

Lance's POV

Chuckling, I refilled the glasses on the table and proceeded to pass them to Auntie Ann and Onyx.

"Thank you very much! I honestly don't know how to repay you back." I said as I fell back into my seat.

"Come off it. We did that because we are family, nothing more." Onyx waved him off as he shifted his gaze to his mother who nodded in agreement.

"We are family and we always watch each other's backs." Auntie Ann said, causing the smile on my lips to broaden.

With my glass against my lips, I began to imagine the emotional turmoil I had thrown Nevian into.

Expertly, I had made sure to block all his routes of escape and now, I could turn him in any direction I wanted.

The thought alone made my head grow even bigger.

"I can't wait to see him in court." I said, leaning forward with a smile tugging the side of my lips. "I mean… he feels like he was some kind of superhero and would be able to pull off so easily."