

What will you do if your rights are taken away and controlled by a state order? Boredom must be the answer. At least that's what Ivory, this year's Copulation participant, felt. Having a child with a stranger is hard for her. Especially if it's just a game controlled by a system. Ivory hates her destiny as someone who is always considered weak. On the other hand, Aaron, who was initially about to marry his fiancée, suddenly canceled his plans and chose to join the game. His meeting with Ivory made him understand the feelings of his momentary partner. At the same time, Ivory also questions her feelings, which start to grow uncontrollably for Aaron. Spending day and night under the same roof certainly makes the existing boundaries gray. Ivory doesn't want to be someone's lover, but fate makes her difficult to choose. Can they survive amid their efforts to break the system that shackles freedom? === === "Stop treating me like your real partner. I can't. Falling in love with you is exhausting." "Don't hate me, Ivory. Don't walk away from me." "I love you, but we met to part. I don't wanna hurt myself, hoping that we can stay together forever."

Purple_Moonlight_ · Urban
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164 Chs

Unacceptable Explanation

Nora sat stiffly in front of her sister.

Four years apart from Ivory made her surprised to see the change in the girl's body. The last time she saw Ivory was when the girl was sixteen. Young Ivory had a bright smile that made her smile too. Usually, when she was tired of working, just hearing her sister's chatter could eliminate her tiredness. Ivory likes to tell many random things that she sometimes can't understand. Even so, she was delighted to hear the endless chatter.

Young Ivory has hair that was always shoulder-length. She always asked for a haircut when it was more than three inches below the shoulders. She noisily asked Nora to put a piece of paper to roll her hair. Even though Nora was sometimes lazy to obey her sister, she still did it.

Ivory would go to bed with her hair in a paper roll, then wake up the next day with wavy hair. Ivory likes her wavy hair because she thinks her natural hair is less attractive.