
Contract with the Demon King (BL)

Zhang Wang got stuck in a contract with the Demon King! This is totally bullshit! He was finally going to have his chance at stealing the title of protagonist by killing off the evil Demon King... But right at that moment, when he was about to cleave the head off of the villain’s shoulders, somehow, his bugged out system decided to interfere! Next thing he knew, he was stuck with a contract with this evil, hateful villain. What? Their souls are entwined as well? What the heck! Was this just some stupid plot device for some cheap danmei?! Zhang Wang wasn’t going to allow this to happen. He will have to break this contract as soon as he could! ----- WARNING: This is BL, which means boyxboy romance. And there will be r-18 scenes eventually as well so consider yourselves warned! ----- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/DU9S2Y4

valiantxvillainous · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
243 Chs

They totally went overboard (18+)

Yu Yanlin was frozen under Zhang Wang's grasp. His eyes greedily took in the demon king's body, who knelt so stiffly above his lap, just barely hovering over him to avoid sitting on his legs.

It was like he had caught a filthy little criminal in the midst of crime. And charming was the pink color that peeked out just beneath the edge of the blindfold on Yu Yanlin's face.


Yu Yanlin wet his lips before speaking, and Zhang Wang noticed how they were glistening with a lovely rosy tint. "Sorry. I did not mean to disturb you from rest. I only needed--"

"Some spiritual energy," Zhang Wang hummed, "I noticed that you were using your power quite liberally earlier today."


"It almost makes me wonder if you were doing it on purpose."

Guilty as charged. Yu Yanlin's nerves sparked and sizzled. With a single touch, brushing over his side, he trembled.

"I was only teasing," Zhang Wang's voice was a little hoarse, sultry and very sweet.

"No. You are right."

"I can see that," Yu Yanlin was caught off guard when the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms raised his knee, and ground it lightly against the demon's semi-hard member.

An embarrassing yelp escaped his lips. A hand immediately came up to hold his mouth shut.

"Be quiet," Zhang Wang chided softly, "Juhua is sleeping."

Another sound came out the depth of his throat, a growl. And Zhang Wang's plump lips pressed right next to his Adam's Apple.

Yu Yanlin gulped deeply. His neck, cheeks and ears went apple red. A glistening trailed was left along his neck and upward to his jaw. The member that lay half-erect began to fill out against Zhang Wang's leg.

He was going dizzy with lust, his self-restraint threatening to unwind at each breath. The only thing keeping any composure intact was the last string of dignity and pride that barely held together.

The demon king exhaled with a shudder, feeling the way slender fingers slithered around his body from above his clothes. They were both aggressive in their prying and prodding, also gentle, sinuous and agonizingly slow. Yanlin needed more friction than this.

A low growl of discontent vibrated out of his chest as he searched for Zhang Wang's lips with his own. The eagerness incited a pleased chuckle. The hands found themselves around the back of Yu Yanlin's upper thigh, just below the curve of his buttocks.

Their tongues entwined. A warmth tickled the walls of Yu Yanlin's throat and traveled down to his stomach. It wasn't enough and he felt desperately starving. The hands around his thigh gently guided him down, encouraging.

His self-control wavered. Yu Yanlin could no longer stop himself from grinding himself down on Zhang Wang's leg like a wanton beast. His actions were rewarded with a satisfied hum and a slap on his buttocks.

The sound echoed and Yu Yanlin yelped, pulling back as the rosy blush deepened even more, spreading all the way down to his exposed collarbone. "Y-you��"

Behind them, sheets jostled. A little girl's tired groans stilled their movements and sped up racing hearts.

Zhang Wang's voice was choked, "Sorry. Got a bit ahead of myself."

"..." Awkwardly, Yu Yanlin nodded. He as well, was losing himself in the moment.

And yet the feeling of disappointment was sharp when Zhang Wang said, "Let's take care of it quickly. I don't want to wake Juhua up."

Yu Yanlin's cock was swollen with blood and excitement to the point of being painful. He gritted his teeth as he nodded, understanding Zhang Wang's reasoning. It still didn't make him frustrated to the point of keen suffering.

Slowly, the demon king lowered his head down. Zhang Wang helped him by undoing his sash and lowering his trousers.

Mind clouded with lust, the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms could not stop ravishing King Yanlin's body with his eyes. He tried to imagine the trembling body beneath his fingertips, outlined by loose robes.

