
Contract Marriage With Bastard Mafia

Grey did not expect that the night he was chased by the killer, there was an amnesic woman who saved him. The amnesic woman was given a memory drug and Grey was forced to let her stay in his house. Grey was not kind to Athena during her stay. However, Noah, Grey's best friend, was kind to Athena. Grey, who was continuously forced to marry by his father, finally asked Athena to be his wife. They entered into a contract marriage. In this way, Gray allowed Athena to stay at his house. They are not bound by anything like husband and wife, everything is just pretend. Athena can leave whenever she wants. Athena finally agreed because she had no place to stay. Over time, Grey and Noah began to like Athena. There is a love triangle between them. Then, one by one, facts about Athena's identity began to be revealed. Not only Athena's identity, but also Grey's surprising identity.

jexsnix · Urban
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Part 13

"Sir, don't!"

Grey frowned when Ocean frantically grabbed his hand and shook his head. "Sir, I know you're upset with her. However, this is not the way. If there's anything wrong with Miss Athena's face, you're ruining her life. Most importantly, Mr. Noah will be really angry. You don't want the friendship between the two of you to break up, do you?"

"You're overreacting, Ocean."

"That's not it! Sir, you made a promise to Miss Athena, you can't—"

"What do you think this is that could ruin that woman's face? Alcohol?" interrupted Grey and Ocean frowned.

"Doesn't it?" Ocean asked back.

Grey chuckled. "I wouldn't do that and ruin my friendship with Noah. It's just water with black ink. I asked the waiter to prepare it. It's not alcohol. There's no need to overdo it," Grey said and Ocean breathed a sigh of relief.

"The person is ready, right?" asked Grey to confirm and Ocean nodded.

"Already, Sir. I've found a random person to do this stunt. I just need to tell him who to flush."

Ocean's answer made Grey smile with satisfaction. Grey deliberately asked Ocean to realize the random person for fear that Noah would realize it if he asked his men.

"Why haven't you told me yet? Soon-" Grey stopped his sentence and was surprised when he looked at the door of the restaurant, Athena and Noah were standing there, preparing to go out. "Ocean! They'll be out soon! Hurry up and tell him!"

"Yes, sir!"

Ocean immediately got out of his car, meeting the person he had asked to wait. Ocean immediately handed over a sizable amount of money for such a trivial task, as the man immediately smiled brightly.

"Here. You pour this on..." Ocean paused for a moment, watching Athena and Noah who were already coming out of the restaurant door made him panic. "The one wearing the brown sweater. Understood?" he said and the man said yes, then Ocean quickly returned to the car so as not to get caught.

"Are you done?" asked Grey and Ocean nodded. "Good. It's certain that he won't get the wrong target, right? Don't let him flush Noah."

Ocean nodded confidently. "No, Sir. I already told that..." Ocean stopped his sentence and was surprised when he looked more clearly at Noah and Athena. "J-just a moment. Why is Mr. Noah wearing that brown sweater?"


Ocean nodded frantically. "I said to flush the one wearing the brown sweater. I remember, this morning, Miss Athena was wearing it because she felt quite cold. I also didn't pay close attention because I was in a hurry."

"Shit! Idiot!" Grey hit Ocean's head. "Quickly tell him to stop!"

"Yes, Sir."

Ocean was about to get out of the car, but stopped when he saw that the man was already approaching Noah and Athena who were already walking, heading to the car. Grey grumbled in annoyance because of course it was too late. If Ocean went there, everything would be revealed.

"S—sorry, sir," Ocean said softly. Already resigned to his fate.

"No way! Noah has to be okay!"

The panicked Grey immediately got out of the car, especially as the man was getting closer. Ocean's screams went unheeded by him. Grey ran even faster when the man had already uncorked the bottle.


"Grey?" called Noah in surprise.

Meanwhile, the man who was watering was also surprised. Grey himself looked sharply at the man and moved his head slowly, signaling for the man to leave immediately. The man immediately ran over.

"Grey, oh my. Are you okay?" asked Noah worriedly.

"I'm fine. Are you alone? Are you okay? Why are you wearing a sweater?"

"I'm fine. I'm wearing Athena's sweater because I feel cold, and Athena doesn't feel too cold. That's why it was taken off and given to me."

"Sir!" Ocean shouted and immediately caught up, looking at Grey who had been hit by the black water with worry. "Sir, are you okay? Oh my. Sir, please you have to be okay!"

Grey chuckled. "You think I'm weak? Just like this you're so worried?"

"Of course, what if the water is poisoned?!" Ocean brought her face closer to Grey, then continued her sentence in a whisper, "I know you're not that weak, Sir. I'm just acting so that guy can run away."

"Oh, okay," Grey whispered back.

"Grey, you're okay, right? Damn it. Ocean get that guy!" exclaimed Noah and Ocean, Grey tensed up. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up, Ocean!" urged Noah.

"Oh my, my head!"

Noah refocused on Grey, who suddenly held his head and was about to fall down due to weakness. Noah hurriedly held Grey's body. "Why, Grey? Where are you uncomfortable?" Noah asked worriedly.

"I-I don't know. My body is weak. My head is spinning."

"Maybe there's poison in the water! What's the effect?" said Ocean, joining in the act, Noah looked even more panicked.

"Noah, let's go back soon. We need to see him condition," Athena suggested, making Grey glare for a moment, before going back to pretending to be weak and Noah nodded.

"Right. Come on, we'll be right back, Grey. Ocean, drive the car."

"Yes, Sir."

They quickly headed to the car and they soon returned home.


"Strange. I didn't detect any poison. How are you feeling, Grey? Good?"

Grey nodded. "Yes. Maybe I was dizzy from the shock, not the poison."

"That's good. But, why were you there anyway?" asked Athena. Athena had been really curious since before.

Grey silent, as did Ocean. Moreover, Noah was already looking at him curiously. "I was afraid something might happen. You left with that alley woman. I secretly followed just in case. But, sure enough. There was even a stranger. Good thing it wasn't poison," Grey said after that sentence played in his head.

"That's strange. Ocean didn't manage to catch him earlier. Ocean, you'll find out later. He must be caught. We need to know what his motive is and—"

"No need. That's it. There's no need to prolong it," Grey interrupted, making Athena and Noah startled.

"What? But—"

"I said, there's no need, Noah. Everything is already fine. He's already run away. Leave it alone. I want to rest. You and Athena go out first. I want to talk to Ocean for a while. Then I'll rest."

"Are you serious?"

Grey nodded and Noah had no choice but to comply. Noah and Athena finally came out. Grey and Ocean immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn. The plan failed miserably. Ocean, you weren't careful enough."

"Sorry, sir. I'm really sorry."

"That's all right. But, I want to try again. Take revenge again. I don't accept it."

"What else do you have planned, sir?" Ocean asked curiously.

"Tomorrow, prepare the oil. Then take Athena to the garden. You must bring her to the garden. I'll explain the plan in more detail later."