
Contractually Yours: The Mind-Reading CEO and the Carefree Actress

In a twist of fate, struggling actress Mia Chen is thrust into the fictional world of a bestselling novel. Here, she becomes the contractual wife of the formidable CEO, Ethan Lee. Instead of traditional wifely duties, Mia’s role is to maintain appearances at select social events, all while receiving a staggering monthly stipend of 5 million yuan and the promise of a 200 million yuan payout upon their eventual divorce. Mia can hardly believe her luck. Could such an extraordinary opportunity truly exist? In the novel's original storyline, Mia's character falls hopelessly in love with Ethan, dreaming of transforming their contractual union into a genuine romance. But in the end, she finds herself empty-handed and heartbroken. Reflecting on this futile pursuit, Mia shakes her head ruefully. How naive she had been, blinded by false promises and illusions. Instead of chasing an elusive dream, wouldn't it be wiser to enjoy a carefree existence, secure financial stability, and walk away with 300 million yuan after just two years of marriage? Determined to seize control of her destiny, Mia resolves to live life on her own terms. Meanwhile, reclusive billionaire Ethan Lee is granted a second chance at life. Haunted by memories of Mia’s past mistakes, Ethan anxiously awaits her reaction in this new reality. Curious about her activities, Ethan asks the household staff, "What has my wife been doing lately?" Their awkward smiles reveal the truth. "Madam spends her days indulging in shopping sprees and admiring handsome men." Ethan's heart sinks as he grapples with this revelation. But then, a stroke of luck reveals a startling twist: he can hear Mia’s thoughts. He wonders why she has strayed from her supposed infatuation with him. Initially resigned to endure their contractual arrangement, Ethan's resolve begins to waver as his feelings for Mia deepen. Driven by a newfound determination, Ethan takes a bold step forward. Dropping to one knee, he pleads, "Mia, can we rewrite our destiny together?" In a world where fiction and reality intertwine, Mia and Ethan must navigate their contract, uncover their true feelings, and decide if they can truly rewrite their destiny together.

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Ethan Lee sat in his spacious office, high above the bustling city, staring out at the skyline. To anyone looking in from the outside, he was the epitome of success—CEO of a major corporation, wealthy beyond measure, and respected in every corner of the business world. But the path to this pinnacle of achievement was paved with hardship and sacrifice, and only Ethan knew the full extent of the journey he had taken to get here.

He leaned back in his leather chair, his mind drifting back to the days of his youth. Ethan had grown up in a small, impoverished village. His family had struggled to make ends meet, often going to bed hungry. From a young age, Ethan had vowed to change his circumstances, driven by the desire to lift his family out of poverty.

Through sheer determination and hard work, Ethan had excelled in school, earning a scholarship to a prestigious university. He had worked multiple jobs to support himself, barely scraping by while his peers enjoyed the luxuries of student life. But Ethan never complained. He knew that every hardship he endured was a step closer to his dream.

After graduation, he had entered the corporate world, quickly rising through the ranks due to his relentless work ethic and sharp intellect. He made shrewd investments, built his network, and eventually founded his own company. But success had come at a cost. Ethan had become a workaholic, his personal life suffering as he focused all his energy on building his empire.

The memory of his past life was still fresh in his mind, even though he had been given a second chance. He had been reborn, a rare and miraculous opportunity to correct the mistakes he had made and to appreciate the things he had taken for granted the first time around.

In his previous life, Mia had been a constant thorn in his side. She had clung to him, hoping to turn their contractual marriage into something real. Her obsession had been suffocating, and Ethan had often found himself frustrated and annoyed by her relentless pursuit. She had been superficial, interested only in his wealth and status, and her attempts to gain his affection had been both desperate and transparent.

But now, as he watched her navigate her new ambitions with determination and grace, Ethan couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the past and the present Mia. She was no longer the shallow, clingy woman he remembered. Instead, she was focused, driven, and genuinely interested in making a difference.

As these thoughts swirled in his mind, Ethan felt a strange sensation, as if a door had opened somewhere deep within him. Suddenly, he could hear a voice—Mia's voice—clear and distinct, as if she were speaking directly to him. He looked around the office, confused and startled, but there was no one else in the room.

_"I have to make this work. I can't let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I need to prove to myself that I'm capable of more."_

Ethan's eyes widened in shock. He could hear Mia's thoughts. This was impossible, yet he couldn't deny the clarity of her internal monologue. He listened intently, trying to make sense of what was happening.

_"Ethan has been so supportive. I never expected him to be so... kind. Maybe he's not as cold as I thought."_

Ethan felt a pang of guilt. In his previous life, he had been distant and unkind to Mia, never giving her a chance to show her true self. But this new Mia was different. She was focused on her own goals, not obsessed with winning his affection. Her thoughts revealed a genuine gratitude for his support, a far cry from the manipulative scheming he remembered.

He leaned back in his chair, absorbing this new reality. The ability to read Mia's thoughts was both a gift and a burden. It offered him a glimpse into her true feelings and intentions, but it also reminded him of his own shortcomings and the ways he had failed her in the past.

_"I wonder if he knows how much he's changed. He's still intimidating, but there's a warmth there that wasn't before. Maybe we can actually work together and achieve something great."_

Ethan felt a surge of emotion. This was a chance for redemption, an opportunity to build a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. He had been given a second chance at life, and now it seemed he had been given a second chance with Mia as well.

Determined to make the most of this new opportunity, Ethan decided to support Mia's ambitions wholeheartedly. He would help her build her production company, not just as a business venture, but as a way to redeem himself and prove that he could be a better person. He would also respect her independence, acknowledging the growth and change she had undergone.

Later that evening, Ethan found Mia in the living room, poring over a stack of business documents. She looked up as he entered, a smile lighting up her face.

"Ethan, I didn't expect to see you here," she said, setting aside her papers.

"I wanted to check in and see how you're doing," he said, taking a seat across from her. "How's the business plan coming along?"

"It's going well," Mia said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I have a few more details to iron out, but I think we're on the right track."

"I'm glad to hear that," Ethan said, genuinely impressed by her dedication. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help."

Mia's smile widened, and Ethan could hear her thoughts once again.

_"He's being so supportive. I never expected this from him. Maybe there's hope for us after all."_

Ethan felt a warmth in his chest. This was his chance to make things right, to build a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. He didn't know if their contractual marriage would ever become something more, but he was determined to support Mia in achieving her dreams.

As they discussed her plans and shared ideas, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future. This was a new beginning for both of them, a chance to rewrite their destinies and create something truly meaningful together.