
Be there!!

" I will keep on disturbing you till you agree to visit him. I already sent the address to you. See you there tomorrow." He gave her the umbrella and ran away from her.

" Really weird. So weird" Jiang Xiuying shook her head looking at his back view that has almost disappeared from sight. After little consideration, she decided to visit the person to give tell him what's on her mind and also pull little stunts to see if it could make Zheng Tianyi jealous. She checked the address and surprisingly, the venue was the cafe opposite Caomei Entertainment. A silly smile appeared on her youthful face as a thought occurred to her. Her wedding night is just few hours to go. It's better if she grabs the once in a lifetime opportunity. She took a deep breath and hailed a cab.

* * * *

Skipping softly along the long corridor with footsteps echoing silently. Zheng Xiaohua motioned Liu Li to keep her mouth shut as he opened the door to Zheng Tianyi's office and jumped inside.