
Ch.8 Gifting the pendant

After Aron left the Store he looked at the store and looked at with a serious look ' they scanned me without even any of the guards noticing and they sure knew something was different with the pendant' Guards noticed his looks and asked him

"Master Aron is something wrong"

Aron just looked away and said to them "nothing let's just go home I have already informed uncle"

Aron and Lilia got into the car and left for home while on the way Lilia slept on his shoulder and Aron looked at his uplink for news

Which he found out that the Federation was trying to improve Relation with SunFire Empire and they were saying there is some changes in the Academy Selection process

They reached home and Aron waked Lilia and they both entered the House and Reina and Mark were sitting there talking and seeing them enter both of them smiled and Mark said "you sure had a fun day didn't you Aron" looking at Mark childish antics Reina just elbowed him and told Aron "Mark told me you got Rare variant and it has very good talent too, it will help you at academy selection a lo cause we humans have very straight evolution path which caps our growth and variants are really supported in the Academies"

Lilia just Reached Reina and Laid on her lap and started dosing of on the sofa while Reina Started petting her hair and Mark told maids to get juice for Aron and asked

"and what did you buy which you asked me about?"

Aron took out the pendant and gave it to Mark and said "this is a platinum grade Pendant which can block 2 lethal blows for Lilia and I thought it might help Lilia in the future if she gets in danger"

Looking at the pendant Mark just Sighed and smiled "well it's good you care for her we won't have to worry about her in the academy but you can find the same pendants around the market for 8 mils but still this has good engraving on it and looks vintage"

Aron wanted to tell him that this pendant had much more but he didn't say it cause he won't be able to Explain it

"so why don't you rest for a while then we both go and train you a little?" asked Mark while finishing his tea

Aron just said he could go right now and left with Mark towards the underground training ground and Mark took out a training sword and gave one to Aron

"So let's see how good is your swordsmanship since the last time we came here"

Aron looked at mark and analyzed him

"Name: Mark Bladesworth

Race: Human(Fire Variant)

Grade: Epic

Stage: 9 levels 8

Talent: energy Affinity(Epic), Fire affinity (Diamond), wind Affinity (Gold), Hawk-Eye (silver), earth affinity (Silver)

Status: healthy"

Looking at Mark status Aron was shocked cause the federation had the strongest people at the Mythical stage only and Mark was already In the epic and will enter Legendary soon which is like top shots of the federation and thought

"well looks like this uncle of mine is not a Casual at all, he is hardcore Guild master for sure" (Author Note- If you got this joke then you are a real Gamer if not then I don't have words)

Aron took his stance and attacked Mark and Mark just dodged everything while smirking looking at his Smirking face Aron thought of Something and used some special footstep and came behind Mark and slashed at him

"looking at Aron strange style Mark Got shocked and was forced to increase his speed and parry it" looking at Mark shocked Expression Aron taunted him with a Carefree look and Mark frowned and Got way faster and kicked Aron on the butt and said "you got balls kid, but still that footwork is strange how did you learn it"

"I made them not learned it, old man," said Aron lied through his teeth with a proud face

"hey I am still young and in my thirties OK, so don't call me old even a 200 old man is young these days and only guys older than 300 are old" Old man don't Cry like a baby you got a daughter who is going to academy already

Hearing this Mark Kicked Aron again which this time he dodged and looked at Mark and said "even after cheating can't hit me ?"

Mark was shocked that Aron could dodge him at such speed cause he was using the speed of a Fourth stage and Aron still dodged it

"that footwork of yours is really good if you can improve it then it can become your trump card"

After having some fun Mark started talking about swordplay and showed Aron some swordplay and gave him some advice which Aron knew most of but he still listened to it all

After Mark left Aron said "well looks like Mark is a lvl 7-8 Swordsmen already

Aron was a Sword Emperor with his Account and so he knew most of the tips that Mark gave but he still listened to him cause everyone has something unique that can help you

Aron opened his Status and looked at his notification

"Learned Shadow Steps Lvl 1 (Platinum)"

After seeing this Aron smiled and started Practicing his sword and reached Basic Swords Mastery LVL 9 and left the training ground and left to take a bath and get dinner

After changing Aron got to the Dining hall where they were waiting for him and Lilia said "brother why were training for that long its already been 3 hours when father came back"

Looking at Lilia Aron just said while pinching her cheek "cause I wanted to improve my swords play and your father beat me up pretty good so I need to train to get my revenge don't I"

Saying this Aron sat at the table and everyone started eating

Eating his dinner Aron talked with them for a while and Left for his room