

The rays of the morning sun blinded Anastacia immediately she opened her eyes that morning so she shut them quickly, stiffening a groan. Trying to adjust to the bright room, she slowly opened her eyes and a sigh escaped her lips. It was another day.

Pulling herself to a sit-up position, she yawned, stretching her stiff limbs in the process and rubbing her temple softly. She turned to her side to pick her phone since it was her habit to always check her phone immediately she woke up but she froze when she was greeted with the sight of her secretary sleeping soundly beside her, on her bed.

Anastacia's eyes widened in horror and her heart skipped as she watched Liam's sleeping figure. She shut her eyes tightly, letting out a chuckle as she did. She must now be seeing things. Was she missing her secretary so bad that she was now imagining him on her bed? She chuckled again, slapping herself softly on the cheek and wiping her eyes furiously.