
Contract with the Demon King (BL)

Zhang Wang got stuck in a contract with the Demon King! This is totally bullshit! He was finally going to have his chance at stealing the title of protagonist by killing off the evil Demon King... But right at that moment, when he was about to cleave the head off of the villain’s shoulders, somehow, his bugged out system decided to interfere! Next thing he knew, he was stuck with a contract with this evil, hateful villain. What? Their souls are entwined as well? What the heck! Was this just some stupid plot device for some cheap danmei?! Zhang Wang wasn’t going to allow this to happen. He will have to break this contract as soon as he could! ----- WARNING: This is BL, which means boyxboy romance. And there will be r-18 scenes eventually as well so consider yourselves warned! ----- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/DU9S2Y4

valiantxvillainous · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
243 Chs

It was intoxicating

They all laughed and found a comfortable spot within the inn to settle down. After ordering an array of foods, Zhang Wang raised a hand, beckoning the master back before he left to the kitchen, "One more thing."

"I know, I know. You want five jugs of our finest wine!"

"You haven't forgotten!"

"Most certainly not, especially when Young Master Zhang gives me the most memorable nights."

"Somehow, the way you say it makes me feel like it's not a good thing."

When the innkeeper was finally out of sight, Yu Yanlin spoke up, "You're quite loved."

Loved? That word felt a bit too strong. Zhang Wang just shrugged, "Not sure if I'm loved, I think I'm probably just a fun person and people like being entertained. It's as simple as that." He rested his elbows on the table, arms crossing over each other and leaned forward.

Yu Yanlin thought he was like a fox, sly and scheming. But also cheerful and lovely as well. Were foxes meant to be this lovable? Or maybe that was solely the trait of one Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms.

But schemes were one born with reason and motives and Yu Yanlin had yet to figure out the motive of coming to an establishment as such. It wasn't like they were traveling or in need of a place to stay. And while the lake was wonderful and enchanting, nothing was gained out of such of trip; no sacred powers or divine treasure. Yu Yanlin was beginning to think that was why the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms failed to behold anything powerful.

"Why are we here?" Yu Yanlin asked bluntly.

The question made Zhang Wang frown. He propped his head against his palm and sighed, "What do you think? We're having fun. Relaxing. Don't tell me you don't know how to do things simply for having fun?"



Right. This was the demon king he was talking to and was sometimes as stiff as a bored. Zhang Wang should start to get used to it. Instead of scolding he smiled, reaching over the table to slap the demon's arm. "Don't think too much about it, okay? Just try to relax. I'm sure you never knew such a word in your entire life before."

Yu Yanlin tilted his head, "I understand the word relax. But it's a waste of time, is it not?"

"Nope!" Zhang Wang responded cheerfully, eyes brightening when the innkeeper returned with his ordered alcohol. "Not at all!"

Not wasting a beat, he poured both of them a cup of wine. This was where they were supposed to divulge into long conversations about trifle matters and silly things. Wasn't that how dates normally went? But starting off with a generic 'So tell me about yourself' felt almost insensitive toward Demon King Yanlin.

So Zhang Wang tried instead when he raised his glass up for a toast, "The demon court always said that Xiao Yao was your favorite consort, but I never believe it to be true."

He was rewarded with a chuckle, Yu Yanlin tilted his head toward the wine cup as it he could see past his blindfold, watching the way the wine swirled. There was something about the way he moved. Zhang Wang remembered the Cruel White King to be confident, unyielding and intimidating; so removed from the elegant and gentle person that sat in front of him.

"You are correct. Xiao Yao was not my favorite but I liked her enough, that was before you convinced her to feed me poison, of course."

"She was pretty," Zhang Wang added, trying to steer the conversation away from awkwardness.

Yu Yanlin snickered, "Yes, she was. But that wasn't why I liked her. Either way, she was not my favorite. I always liked Han Ping the most."

"Han Ping?" Zhang Wang's eyes went wide, "You sent her off to her death at the Valley of Inferno!"

"I did. It was her wish."

Zhang Wang blinked. Perhaps he should have been used to demons and their extreme nature but still, sending your favorite consort off to her doom because it was her wish? Wasn't that just tragic? Zhang Wang didn't understand. "Did you love her?" He asked.

