

The seconds seem to get longer and longer as Triten (Try-ten) waits for the clock to hit three, math was easy, anatomy was exciting and English was just English. But World History just seemed to drag, what's the point of learning the past if we can't do nothing about it, enough about that, school is almost done. Triten Deity was 5 feet and 10 inches African American teenager, bright for his age he had a promising future of college and a career in Biology until the bite. The school is located in the middle of the woods just like all the other schools in Taino. One day he was walking down to where the buses were and texting on his phone with his childhood friend, Chiyo Rei, she was already receiving college tours and scholarships while he was stuck trying to go to a college in state or out of state. Text message: [Ayo Chi-Chi what are you up to now?]

Chiyo:[ I told you not to call me that and right now I'm working on an Ink extractor.]

Triten: [ Do you still want to hear about the dreams I've been having?]

Chiyo:[ Sure just don't expt me to reply to them]

Triten:[ Aight, so I had another dream where there was this man who could travel to other universes. He had to separate two universes clashing into one, but when he did that a bridge universe was created connecting the two.]

Chiyo:[ You realize how stupid that sounds, right?]

Triten:[ I thought you weren't going to reply (-;}

Chiyo:[ How would you even see that, what does a universe even look like?]

Triten:[ I don't know how to describe it, just imagine a swirling void of stars and space gas/dust and you got a universe, it looks different for everybody based on how they can comprehend it]


While Triten waited for Chiyo to reply he felt the bus start to lurch forward, he sat on the gray leathered seat by himself as he normally does, and looked out the slightly cracked open window of the emergency exit window. Then he did a double take, a flying object that had jet wings and a sphere for a center was doing figure eights around a science facility that was five stories. Then Triten noticed that is wasn't just doing some air skating it was chasing a figure in red, no who was red with unstable lighting around them ,who could also fly. Kids started looking at the window which was a huge mistake because the person in red was shooting unstable energy out of their fingers, "Wow that guy can shoot lightning out of his hands," Triten speaks up "That isn't lighting that is unstable energy, lighting is much faster and more powerful than what he is shooting out of his fingers," the kids ignored him and kept looking at the fight before them. If you could even call it that the UFO was taking heavy damage while Unstable ( That is what Triten has deemed him) just blasted and blasted. Then Unstable broke the front of the sphere an pulled a person who was actually dressed in red with shoulder pads and skintight suit, his outfit consisted of a holster to his left where a hilt of a sword was and the midsection of his torso was white instead of red with a letter that resembles V but more looked like Wonder Woman's symbolic W, wait who's Wonder Woman? Unstable then opened a crack in the sky, similar to how glass looks when breaking and shoved the V man through it. Triten then woke up to find out the the bus is totaled and on fire, he looked around and then realized he isn't on the bus but lying 15 meters away from it, and from the looks of it he was the only survivor. He tries to call someone, anyone but his phone isn't responding to his commands and he infers that the energy from Unstable must've screwed with his phone. So he goes to the only place nearby which was the science facility, he has a bad feeling about this but goes anyways since this is his only option. The shock of before is now starting to where off, everyone who was on that school bus is dead, like that his heart starts straining, but then another thought goes off 'how did I see how the battle ended if I was unconscious?' that made Triten stop in his tracks only for a moment. He took in the damage of his body and realized he was limping with a broken arm, he must have flown through the emergency exit window with high velocity to have landed about 15 meters away. He was thinking this while limping through the parking lot of the science facility and finally entering the front door, what he saw would scar him for life. As soon as the electric doors opened automatically all he saw were bodies and singed walls marking that Unstable was here, he threw up at the smell of burned flesh and continued walking to a phone station which was unfortunately fried and Triten kept moving. The next floor was the same almost worst broken glass lay on the white tiled floor as did bodies, Triten could barely see out of his eyes with how much tears he had but this floors phone station was gone too. On the third was a little different there were still bodies but it mostly consisted of animals there was a tarantula cage still intact which Triten checked out and leaned his face over there he saw a red and brown tarantula crawling around with its hairy legs. Triten then got the "smart" idea to allow it to run rampant and free away from this genocide, though it was noble the tarantula repaid his effort of kindness by scurrying and clinging to his limped leg. Triten then proceeds to say "Aw, do you like m-AhHhHHhhh!" as the tarantula bites him, "That hurts you little, y o u buuu," he then passes out from the bite and more since in the last 3 hours he has seen a lot and has been through a lot.

Triten wakes in a hospital with several tubes attached to him and machines monitoring his health, he feels terrible mentally and physically, with his body completely ruined ,or so he thought, he tries to reach for the emergency call button and instead smacks a hole in the wall. He stares at it for what seems to be forever until he snaps out of it and scream.

I literlaly thought of this at the top of my head.

PVP_animationcreators' thoughts