
Contract marriage: Will you marry me?

(MATURE CONTENT) "What's your story?" he asks looking at me his voice as deep as the ocean, making me feel he really wanted to listen to me, I look at him puzzled, I wanted to speak but his sharp eyes shimmer under the moonlight hypnotizing me, making me want to keep gazing at him. "Will you marry me?" I asked him. I asked a stranger to marry me when he asked me what my story was. Only an insane person would do that and it was safe to say Peral was not in a clear state of mind, she was about to lose her mother, and all she could think about was to make her every wish come true, even if meant for her to marry, marry anyone. Peral asked a stranger to marry her, but regretted it right after, but what will happen if the man agrees to marry her? will she go ahead with the plan and marry him? Chapter update: Everyday.. (yes, please pray for my sanity) I am not perfect with writing but I love writing stories, so here I am and I hope you find it a good read, and if you do please give me power stones. Thank you very much for taking the time to read my book, and please consider supporting me!!! The book is in a huge editing process, I really hope you to be patient with me in writing the masterpiece you'd love to read! P.S the cover picture doesn't belong to me, if you want me to take it down please let me know!! (kids... read at your own risk)

qudseesheikh · Urban
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192 Chs

My daughter's what?


"Hello, wife!" I called marching towards my wife, and everyone looked confused, eyes turning to my wife looking at me.

I moved close to her, she was not expecting this, it is clear, she turned around, her eyes clueless, but the moment she recognized me her eyes open wide turning red in fear, I love it when she fears me, it turns me on making me want to do things to her.

Yes, woman, you should fear your man, that's how things will get interesting. I walked close to her wrapping my arm around her shoulder, and she looked at me in shock and my eyes landed on her parted lips, inviting me in, and I never turn down the invitation. 

I pressed my lips against her, sucking her lower lip, there is nothing in this world I would want more than her lips, and she did not struggle or push me away but it was just a matter of time, and I felt her hands pushing me away. I stepped a little away staring at her but her full lips wanted more, and her eyes held the same expression of disgust making me want more, so I pushed my lips again against hers and this time I will be the one to break it, everyone around were watching, but that really won't stop me.

The stares were making me want to show them more and let everyone know that she is mine and no one can take her away from me, I wanted Liam to see it clearly who she belonged to and a smirk formed on my face imagining his face. 

"Get off me!" I heard Peral speak with her uneven breath and I know she is serious, I pulled my lips away and smiled against her lips, and let her go after biting her lower lip, she stared at me with nothing but disgust, she tried to wiggle away from me but I made sure she couldn't do that, I held her body close to mine.

"Never leave me again" I warned, grinding my teeth, and her eyes were filled with fear and terror she was reluctant to see me but she couldn't turn to her parents who were baffled by the sudden attack. They probably thought their daughter was single, but not when I am in the picture. 

"You must be her Mother," I asked looking at the woman in the hospital gown, she looked at me nodding, and then her eyes drifted to Peral who stood beside me stunned and froze, she looked at her blankly.

"Come with me," She demanded, I was expecting her to slap me or kick me in the balls like last time but she did nothing like that, she was calm, or maybe she was trying and pretending, but my wife, she did not leave the same disgust, she was not pushing me away, I wonder why. 

"No, I should meet your family, they should know about your husband" I protested, I know this is weird but not when we both agreed to get married, right? I stare at Liam who was too stunned to speak, I am sure he is in shock now, he was claiming the same woman to be his fiancé, now what mate? You just have to back off, take your shitty car and leave. 

"I think I should leave" Liam finally spoke and I smirked looking at him "Yes you should," I agreed with him and he left. The man standing in the corner glared at Peral and then furiously walked behind him, maybe he wanted to try and stop him from leaving, no man would stop after seeing this, I know that.

"You are what?" Peral's mother finally pulled her courage to speak to me, well good timing. I can't wait to declare to the whole world how she is my wife and she is mine and only mine. 

"I am your daughter's husband" Technically not yet, we still have to sign the papers but I know I will get it done soon. The eyes which held no expression were filled with confusion soon. 

"My daughter's husband? When did you get married Peral?" She faced Peral asking her with eyes filled with anger, she looked furious.

I stare at Peral and she was not talking, she stayed still beside me, her arms were tense but she somewhat looked calm.

"We-," Peral paused looking at her mother I wrapped my hands around her waist, wanting her to feel I am here for her and she rested her kneaded brows and look back at her mother.

"Uhm- I, we have been thinking about doing it" Peral replied gazing at her, wait my wife said what? Did she really agree to marry me? I couldn't contain my happiness and kissed her temple, but my happiness did not last long as the same man came back and furiously and stood in front of me staring at my wife and his hand landed on her, he slapped my wife.

Peral gaped, her lips parted and cheeks turning red, and eyes open wide in shock and I blink once and twice taking everything in and it was just a matter of seconds for me to lose my mind.

"You are a disgrace, I regret that you are my daughter," He said, and I looked at Peral, she held her cheek with her palm while tears fell down her eyes and I couldn't stop, I reminded my self always to be away from the girl with complicated families to avoid such drama but this is not happening not when I am around. 

"You fucking slapped my wife?" I said grinding my teeth and walking closer to him, my eyes filled with anger, and he looked at me, what looked like fear, yes you should fear me "And in front of me?" I clenched my fist tightly before I landed a hard hit on his face. 

"You fucking slapped my wife in front of me?" I lost my control and kicked him again and again until he came to his knees, half alive, I slapped and punched him, I knew nothing, I had no idea what was going on around me, I couldn't stop, I did not want to stop. I felt someone pushing me, it has to be Peral, she tried to push me away but it did not matter, I do not plan to stop not until I kill him. He slapped my wife, it doesn't matter who he is to her, he can't touch her, he can't even lay a finger on her. 

"Please, he is my father" I heard Peral cry behind me and only then I realized she was hugging me, stopping me from killing the bastard, I left him and saw her and her cheek looked red. I left that bastard on the floor, his face covered with bruises and eyes swollen, seeing Peral near me I quickly cupped my wife's face in my bloody palms, her father's blood. 

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded her head looking at me blankly, I pulled her closer to me and looked back at the ground, Peral's mother was helping the man, if only Peral haven't stopped me, I would have killed that bastard, she tried to move away from me but I was not ready to leave her, not just yet, she pushed me a little away looking at me. 

"No one can hurt you, not your father, not your mother, you hear me?" I asked and she hums "I will finish them!" I was clear with every word, she just listened to me like there was nothing and no one else in the room "Am I clear?" I asked her again and she nodded in response. 

"You hurt your knuckles," Peral said holding my hands in her, checking for injuries, and she looked worried.

"Are you worried about your husband?" I asked teasing her, and she just stared at me saying nothing in reply.

"Let's leave" She whispered and I know she wanted to leave and I would do everything my wife wants me to do. I looked back at the couple and threw my card in front of Peral's mother.

"Call me or sue me, I don't fucking care" I said and walked out of the room taking my wife with me.

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