

Claire left Gary's office in defeat, feeling cheated by him. After all, how could he throw her under the bus like that?!

"Congratulations, boss." Gina walked up to her with a wide smile.

"Thank you, Gina." Claire sighed.

"You don't seem too enthusiastic." Gina was quick to notice.

"I am very happy about this opportunity, don't get me wrong." Claire walked with Gina into a small meeting room, away from the prying eyes. "But when Gary mentioned it on Saturday evening, I expected it to take months and I feel like he just decided to throw me into the deep end without a second of consideration to how difficult it'll be for me."

"Gary can be a bit of a prick." Gina smiled reassuringly. "But you'll do just fine. Most of us here have your back."

"Honestly, it's not you that I'm worried about. I appreciate the amount of support you all have given me in the past five years. I have grown bounds since I started here because of all the knowledge and experience that everyone shared with me."

"So, what's your worry?"

"I have successfully managed to avoid Mr Moore for the entirety of five years. I am genuinely intimidated and petrified by that man. I've heard how he speaks to people. I've heard how he intimidated and humiliates his employees, even if it is him that made a mistake. I don't think I have enough confidence in me not to break down in front of him under the tiniest bit of criticism, never mind the belittling and name-calling."

"Look, we all have your back. We can't stop this man, but we will support you through and through."

"Thank you, Gina."

"Besides, as much of a prick Gary can be, you know that he made this choice very carefully. He did mentor you for years already and you are beyond amazing."

"Thank you, Gina."

"Now, we need to celebrate. Want to grab a drink after work?"

"Maybe one or two but I will not be able to stay for long."

"I know." Gina grabbed Claire's hand. "Are you still seeing your parents every night?"

"Yes. I usually bring them some shopping and dinner. It's the least I can do."

"One day it'll get easier. Things will get better. I hope that you can enjoy your life at least in some ways."

"I do." Claire smiled. "At the very least, I have my job. This really makes me happy."

"That's good. I think Zoe mentioned that her parents had just gotten a membership at some exclusive club. Let's make it a fancy drink at the very least. And before you worry about money, drinks are on me!"

"Are you sure?" Claire asked worriedly.

"Yes! We need to celebrate our achievements, girl! You're the first female head of the department, you do realise how big of an achievement it is, right? We need to celebrate women's power!"

"Thanks, Gina."

"Come on, Gina, you can't have her all to herself." Derek walked into the meeting room. "Claire, do you have a minute to check over the requirements for the Chi project?"

"Of course, Derek." Claire nodded following him out. "I'll see you later, Gina."

"I'm holding onto your word, boss!"

Claire was very quick in checking Derek's work, ensuring that his work met all of the legal requirements before being fully rendered. Later, she worked on her projects, continuously moving between desks to help her colleagues.

"Claire, we are about to set off. Are you almost done?" Gina walked up to Claire in the evening.

"Just a minute and I'm ready." Claire tried her hardest to not refuse another social gathering.

She followed the group out and as promised, Zoe managed to get her parents to book them a table at some exclusive club.

Claire obediently followed them around the city as they found their way into a tall and exquisite building. The building was one of the oldest in the city, with beautifully sculpted arches.

They were led to their table by the waiter in the tuxedo.

Claire was completely distracted by the painted ceilings that she didn't realise that she fell behind the group.

"I'm sorry." She walked into someone. She apologised quickly, blushing and looking down in embarrassment. The tall man whom she didn't dare to look up at huffed but hadn't said a word, before walking away.

"Miss Thompson, your table is this way." The waiter came back for her. Claire hasn't noticed that the man she walked into stopped a few steps away and watched her carefully as she was led to her group of colleagues who were musing as to how she managed to get lost.

"Pattison, check out this girl for me." The man ordered his assistant.

"Yes, sir."

"I have seen her a few times already and I cannot work out who she is." The tall man uttered under his nose.

"Claire, for goodness' sake, where did you disappear to?!" Zoe exclaimed as soon as Claire got to the table.

"Did you notice the ceiling? I am sure it is the original work of Gorcea." Claire replied instead which made the group laugh.

"Good eye, ma'am. Indeed, the ceiling was done by Gorcea." The waiter said with a smile as Claire sat down.

"It's stunning. And, is the chandelier by Johnson?"

"I may have to check for you, ma'am." He smiled pleasantly.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just curious." Claire smiled back at him, still not noticing the tall man that she bumped into earlier glancing at her from the end of the room.

"I'll check then. May I interest you in our finest wine?"

"Oh, is it okay if we order a bottle of your finest champagne?" Zoe asked.

"We have a Shipwrecked Champagne."

"That'll be fine."

"Are you celebrating today?"

"Yes, indeed!" Zoe pointed at Claire. "Our lady is becoming our boss next week! She's been promoted and is going to be the first female head of the department within our company!"

Claire blushed in embarrassment.

"This sounds like an amazing achievement."

"It's nothing." Claire waved dismissively.

"She's always underplaying her achievements. It's huge!" Gina added patting Claire on her back.

"Congratulations, ma'am." Waiter smiled. "May I offer you a complimentary bottle of champagne?"

"Thank you."

Soon the two bottles of champagne and food arrived at the table. Claire was ever so grateful for her friends who all jumped to pay for the bill, too ashamed to admit that it was too extravagant for her to ever be able to afford it.

Claire was the first one to leave the company, before the sunset.

As soon as she entered the quiet street her smile vanished and she felt her social battery drained completely. And once again, similarly to Sunday morning, she felt as if someone was watching her. She turned around and couldn't see anything. She made her way to the shop and quickly went to visit her parents.