
Contracted Billionaire

Jason Lewis was born into a poor family of four who has always lived from hand to mouth. His mother works as a cook in a small noodle shop, his father works as a truck driver and his older sister Rachel is a university student working two part-time jobs. He entered the biggest high school through scholarship and fell in love with the richest girl in the school Skye Adams, they started a relationship and it was later on interrupted by the girl's father. He signed a contract with him and made him leave the country in exchange for his families safety. He studied abroad and went back to America as a successful young Billionaire.

Daisy_8923 · Urban
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22 Chs

Unwanted Guest

"Please prepare Abalone porridge for Jason and give him enough milk to use his drugs" Mrs Lewis said to Bianca.

"Okay Ma'am" She replied preparing to go attend to the just recovering Jason.

Mrs Lewis was preparing to attend a board meeting organised by her husband who had just became the majority shareholder in White horse Department Store and he wants to appoint his wife as the CEO.

She was about leaving the house when the arrival of Matthew and Skye was announced.

"Good thing you're here, look after your friend while I'm gone" Mrs Lewis said to Matthew.

"Good afternoon Ma'am" Skye and Matthew greeted her.

"Good afternoon, I'm off now" She said as she hurriedly left the house and the two of them headed towards Jason's room after asking for direction from one of the maids.

"Yoo, how is my friend doing" Matthew said as he opened the door.

"Why have I been seeing your face recently, are you the only one in this house" Jason asked Bianca when he heard Matthew's voice.

"I've been assigned to take care of you sir" Bianca replied.

"Oh, I got a personal maid" Jason said.

"Didn't you see me" Matthew asked as he was standing by the door since he'd made his arrival known.

"I did see you, but as you can see, I'm in a heated conversation" Jason said as he sat up from bed.

"Ah, you call this heated, You can go personal maid, I'll do the rest" Matthew said walking in.

"Her name is Bianca, you can go Bianca. I'll call you when I need you" Jason said and Bianca left the room. Skye walked in and said hi to Jason with the hope that he'll remember her.

"You came with your fiancee" Jason said.

"She insisted on coming with me, wow your room is very big, we can have a small party here. Right Jason" Matthew said.

"Not inside my bedroom" He replied then stood up and walked into his closet to put on a shirt.

"Wow, you must have put a lot of effort in your closet, why is it so gracious than your Bedroom, I can sleep in here" Matthew said as he followed Jason into the Closet.

"Rachel arranged the closet and my mum arranged the room" Jason said walking out.

"Your mum must be old fashioned" Matthew said following him around.

"You can say that, and why are you following me around, did my mum let you in unknowingly" Jason said furious.

"Because your mum herself told you to look after you while she's gone" Matthew said smiling.

"What my mum said that, and did she go without informing me" Jason said and walked over to the door. He opened the door and called for Bianca.

"Mr. Jason you called for me" Bianca said as she walked into his room.

"I told you I'm not a Mr. Bianca, look at me I'm just 24. My name is Jason and if you don't want to be too informal you can call me brother Jason" Jason snapped.

"Okay sir" Bianca said.

"Where did my mum go" Jason asked.

"I'm not sure, but from what I know, she received a call from the chairman before she left so it must be him She went to meet" Bianca said.

"She went to meet my dad" Jason said.

"Okay then, you can go" He said and Bianca left the room.

"Hmm, could it be that mum and dad went on a date" Jason asked facing Matthew.

"uhm, it's possible but isn't it a good thing" Matthew replied.

"Of course it's not, why would she leave her sick child and go on a date with her husband" Jason said.

Jason tried avoiding Skye at all cost, though he doesn't remember who she was and even after trying hard to, which caused him sleepless night, he still couldn't. He was irritated by her for causing him so much trouble because he couldn't stop thinking about her so he's trying everything he could not to talk to her even when she was interfering in what he was saying.

"Why did Mr. Jason called you" Dora, one of the maids asked Bianca as she went back to the kitchen where they were preparing lunch.

"He asked where Mrs Lewis went to" Bianca replied.

"What else" Another maid asked.

"Nothing else" She replied.

"Huh, but I heard him saying something about calling him brother, or did I hear wrong" Dora said again.

