
Core System

Where in every god's name am I? Am I born once again? Is this an Opportunity to live better than my last life? Or is this something entirely different? Everything Orchestrated by fate itself? Or is this something beyond anything fate can reach? Anyways I reincarnated into a fantasy mortal world by the name of Finis, where nearly everyone has an element or a few that they got from when they were born. They gain control over an element not by gene or blood, but gain elements depending on their soul. The world although filled with endless mana where different creatures roam, lacks the technology of my past world, am I gonna do anything about that? nah, how is that my problem? I am the son of the Empire's General and once while training, The so called Core System activated in Order to save my life, even though my father would have saved me no problem. The system gave me the ability to absorb others elemental cores and skills, also evolving my cores to higher Orders of strength, without cultivating them like every other normal person. Even though I think of myself as a lazy person, I can't let this opportunity pass, I need to reach the peak, to laze around without worry hehehe. And if we are off topic now... Who the hell is that girl that is following me around all day now... If there is any God up there, please protect me from stalkers even if they are a beauty. •••••••• *The Goddess of Fate smiles at my last words, herself being a stalker that has no equal to herself*

Sett_Kaisel · Fantasy
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66 Chs


[Enhanced Supernatural Condition activated]

[Mana is regenerating faster..]

"Another one today? these kids really like to go all out" a nurse, seeing Kiran being carried by a familiar wind skill, complained.

The nurses laid him on the nearest empty bed in the Medical Hall, after checking his condition, they just let him rest up until he becomes conscious again.

After a few minutes

[Hosts Mana Full]

I suddenly opened my eyes and quickly jump out of the bed.

Where the hell am I right now?.. it looks like I am in the medical hall.. why though.. OH RIGHT, I passed out because I used up all my mana again..

Just as I was about to go out unnoticed by the nurses, that seemed not to notice me jumping out of the bed somehow, Kiara rushed into the Hall looking as if searching for someone, and the moment I noticed her running into the Medical hall, our eyes locked.

She wore a smile on her face when she saw me and ran directly towards me, swaying her crimson red hair side to side and her Bossom, even though tightly pressed to her body by her clothes, jumped up and down with every step she took.

Even though she reached my position, that was about 100 metres from her, in just a few seconds, I managed to have a pretty good glance at her running. Which isn't really surprising.. One, I am a man and how could I not appreciate beauty, and Two, the reason I could even see her move was because I was way stronger than her, my eyesight and reaction speed was better than anyone in my Order.

Of course even if others couldn't see her at all, I could see her moving as if in slow motion, which was a sight to behold, I am not even going to lie here ...

When she reached me, I naturally looked at her green eyes, acting as if I never even checked her out. Immediately she bombarded me with questions:

"Are you okay?"

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Why are you standing? shouldn't you be laying in bed?"

"Weren't you unconscious just a few moments ago? I mean I am happy you are up, but how?"

When the heck did we even get this close for her to be worried about me so much... HUH?! HOW DOES THIS EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE?

"Everything's good, you don't have to be worried" I reply stunned by her sudden questions.

"What do you mean you are alright, you just fainted moments ago, how can you be okay!" She kind of angrily repeated the same thing twice in the same sentence which I found rather cute.

Somebody around us clicked their tongue:

"What a lucky bastard, if only I would have such a desperate girl worrying about me.." He said annoyed by his fate.

Me and Kiara having hearing that is way better than a normal human, naturally heard everything he said. Kiara blushed the instant she heard that little complain..

"I am really okay, let's go now" I said to Kiara grabbing her hand unconsciously, ignoring the man that just complained to himself.

Kiara, whose hand was dragged by me, was only left to blush even more, than she already was.

When I went out of the medical hall I remembered my spear...


Kiara noticed me saying something under my breath and asked:

"What did you say? is everything okay with you?"

"..oh... umm, yeah, don't mind me.." I replied still bothered by losing my spear, even though I never even used it or wanted to, it was still given to me by my father and was supposed to cherish it... I guess.. well I still have the sword, so yeah...

"If you say so.." Kiara said with visible curiosity and/or worry on her face.



"Ayo that guy scored pretty good... He actually made the princess worry about him that much... heh, if only I had his luck with girls..." a man, high up in the shadows, said.

"What do you mean luck with girls? you already have like what? 4 wives?" another man said in disbelief to what his comrade complained about just now.

"Well yeah... I guess... but they are incomparable to a PRINCESS... like come on... let's be honest here, I would never be able to score a princess... that's simply impossible.." the first one replied

"All you have to do is believe in yourself man, everything will come to the ones that are patient and are in need" The third man joined the convo.

"What need are you talking about? he can't even deal with his current wives, why the hell would he 'need' another one" the second one asked in disdain.

"Who told you I can't deal with them? of course I can... it's just that they are... umm.. what's the word, oh, right, spicy, so they get on my nerves sometimes"

"Well who told you to have all of your wives so 'spicy' as you say.. you could have definetly gotten yourself some calm and cute ones just like me" The second man argued back.

"Oh? calm you say? that's just plain boring... what the hell am I supposed to do with those, I don't want to have a boring life like you, when I tried to talk to them, when I visited you, they barely even said a word to me" The first man said to the second one with no holding back.

"...maybe they just weren't interested in talking nonsense with a 'no good' guy like you, they just didn't want to waste time on your dumbass convos" the second one bit back where it hurts.

"Man I was just joking, you don't have to do me like that" the first man looked away

"heh, serves you right"

"sighhh" the third man sighed defeated " what did I even do to deserve working with these two knuckleheads..."

Thanks For Reading! If you have any questions or notice any mistakes, feel free to point them out so I can fix and/or answer!

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