

A boy was born in a fallen Noble family in the world of black clover. Disgraced and shamed from birth, will the boy crumble under the weight of accusations or will he rise fighting challenges his way and achieve his dream. Named Kakashi, follow this lazy yet motivated boy in his journey as he makes his dream his ambition and sets out to achieve it. (A/N: you don't need to know the original plot to read this novel, I will make severe changes that it would become irrelevant and explain everything along as the mc is not a transmigrator) (A/N: AU world, several severe changes in the structure of clover kingdom, some bloodlines ( not overpowered ), will not follow the plot, changes in power levels, major changes in history, some romance and badass moments add all that and you get this novel) (A/N: I mean, come on, copy ninja without sharingan, nah, no way but no mangekyou) (tags: romance, harem, darker than original atleast, more realistic, weak to strong, black clover fiction) I don't own black clover, not it's characters. I also don't own the cover, copied it from Google.

DRAGONs_layer · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Kakashi's Status

(According to latest chapter)

Age: 11

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 44kg

Sharingan: one tomoe

Equipment: chokutō

Magic: Copy Magic-

This attribute let's Kakashi copy the attribute of the person he touches but it will only work if Kakashi knows about that attribute. And he can only create a fixed number of spells in every attribute he copies. The number of spells depends on the affinity Kakashi has with that attribute. Attribute with high affinity are easier to handle and are more efficient than attribute of low affinity.

Lightning Attribute (max - 5 spell):

-Chidori: Concentrating mana on his hands and converting it into lightning. This spell has ridiculous piercing abilities even with the output problem he faces.

-Lightning Discharge: This spell uses the body to store static or dynamic electricity, with which he can stun opponent or seriously burn them depending upon the amount and ratio of static and dynamic electricity, when used.

-Lightning Bolts: This spell creates bolts of electricity and can be used to target from a distance. Both static and dynamic electricity can be used to depending on the effect Kakashi wants. It also has a special ability, when kakashi touches an opponent and lowers his potential, then the bolts fired willall gravitate towards the opponent due to potential difference. But the difference gets reduced as the bolts hit him.

Fire Attribute (max - 4 spell):

-Great Fireball: Creating a spark of flames in his mouth and then enhancing them with your own breath to create a ball of flames that burns through the obstacles. It has high power but low reach. Due to its ingenious design, it has rather low cost. It could be used to hide ones movement or as suprise attack. It is very versatile.

-Majestic Flame Destroyer: Creating a spark of flames in his mouth and then enhancing them with your own breath to create a sea of fire that has a huge range and moderate power, because of this it is harder to control. It also consumes much more mana than great fireball spell. It's purpose is mainly to create a smokescreen or halt the movement of enemies or burn objecs with low melting point.

(I believe that this is the actual purpose of spell but when madara used it, it changed its purpose.)

-Fire Dragon: This mid range spell creates a dragon shaped avatar of very hot flames. The flame dragon has a very high output but is rather single targeted. This spell could be used to break or burn through targets with high defence and low mobility.

Earth Attribute (max - 3 spell)

-Earth Construct: It is a vague spell that creates the structures Kakashi has in mind.

It has a fixed volume of earth it can manipulate, the volume increases as the mana provided increases. It takes huge amount of mana, but is is very versatile. The integrity of structure also depend on mana used.

Construct Attribute (max - 3 spell):

-Kunais: This ingenious spell has two parts: first part is a strict spell. Second part is a vague spell. As the spell is cast, mana applied divides into six parts, solidifies and takes the shape of kunai. This is first part. Second part is that Kakashi can further mould them into some other construct he wants to make. This is second part.

Kakashi has made the spell like this because in time of need he may not have the time to conciously create kunai with mana moulds. So he gave them the shape of kunais and further added the property to be able to mould it into another shape.

Water Attribute (max - 2 spell):

-Water Ball: This spell was mainly created to fulfil the need of water if the situation demands, nevertheless the spell has low power but high range. It consumes huge amounts of mana compared to spell of similar capacity due to low affinity.

Wind Attribute (max - 1 spell):

Plant Attribute (max - 1 spell):

-Plant Drain: This spell takes the starch of the plant to fulfill user's mana and stamina and can heal wounds. Healing aspect is weakest and takes most of the starch. Stamina gain is highest meanwhile mana gain is moderate. Kakashi has found that he could convert stamina into mana if stamina is full. This spell is very inefficient compared to original spell.

Enhancement Attribute (max - 3 spell):

-Armour: This spell enhances endurance and durability of the body.

Mist Attribute (max - 2 spell):

-Mist Formation: This spell creates mist, amount and speed of creation can be controlled by mana. The mist is heavier than air and cohesive.

Rune Attribute (max - 4 spell):

Spatial Attribute (max - 2 spell):

Trap Attribute (max - 4 spell):