A pleased hiss escaped his teeth as a wet warmth enveloped his length. Zhang Wang tried to remind himself this all simply for convenience. This was just a normal physiological reaction to having one's dick being sucked…

And yet, he could not control himself. Slender fingers raked across Yu Yanlin's scalp and parted his long hair. He scraped against the blindfold and was possessed by the sharp desire to undo it.

No, he shouldn't…

Not yet.

Because a devilish part of him was staring at a telling outline between Yu Yanlin's legs.

Hah. How filthy.

Zhang Wang licked his lips, an electric jolt assaulted him as Yu Yanlin tongued the underside of his cock, "Good, just like that. You're doing great babe."

A displeased hum vibrated around Zhang Wang's dick. It made him chuckle in a way that left him breathless.

But Zhang Wang could not allow himself being the only one teased in this whole ordeal. "Wait," he commanded gently before shifting over.

"...?" The immortal's cock slipped out of Yu Yanlin's mouth as he climbed over the demon, who was now lying down on the ground. In their new position, Zhang Wang's seedy erection hung over Yu Yanlin's lips like a tantalizing hanging treat. All he had to do was lower his hips to push the head past Yanlin's yielding lips.

It was fucking divine. Was this really Yu Yanlin's first time sucking cock? Because Zhang Wang wouldn't believe it so readily. "Yes, you're doing do good, just like that." He purred.

Now that he hovered over Yu Yanlin's body, he could take a closer look at the situation between Yu Yanlin's legs.

His pupils expanded at the sight. Fabric strained against the stretch of a throbbing member, the tip darkened with moisture. Yu Yanlin's legs were trembling so violently, gods it looked delectably painful.

Zhang Wang swallowed back his saliva. He took a finger and gently stroked the tip of Yu Yanlin's wet tip.

The touch, feathering and teasingly light, elicited a visceral reaction. Yu Yanlin's entire hip bucked upward, starved for attention. A sharp whimper tightened around Zhang Wang's own length, causing him to curse softly under his breath.

Shit, they had to stay silent! But Zhang Wang was way too far gone to listen to reason.

He rumbled in a low voice, "You're doing so well for me. But I need you not to move so much, okay? It's a bit noisy." His voice was deceptively sweet. He took his index, middle finger and thumb and began to massage only the tip of Yu Yanlin's erection through the fabric of his trousers.

A musky scent filled the air with soft little obscene sounds. Yu Yanlin shook even more at Zhang Wang's ministrations, arching his lower body up for the friction he so despairingly needed, but Zhang Wang was not kind enough to give.

He whined, chest heaving terribly at the torture and his jaws strained from effort. Moisture gathered beneath the blindfold as tears spilled out freely.

The body beneath Zhang Wang's was shaking so terribly, it was almost as if the demon was having a seizure. Zhang Wang finally decided to take pity and he enveloped his entire hand around the throbbing member. Only then did he realize that Yanlin was of quite an impressive size, well hung and suited for the title of a villain.

He snickered at the thought and absently wondered why this giant demon dick in his palm did not make him feel repulsed, and instead aroused.

Whatever. At that moment, Zhang Wang only cared about chasing pleasure and began to pump the cock in his hand with punishing speed.

A high-pitched embarrassing cry hitched out of Yu Yanlin's busy mouth. His whole body jolted and he didn't know if he wanted to pull away from the hand that held him roughly or to press into it. His body, strung like a well-played guquin was but a quivering mess, pleasure slowly creeping up into a crescendo.

Zhang Wang tried to keep his voice beneath a whisper, "Do you feel that? Are you close?" He pressed his hips into Yu Yanlin's face until his entire length was pressed down that soft narrow throat. "Just a little more, you can do it."

He could feel the pressure build in his belly and Zhang Wang chased it like a beast with quick punishing thrusts into Yu Yanlin's throat. He did not stop his hand either and kept pumping the hot trembling rod.

With a low grunt, he released deep down in Yu Yanlin's wet oral cavity. The body below his convulsed. Zhang Wang watched as a thick, viscous fluid pooled through the fabric held taut around Yu Yanlin's manhood.


It was so fucking hot.

The two of them collapsed on the floor in boneless heaps. Juhua's soft snore could still be heard in the background but there was the thick and overbearing scent of sex.

Shit, they totally went overboard, didn't they?

Hello, this is your trash author, doing her best to upload a chapter quickly within her 2 minute internet connection intervals! Sorry if I'm slow to respond to comments cuz it's a bit difficult right now~

valiantxvillainouscreators' thoughts