
Contracted Hearts: Evelyn's last wish

"Why didn’t you tell me, Evelyn?" he demands, his voice cracking with emotion. Evelyn, blinks rapidly to prevent tears from falling, managing a smile "It wasn’t your burden to bear, Aiden. This marriage was a business deal. No emotions, no attachments—just like we agreed." Aiden is unable to contain his frustration, dragging a a hand furiously through his hair "You thought I wouldn’t care? That I’d just stand by while you—" He stops, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Why did you marry me if you knew you were going to leave me in six months?" Evelyn closes her eyes, feeling tears streaming down her cheeks. "Because I love you, Aiden. I’ve always loved you". She watches his eyes widen at her confession and looks away. "But I knew you didn’t feel the same. I just wanted to know what it would be like to be with you even if it was for a limited time. I am content because I will be dying as your wife". Evelyn Lawson is the epitome of beauty, power, and success. As the brilliant CEO of Lawson Conglomerates, she has spent her life building an empire, earning accolades, and commanding respect from everyone around her. Her life is perfect and flawless. Her world comes to an abrupt halt when she is diagnosed with a terminal illness and has six months to live. Determined to experience the one thing she’s always longed for before her time runs out—love—Evelyn makes a bold decision. She proposes a marriage contract to her long-time friend and secret crush, Aiden Stuart, the CEO of Stuart Automobiles. The cold business like arrangement leaves no room for emotions and attachments and grants Aiden all her assets after six months of marriage while she wants nothing in return. As everything is set in motion, Evelyn desperately hopes for Aiden to fall in love with her but can she succeed before her time is up especially when Aiden's heart longs for someone else? And not just anyone but her best friend?

Nerdy_Writes · Urban
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12 Chs

It feels right

"Good morning, Grandfather," Evelyn said cheerfully, planting a kiss on his cheek before sitting down next to him at the dining table.

"Morning to you too, brat" he responded, a playful grin spreading across his face, prompting a soft laugh from her. "I was beginning to wonder if you were planning to let your old man go hungry."

"My old man is as strong as a young stallion, you know" she shot back with a teasing smile.

Her grandfather chuckled, "You do know how to flatter an old man."

Evelyn laughed, and as the maids began to serve breakfast, the gentle clinking of cutlery filled the air, breaking the morning stillness.

Senior Lawson dabbed his mouth with a napkin and cleared his throat.

"So, how are the wedding plans coming up?" he inquired, noticing her slight sigh.

"It's going well, actually. We have dress fittings today," she replied, taking a sip of her juice. "But it's incredibly stressful, and the wedding is just a week away."

Her grandfather chuckled softly, "Good things never come easy"

"I'm so stressed, Grandfather. I can only imagine how my friend must be feeling right now."

Senior Lawson nodded knowingly, "You'll handle it beautifully when it's your turn."

Evelyn frowned, "We've had this conversation before, Grandfather."

"I know, but I insist because it truly matters."

She sighed, feeling weary of the topic. "I don't want marriage or a relationship. I don't need a partner trying to control every part of my life."

Her grandfather gently took her hand, stroking it with affection. "Marriage offers you a partner to lean on. Someone with whom you can be vulnerable and who genuinely supports you."

Evelyn pouted, holding onto his hand. "But I have you, Grandfather."

He smiled warmly "I'm glad for that, but I won't always be around."

"You're not dying, are you?" she asked, her voice laced with concern, and he chuckled softly.

"No, brat. Not for a long time."

"Then can we please drop the marriage talk?" Evelyn whined, exasperated.

Senior Lawson shook his head firmly. "No, you can't escape this" he said, his gaze piercing into hers. "If it weren't for my responsibility to look after you, I would have been utterly alone."


"Wait, let me finish," he interrupted, his voice steady. "I lost my only child when I least expected it. Perhaps the universe took pity on me, sparing you from that fateful flight that claimed your parents."

Evelyn softly stroked his back, aware of the pain that lingered in his heart and how this topic was a sore spot for him.

"If it weren't for you, I would have faced a life of solitude in my old age," he said, gazing intently at her. "I wish for you, Eve, to have a family of your own, so that when you grow older, you won't have to face loneliness. No amount of wealth or fame can shield you from that."

She nodded thoughtfully. "I'll consider it, Grandfather."

Senior Lawson let out a deep sigh. "Take your time to think it over, but remember, when you meet the right person to marry, the time you've spent together won't matter. It will simply feel right, just as it did when I wed your grandmother."

They moved to the elegant sitting room, where she settled next to him on the plush couch, mulling over his words.

"I hear you, Grandfather. But where is James?"

Evelyn glanced around, her eyes searching for the butler, but he was nowhere to be found.

Her grandfather rubbed his chin thoughtfully "He went to buy groceries."

Evelyn frowned, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Isn't that what we have maids for?"

"What can I say?" Her grandfather shrugged nonchalantly. "It seems James has developed a fondness for the grocery store owner on the next street."

Evelyn's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Really? I thought he had taken a vow of celibacy."

"Yes, and for once, I believed the same about you," her grandfather shot back with a smirk.

"What? You know I've had relationships!" she protested.

"Going on the blind dates I arranged for you doesn't quite count as dating," he replied dryly.

"Alright, you have a point," Evelyn conceded, and her grandfather rolled his eyes in amusement.

She stood up, making her way to the door, but paused to ask him, "When you find the right partner, how do you know they're the one? What if you don't know them well and have only spent a little time together? Should you rush into marriage?"

Senior Lawson smiled warmly. "When you meet the one, it's not about the what or the how, but the why. It simply feels right."

"You might want to consider this one instead. It's both simple and elegant" Evelyn suggested, presenting a dress to her friend.

Victoria beamed, "It's stunning! I can't wait to try it on," and hurried off to the changing room.

Evelyn took a moment to survey the boutique. It was a popular and highly recommended by their wedding planner, Hannah, for selecting their wedding attire.

Her eyes wandered over the mannequins, admiring the exquisite gowns displayed.

"How do I look?" Victoria emerged, and Evelyn felt a wave of emotion wash over her.

"Beautiful" she breathed, and her friend let out a delighted giggle.

The dress was a breathtaking backless ivory A-line gown with long sleeves, featuring a plunging neckline that draped Victoria's figure perfectly. The luxurious satin was adorned with delicate lace and shimmering sequins, making her look stunning. Her friend looked every inch of a beautiful bride.

Victoria wrapped her arms around Evelyn in gratitude, "Thank you for being here with me."

"Of course! You're my best friend," Evelyn replied, returning the embrace.

"Absolutely gorgeous" Hannah exclaimed, clapping her hands. "I take it this is the dress for your wedding?"

The two friends separated, and Victoria nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. "It is. I love it."

The wedding planner smiled warmly and began jotting down notes. "Looks like we're almost finished here." She stepped out to speak with the boutique owner.

Evelyn turned to Victoria, curiosity sparkling in her eyes. "What makes you so sure you want to marry Shaun?"

Victoria shrugged, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I can't quite put it into words-"

"It just feels right?" Evelyn asked, completing the sentence and her friend smiled.


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