"Wait, were you guys eavesdropping" Bianca asked.

"No, we weren't" They replied.


"Okay we did eavesdrop so tell us what happened exactly" Dora said.

"He said I should stop calling him Mr that his name is Jason and if I know I don't want to be too informal with him I can call him brother Jason. he even told me his age" Bianca explained to them.

"wow, Don't you think Mr. Jason is indirectly asking you out" Dora said.

"What, of course not, how can you say that" Bianca said perplexed.

"He even told you his age, don't you think he's letting you know that he's only two years older than you and you two can date" Dora said.

"Of course he can say that to her if her father owns a business group because I'm sure Jason won't settle for less" Skye said as she walked into them in the kitchen, she has been at the door for a while to get water and had heard what they were saying. The maids quickly and quietly dispersed and went back to what they were doing.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Skye, Jason's girlfriend. You'll be seeing me more often here so I hope you acknowledge me" Skye said then walked out after getting the water.

" Did you hear that, but I thought Mr. Jason is single" A maid said.

"He's not, I've heard Mrs Lewis and Miss Rachel talking about a Skye before. so it's her" Dora replied.

"I heard her Father made the chairman rich" Another one said.

"That must explain why she's so arrogant" Bianca finally Said after feeling awkward for being caught gossiping.

"But, how is she still his girlfriend when he doesn't remember her" Bianca said again.

"What do you mean" The maids left what they were doing again and gathered around Bianca.

"I heard Mr. Jason lost every memory of her due to the accident"Bianca said.

"Really, so why does she think she have a place here" Dora said.

"Because there's a probability that he'll regain those memories and very early" Rachel said as she walked into the kitchen.

The girls turned around and saw Rachel and they quickly knelt before her, they begged her not to tell on them and she told them she won't only if they won't gossip again. They promised her they won't gossip again, not when they were already caught twice.

"And If he doesn't still remember her, They'll start afresh" Rachel said then walked out.

" Take care of my friend for me Matthew" Jayden said over the phone. Matthew had face timed him so that he can see Jason and how much he had gotten better after the accident.

"Or Jason should I come over, I don't really trust this guy" Jayden said again.

"You don't have to, not that I trust him too but at least he has responsibilities now" Jason said.

"whoa, really".

"Yh, and guess who's getting married next month" Jason said again he then flipped the camera and showed him Skye who's Matthew's Fiancee.

"You're getting married Jason" Jayden said surprised.

He had seen Skye's pictures on Jason's phone before so he knew her to be Jason's girlfriend.

"No, Matthew is, that's Matthew girlfriend" Jason said.

"What, how..." Jayden said but was cut short as Matthew snatched the phone from Jason and walked to the sitting room.

He explained the situation to Jayden and let him know stressing his brain will make him forget her forever.

"Why's this happening, after this years that they've been apart" Jayden said.

"I'm just still surprised, you know I'd have been happy if he remembered her because I don't want to marry her. I'd have even helped him remember but the doctor and his health were against it" Matthew said.

They discussed about how they were going to help Jason remember her and Jayden finally concluded that he was flying to Mexico. Matthew went back inside and he gave back the phone to Jason. Kayla also talked to him and wished him quick recovery.

"Mum won't be back till tomorrow so I'll look after you" Rachel said as she walked into Jason's room.

"Why, did she go to a resort with dad, did the two of them want to spend the night alone. I heard mum recieved a call from Dad" Jason said.

"Stop dreaming, mum is going to be very busy from now on, you'll be seeing less of her" Rachel said.

"We'll be leaving now Rachel" Matthew said as he stood up, he felt that they needed some privacy to talk.

He and Skye left and Rachel explained to him better. She told him their mum is the new CEO of the whole Whitehorse Department Store which has a lot of branches including the hotel, gym centre, Golf club, male and Female Fashion Mall, Catering Service but there's still alot to be done.

Matthew called Jason later to inform him he's gotten home and they talk for some times since he was bored.

"And yes, please when next you're coming don't bring your fiancee with you, I'm having a dark aura around her" Jason said.

"Why shouldn't she come with me" Matthew asked.

"She's an Unwanted guest, I don't want to see her" Jason replied before hanging up.