something." Zero approached the container, which had several heavy locks.

"Is it combat training again?" Wondered one.

"Oh nah, I totally failed the last session." Countered another.

"I wonder what kind of beast it is this time?" Asked the next.

"I'd prefer a drone..." sighed another.

"We don't have any weapons with us!" Remarked yet another student.

"Don't worry, you don't need weapons." Zero arrived by the container. "But I want to ask you to stay calm now. Understand?" Said Zero a little worried.


"He seriously lets an Akuryuma loose on his students?" 736 stood next to Zane.

"Where did he even get that?" Asked Cara.

"I'm surprised he listens to Zero..." replied Ilana, who was standing next to her.

"I would listen to Zero too...", Cara looked down at Zero and supported her head with her hand.

"Cara, keep it together." Ilana reprimanded her.

"Don't act like that Ilana, you're the same!" Cara hit back, at which Ilana blushed.

"Here we go again..." Zane said to himself, exhaling in annoyance.

"He got it from your town, right?" Someone suddenly asked from behind.

"Oh, Arihiro!" Shuddered Zane. "I mean Lieutenant Nakagawa!" He corrected himself.

"It's all right. Not long now and you'll all be in rank above me." Laughed Arihiro. "But is it true?" Arihiro looked at Zane seriously.

"Yes...", replied Zane, looking at the square again. "I never asked for details, but one day he had found this Aku, Deadra, in the outer district."

"I wonder why the local defense didn't do anything..." Arihiro looked down at the square with his arms crossed.

Zane looked at Arihiro questioningly, and then Zero started to open the container.

"Here we go!" Said Arihiro his gaze fixed on Zero and the container.

With a loud hiss and squeak, the container's multiple latches opened.

The next moment, everyone was startled.

"An Aku!" Startled one of the girls.

Immediately the mood in the square changed, the soldiers and special operations teams in the gallery twitched nervously, their hands close to their weapons. Deadra trudged out of the container opening. Slowly, he took one step at a time as if he knew he had to be careful. With smooth sinuous movements, Deadra's serpentine body came out of the container and stopped. His black skin shone in the light of the spotlights as his tail slid gently across the floor.

"Meet Deadra." Zero bluntly stood next to the Aku and stroked his neck in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Everyone's fear was evident. Most had never met an Akuryuma, just the fact of the Second Outbreak and the stories about it were enough to send a shiver down everyone's spine. Some of his students had even taken a step back when they caught sight of Deadra. In the corner of his eye, Zero could see some in the gallery getting nervous. Arihiro, who was standing next to Zane, also seemed to pull himself together, yet he began to tremble.

"You all know the stories..." Zero began seriously. "You all know the images...", he looked around. "But very few have ever met an Akuryuma. This is Deadra." Repeated Zero, pointing at him. "Deadra is under my...", he hesitated "command... He listens to me, and he doesn't attack anyone." Zero continued to explain, the incredulous looks of the onlookers directed at him, as if they expected Zero to be torn to shreds by Deadra at any moment.

"You're probably wondering why I have this Akuryuma here. I certainly don't want to deny the danger of the Akuryuma." Explained Zero. "Deadra here may very well be the only tame of his kind. But I also don't want you to project your anger and rage onto Deadra, or onto the Infected." Zero paused.

"I want to give you the opportunity to face your fear." Zero announced and silence fell.

"Maybe..." Zero continued. "I may even be able to take it away from you, if only in part..."

Silence remained, everyone eyed Deadra and Zero skeptically. His students even stood protectively in front of Sora when Zero called out to her.

"Sora, will you come here?" He beckoned her over.

Immediately, and without hesitation, she ran towards Zero and the Akuryuma, as if to show the others that there would be no need to fear.

"Wait!" One of the girls wanted to stop her.

Sora quickly approached Zero and the Aku. Immediately everyone became nervous, some of the soldiers reaching for their weapons as Sora walked past Deadra to Zero. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the Akuryuma.

"Keep your weapons holstered." Arihiro ordered indifferently from the gallery.

Zero leaned down to Sora and seemed to be discussing something with her. Zero took off her glasses and she turned back to Zero's students, who were all looking at them with wide eyes.

"She's an Infected?" Sera asked incredulously.

