
Cool Student Council

In a school there are 2 students who are good friends with each other, namely Ira and Nara, they both get along well in some ways, even though Nara and Ira are still in junior high school. but they can bring a car alone..but their car is not put school yard but left at home Uncle Ira who happens to be near the school. "Please don't cheat on me this time, please" he asked while making a face as sad as possible. "No, I'm not going to cheat, I'm wrong I didn't do this myself a week, ma'am, mimin gave it, let it be, Iho punished to know the taste" replied ira with flat face. That guy's name is abas, he's the chairman basketball.Abas handsome, cool, nice guy, and the dream of all girls' achievements. Abas like ira since they were new to mos junior high school "May I sit here?" asked the boy. "That's Nara's seat over there still lots of empty space" while pointing empty bench. "Oh okay I'll be there if you can't" answer abas. can you say expelled? right away. Hehehe Nara comes with an iced tea prayer in his hand. "Eh, that ir was free, wasn't he?" asked nara.ira silent did not answer narrator's question. "I don't think you can hear me" shaking her shoulders. "Yes, I hear," Ira replied. "If you heard, why didn't you answer?" he asked annoyed. "not important" relax. "It's not important, Iho said freely, boy the most handsome, the coolest boy, the head of basketball Iho say it's not important. What are you blind? there's a handsome boy coming toyou, it's in vain in" answered the narrator at length.

DaoistJIXP6G · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"Mom, let's go first," said Nara

while kissing the back of the hand

amira… it was also done by nara dan


"Lya dear, be careful on the road, mom

wait at school ok" replied mom

they went to the car and left

aunt's house.

"Auntie, open the door, Ira is here"

said ira while knocking on the door.

"Yes dear, just a moment, walk to the door

and opened the door for ira.

"Come on in, take Aunt Ira to them


after entering they immediately put on makeup

by aunt rani nara who is made up first

first after that ira.

a few hours later they both finished their make up they are so beautiful

until the angga who's been waiting for him from earlier

I didn't expect that the girl in front of him was

that delivered earlier.

"Oh, auntie, where are the 2 children just now?

keep coming out who's coming out

when does it come in?" asked Angga

Aunt Ira who only

smile face looking at the girl in front of him

this is a shame.

"Oh, my brother, Ira, my brother is cooking

I don't know" Ira replied while hitting

the shoulder.

"Oh, how come my sister is dirty, how can she be beautiful?

like this?" he asked while holding back

smile looking at his sister who started


"Well, if you don't believe me, I'm just going to school with my brother here

take care of aunt rani".

"Well, Auntie Ira, I'm sorry, thank you

already happy ira aunty"

Nara also said goodbye like Ira

when you want to go to the car, Ira's hand

by angga.

"So what did you get home to do?" ask


"Ha brother do I have a brother nar?" asked

ira on nara.

na just smile seeing sister's behavior

this brother.

They also went to junior high school "x time"

they have arrived.ira and nara are out

from the car all eyes are on

to them because before will be beauty

2 girls who just got out of the car.

they sat where they had been

provided, sit together with

other friends say

farewell words scattered

hugging someone is crying because

not willing to part with friends who

the same who have been fighting for 3 years

in this beloved school. the high school of their choice.

The voice of Mrs. Mimin as the principal of

stage makes all students

say goodbye, they start to listen

Mrs. Mimin gave a speech


finished giving greetings, Mrs. Mimin

down and host

climbing up the stairs.

"Asked for the name of my outstanding student

call to ride"

1st place was won by..

"Andira Hermawan"

Second place was won by...

"Abas august Primary"

third place won by ..

Adeeva Kirana Mahesti

Everyone clap for 3 kids

those who excel at the top, especially parents

Ira who is happy to see her daughter

get first place. Which parents?

who is not happy to see her daughter??

after receiving the trophy and taking pictures

with the three of them down.

"Congratulations Ira" said Abas and Kirana the same.

"Thank you, you are safe too" said Ira

ira runs to hug mom

Amira sheds tears

happiness because her son got

champion..she hugs ira and kisses head


"You haven't been there yet, after this you

will go up again for graduation" said mama

"Yes ma'am, I was there first, ma'am, bring it

my trophy" while handing over the trophy

it to Amira.

Ira walked back towards Nara.

"eh eh e happy reading that beautiful one

can be the first champion, don't forget

I'm waiting for the treatment later" while

seductive smile.

"Hmm, always like that why"

Ira replied with a big smile.

"I borrow if I can win

one" while pointing two fingers.

"when may i know"

"Maybe if there's only one in class

students" Ira and Nara burst out laughing.

laugh out loud.

"Wow, how miraculous the princess laughed

up to that."

"What the heck Iho nar"

"Yeah, I'm surprised that you never

laugh like that. I very much

nice to see you like before

you know him."

"I don't need to talk about him anymore, do I

because he never laughed like this


"Time, since you broke up with him, you

never laugh like a boy

"Nar me, I don't want to talk about him anymore," Ira said firmly.

"Yeah sorry, I just don't want to see

my friend who used to be cheerful, now

they are quiet, stoic, cold again".

"Again, you need to know that the cave

looks like it's open because of him" said Ira


"Sorry, I have no intention of

angry and remember

that incident".

"It's okay I'm not angry with Iho" nara

hug ira to give strength to


I just want you to look like you used to

happy and not dirty like now

I'm like this because I can't believe it

again with a boy, I'm like traumatized if

I want to be close to my family boy ira, this is a friend who always gives

strength when we are weak.

The host's voice is heard again

"The next event is the children's graduation

dear 9th grade".

they advance one by one according to

the name called the bearer

event.after graduation they return to

their respective homes after separation

with dear friends and teachers-

dear teacher who has educated us

for the last 3 years.

"Nar I go home first" said Ira to Nara

"Yes, I also want to go home" replied Nara

"See you at our new school" he said

Nara as she walked away.

Yes, they were attractive in the same high school.