"Love?" Yu Yanlin's voice was light, unconcerned. "Perhaps I did. She was an interesting person who wanted to prove her devotion through death."

"Why did she want to die?"

"She lost our child and became barren."

"That's…" a whole lot of backward thinking that made Zhang Wang a little uncomfortable. But to the Demon King Yanlin who burned down cities and tortured his enemies, this was normal. "A woman should not have to kill herself just because she can't have kids. That's a little messed up, don't you think?"

"Messed up? I'm not sure I follow. Consort Han's determination and bravery was much loved among the people."

"But she didn't have to die. I'm sure there would have been a way for her to find happiness even being barren."

"Happiness?" Yu Yanlin said as it it was a foreign concept. He brought the cup to his lips and took a light sip. "You're right. Perhaps she would have found it. She was always fond of skinning her enemies alive."

…Okay, maybe not that kind of happiness but still. Zhang Wang felt like he was making baby steps with this demon king. He switched topics casually and talked about something, nitpicking the details that colored Yu Yanlin's past.

He found out that Yu Yanlin was rather close to his mother and beheld special affection toward her. The gentleness in his personality was probably inherited from her.

He learned that Yu Yanlin was sweet on his harem, in his own weird, twisted way. He did have the capacity to care, only it was hidden beneath year and years of strange demon philosophies that valued violence over kindness.

Alcohol began to muddle Zhang Wang's wine after they reached the bottom of the fifth jug. He squinting at the inside and cursing why there wasn't more.

A pleasant chuckle sounded in front of him and Yu Yanlin's voice singsonged, "Perhaps it best you did not drink more."

"Nonsense…!" The Immortal of a Thousand Blossom's partially slurred. He was tipsy, and not drunk. There was a big difference between the two. Food had been set out across the table, the majority of which had been finished between the two of them. Zhang Wang thrust the empty wine jug in Yu Yanlin's face and grumbled, "Don't make fun of my drinking ability. Master!"

The innkeeper waddled over with a bright amused smile on his face, "Yes, Young Master? How can I help you?"

"I want another-"

Yu Yanlin cut in, "A room for two."

The master of the inn laughed and patted Yu Yanlin on the shoulder, "A room for two it is. Take care of him well, he's a good kid but a little wild."

"I will."

Zhang Wang frowned, looking between the demon king and the inn master. Somehow, he felt as though he'd been betrayed.

"Come on, let's go." Yu Yanlin's hand was both gentle and steady around his waist, ushering up the creaking wooden steps. Zhang Wang wondered if Yu Yanlin treated his consorts in the same way, both stern and kind.

They found themselves in a room with only bed. Absently, Zhang Wang thought that was natural, since they were lovers now. Wait no, pretend-lovers. When Yu Yanlin brought him to the bed, he playfully circled his arms around the demon's neck and pulled him down as well.

Yu Yanlin hovered above him and Zhang Wang, unthinking, was already fiddling with the back of the blindfold, scowling at his lack of dexterity to peel off the clasps.

"Why did you do that?" The Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms asked while trying to get off the dumb blindfold.

"Why did I do what? I don't remember doing anything of note."

"I wanted another drink."

"That's too bad then." A smirk, mirthful. The blindfold finally came away revealing dark brown eyes with specs of blue that twinkling within like constellations. Or maybe that was just Zhang Wang's drunken imagination.

"Since when did you become sassy?" Zhang Wang tossed the blindfold aside and pulled Yu Yanlin down, eager to continue where they left off earlier in the day.

"What's sassy?"

Yu Yanlin didn't get an answer. Zhang Wang leaned up from the bed and eagerly captured the demon's lips, hungry and hot.

Yu Yanlin chuckled, a pleased warmth blooming in his chest. His lashes fluttered closed as he pressed down in response.

He couldn't tell what he needed more, the spiritual energy that was being fed to him through this act, or simple Zhang Wang's touch and heat.

It was intoxicating.

Filthy author, saying hi!


M-maybe something spicy will happen next...

Just maybe!

Don't get your hopes up!

valiantxvillainouscreators' thoughts