Everyone looked around questioningly, students and soldiers alike.

"You must have wondered why I brought her." Laughed Zero a little.

"That explains it, of course..." Said one of the boys.

"That's why these security measures..." Understood one of the Elves and looked around.

"I want to give you guys a chance today to get a little more familiar with the Akuryuma and the Infected." Explained Zero. "If you want, you can come here and touch Deadra, you didn't have any problems with Sora, even though she is an Infected."

"That's why he hid that she is an Infected." Remarked Cara.

"Yes, that's how he hid the prejudice." Added Ilana.

"That's Zero." Proclaimed Zane proudly, looking at the square.

Zero had suggested that they could all get busy with Deadra, but nothing was stirring in the square. They're scared... Zane thought as he looked at Zero's students talking among themselves. They all looked nervously at Zero and the Akuryuma, unsure of what to do. No one seemed to dare approach the Aku, their fear and uncertainty of Deadra and Sora was greater than the confidence they had in Zero. Even Zero seemed to be getting nervous. His inexperience in dealing with his students only added to his uncertainty.

"Tsk. Did he think he'd just come and everything would change?" Arihiro looked down at the square with a frown. More soldiers had joined Arihiro and agreed with him.

"What's an Infected doing here anyway?"

"They couldn't even draw blood from the thing... creepy." Remarked another.

This is not good. The mood is wavering. Noted Zane, who looked around nervously. The whispering was slowly turning into open criticism of Zero's action.

Sora looked at Zero anxiously, sensing that something seemed off. Zero, too, noticed the shift that was coming up, especially from the stands. That's when he heard a beep next to him and a light shone on Deadra's collar. Zero turned pale, because the light was a warning sign that something was wrong. Zero had seen it many times before, but usually it had jumped on for little things that he could fix immediately. But this time they were on an exercise, Zero couldn't imagine the consequences and didn't want to. He had been in the lab and could guess how they usually handled Akuryuma and Infected. He thought back to that one time when one of the kids had strayed into Halsion. Zero looked at Deadra feeling stressed, a moment later he heard a squeak by his feet. Deadra had begun to drive his claws into the ground, going through the material like butter. Deadra was absolutely motionless, only his tail seemed to be moving slowly in Sora's direction.

"It's OK." Zero stroked Deadra, hoping to de-escalate the situation.

That's when Zane jumped down from the bleachers.

"Can I go first?" He asked bluntly.

Everyone turned to Zane in amazement, meanwhile the relief on Zero's face was clear to see.

"Gladly." Replied Zero, and Zane ran toward Deadra.

After a few meters, Zane stood by Deadra, who turned slightly toward him and pulled his claw out of the ground. A little hesitantly Zane stretched out his hand and Deadra turned his head to Zane as if to help him. The next moment, Zane touched Deadra's head with the flat of his hand. Zane sighed in relief; nervousness evident on his face.

Zane turned to Zero's students, who looked at him impressed.

"Who's next?" He asked with a grin to the group, who looked at each other.

"I'll do it!" One of the boys came running up. Immediately, the others all came forward as well. First and foremost, Sera, who didn't want to be left behind by the boy.

"Thanks Zane." Zero said relieved, little Sora asleep on his lap.

They rode back in the truck. Deadra, Sora and Zero sat in the back, along with Zane, Cara and Ilana.

"No problem Zero, someone always has to start." Zane grinned at him.

"It was brave of you to bring those two." Ilana tried to cheer Zero up.

"Exactly." Agreed Cara.

"What are you guys doing back here anyway?" Zane eyed at the two annoyed.

"Maybe it was too soon." Zero wondered looking out the small windows at the city and patted Sora's back.

"I'll be on standby at the barracks." 736 said goodbye, who had been riding up front before disappearing again with the truck.

"See you." Waved Zane to him before heading to Zero's bar.

"Zero!" Carol rejoiced and jumped into his arms.

"What's wrong with you?" Wondered Zero, who was almost knocked over by her.

"I'm just happy to see you! You've been gone so long."

Zero looked at Asagi confused, who smiled at him, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm back." He patted Carol's head. "How did it go studying, are you ready?"

"Yup!" Announced Carol.

"Oh, you're taking the exam?" Cara asked.

