

The door flew open once again and he looked up with a smile. He was amused that she came back. The redhead was really funny.

However, his smile fell off his lips when he saw the puzzled face of Anastacia as she walked into his room. He looked away immediately, feeling suddenly weary as his fury returned.

"She was smiling and you were smiling too," Anastacia plopped to the chair. "What did I miss?"

"Who?" He played dumb with a frown etched on his face.

"You know who." She retorted and he rolled his eyes, before picking his laptop from the bed and placing it on his lap

"You don't look very happy to see me." She observed and he only shrugged, his eyes never leaving the laptop screen.

"Won't you ask me how my skating experience was?" She stared at him intently and he shrugged once again, irritating her further. He was acting so less concerned and that alone was enough to piss her off.