"You too Zane?" Added Ilana.

"Right. But something else, why are you guys still here?" Zane again looked annoyed at Cara and Ilana, who seemed to ignore him.

"Are you taking the exam too?" Turned Ilana to Zero under Zane's annoyed gaze.

"I'm in it too, yeah. What about you guys?"

Ilana looked at Cara, who gave her an uncertain look.

"We were thinking of maybe taking the exam next year." Ilana said, waving it off.

"Maybe we can help you then." Rejoiced Carol.

"Maybe, yes." Nodded Ilana.

The evening continued, Ilana and Cara had joined Carol, who proudly presented them with her notes.

Zero had begun to prepare everything for the upcoming opening, with Asagi and Sora helping him.

"Do you guys want to join us for dinner?" Zero asked Cara and Ilana.

"Is that OK?" Asked Cara.

"Sure, the others should be coming soon too."

Zero had served dinner for his crew. Since they usually didn't have time to eat during business hours, Zero had made dinner earlier. That way he could also put Sora to bed before the guests arrived. For the most part, it consisted of Asagi, Carol, Sora, Zane, and Zero. With Aki, Nathan and Tyler only being there from time to time. Whereas Aki's presence seemed to become the rule.

The bell of the door sounded, and Aki and Rika entered.

"Hey you two." Greeted Zero, his eyes always on the door.

"Hey everyone. Oh!" She saw Cara and Ilana. "You guys are here too?" She grinned at them both.

"You brought Rika, too." Remarked Zane.

"Thanks for inviting me." Rika bowed slightly to Zero and the others.

"She works here?" It shot out of Zane.

"Is that a problem?" Rika looked uncertainly to Asagi, who shook her head.

"I'll explain later Rika." Whispered Aki in her ear, under Zane's critical gaze.

"Yeah, she asked me if she could work here, and I said yes." Zero explained to him while bringing Ilana and Cara new drinks.

"I didn't know you were looking for someone." Zane inquired.

"Uhm... Aki was nice enough to ask Zero...", explained Rika shyly.

"And when Zero said yes we immediately found Rika a suitable outfit." Said Aki who hugged Rika.

Everyone was staring at Rika's clothes. Everyone's stares seemed to make her distinctly uncomfortable and she squirmed a bit in her outfit.

"I see." Said Zane. "Congratulations. Today's your first day then, right?" He inquired.

"Yes..." Nodded Rika nervously.

"It'll be fine." Assured Rika, Zero took an apron from the rack. "The only thing that's missing."

"Thanks." Rika took it with both hands.

"Here's to good cooperation." Nodded Zero.

"To good cooperation!" Shouted Carol.

"To good cooperation..." Rejoiced Rika.

The guests had flooded the bar by now. Everything was busy, Rika stuck to Carol who explained the basics to her while Asagi tended the bar together with Zero.

After a while, things had eased up and the guests were sitting contentedly at their tables, chatting over drinks and snacks.

"Hey Zero, you got any plans next week?" Aki threw into the room.

Rika sat next to Carol exhausted, who patted her shoulder encouragingly.

"Why, what is it?" He asked.

"Next week is the 23rd anniversary of the end of the Second Outbreak." Aki began to explain, scrolling around on her PDI. "The Architect Church is having a celebration for it, as they do every year." She showed everyone the advertisement.

A large holographic ad appeared in the air above Aki's PDI, on it in large letters was the lettering of the festival, the year prominent in the center of the poster. Behind it were strange white buildings.

"Ah, I read about that!" Said Zane. "It's taking place at the Guardian, right?"

"Exactly!" Nodded Aki. "I thought we could all go there together." She looked at them all.

"I heard about that, too." Zero examined the poster again. "I was thinking about maybe renting a booth if there's anything available...", he scratched his chin.

"You want to work there?" Zane looked at him in wonder.

"Definitely not Zero!" Scolded Aki. "You're resting!"

"Exactly!" Agreed Asagi.

"All right." Zero raised his hands as if giving up. "It's probably too late anyway."

"So, we're going there?" Carol looked Zero with wide eyes.

"We've been meaning to check out the Guardian anyway!" Added Zane.

All eyes were on Zero.

"Well, I can't very well say no." Zero held out his hands.