

At the Green city, Ashley didn't meet her family since she was ten years old, her eyes were only recognizing the Golden family, where she worked as their helper; she had been giving an offer to complete her high school, since her age reached up to 21 years old. A diamond heart did not sufficiently have motivation finishing her studies. In short, she had hopeless thinking about her future, due to lack of education and potential. Her dreams were still longing to simply lived her life, however she was already beyond her classmates who had finished their college life. One pleasant night, she had unexpectedly met Bryan, who swore to save her life from the spicy land. Her interest was quietly apparent to the handsome guy, who caught her pearly eyes. She left the Golden family, in order to live with her honey together in the apartment. Her partner was very romantic and caring, especially when they had made their honeymoon. Such talents, they had produced seven children for one night. Bryan altered his behavior, like he always physically abused his wife, though Ashley did right in their relationship, because Kim, a hot girl who gave many diamonds for him. That would build up their secret relationship. His wife did not fight her hubby, when Bryan had slapped and dragged her head, stomach, and legs, without any reason, to the wall. After that day, Bryan did not go home; to provide basic needs to his family. Every now and then, she pessimistically thought of meeting the right man; to give everything for her future,” shall I meet the right man?” Aptly bouncing her heart to the ashes, when cooking the food. Every night, she tried chatting with many foreigners, who appreciated her beauty. Her heart practically treated them, since she won’t experience a sweet relationship, believing it to expire earlier than serious. Among her thousands of friends on the dating app/site; there was a rich guy who had offered to marry her; to give house, lot, money, and basic needs to her children. Conditionally, the British guy contracted 13 years to haul with her. To that, Ashley aptly beat up her feelings, can’t deny the fact that she still loved her first man. Will Ashley forever be save financially?

Ariel_Novelist · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 Harvey brought his family in USA

The seven children prepared their breakfast since nobody could guide them. Each of them felt thrilled moving forward to another country upon staring at the roof. However, the oldest guy disliked what his older brothers anticipated. So, they went to their bed just to take their early sleep, perhaps everyone might forget their dreams.

As the shimmering light confidently flashed the mansion, Ashley and Harvey went out of their car meeting the seven children.

Her hands quickly knocked the door many times , then her phone loudly rang what she slightly saw; the soldier called her phone," will I answer it?" Her honey interrupted," who's that caller?" So, she honestly informed him," he's my old hubby, maybe he is willing to repay the one million dollars."

Too loud," I don't need it darling, I finally decided to bring your daughter and son to the USA," interruptedly," quickly, is this true?" children loudly asked.

Too serious," yes, I would bring you all," he said. So, the seven children were excitedly going to their cabinet just to get their t-shirt and bag. Each of their hearts could not wait to travel to the USA.

Harvey still wanted to extend his adventure in the Philippines, however his mind thought that maybe Bryan may get his honey in the future. His heart still knew how sweet his darling was! Therefore, he eagerly wanted to cover her; indeed, he brought his wife and children to the airport for their travel.

Bryan, the great soldier, happily received the release of his loan. This was intended to pay the half million which had been used by his wife. He will receive the amount after two days because he is still in the operation.

In the night, he attempted calling his wife just to claim the half million wherever the bank was! Unfortunately, his darling was unable to answer it, even though he tried a billion times.

He went back to the camp just to ask for the approval. His commander did not accept his request since it was not seriously valid. So, he waited until his heart might find the right time to meet his wife.

During the operation, his ears kept on listening the sweet conversation together with the children. His mind uncertainly thought if his wife still trusted him, even though they were forgetting their past.

Ashely and Harvey were holding their hands sweetly, as they entered the aeroplane, while the seven children were excitedly waiting to discover what USA was! So, they did not sleep traveling to the USA, their happiness could not be measured to be part of the rich guy.

Lim watched the news as she felt ennui! She found her hubby and the enchanting girl who were sweetly taking their seats! To that, her mind was able to prove that dream she had yesterday.

Her hubby knew the news, so he concluded that the family might take their vacation. So, he decided to bring his wife to the Philippines. In that way, his wife could not meet her old hubby anymore, but Lim could not approve of that anymore.

Early in the morning, Harvey, Ashley, and the children were ultimately arrived in the USA. All of them were amazed how bountiful this country was! Indeed, the children craved to eat the wonderful images that they had seen. On the other hand, Bryan finally went back to his hometown to celebrate his rest day. His heart felt so pleased as he drove his motorcycle.

When Bryan saw the Bank; his mind directly shifted his body to get the half million. Finally, he received such an amount for that period, his hands moved backward to the machine. But his heart got confused. Should he do it!

He sent this amount via online account to Harvey, and then he called his wife triple times. Unfortunately, his sweet wife never accepted the call, his heart craved to know the event, why his spouse got busy.

Harvey never opened his bank account, he only focused on his happiness to live with his darling! He proved how romantic and gifted he was! When it comes to dating inside his hacienda.

Ashely went to the bathroom just to take her bath before they will be exploring the whole America tonight. Her ears had loudly heard an echo," do you still love me darling? You did not call me before you went!" Her mind slipped back that she had been promising to do their picnic with Bryan.

Tonight, Lim slipped back her valuable thing which was left at Harvey's mansion. Her heart craved to touch wholly, though she could still pay for it! Moving forward, she loudly heard," darling, are you ready?"

Too sweet," yes darling, I'll be definitely getting ready for you," she said. Her eyes transparently saw the seven children who were sitting on the balcony.

Stern face," why do you stay here?" At that time, the seven children were shocked to look at her.

In the room, Ashely loudly heeded," why do you stay here?" Her wife proved that she was already a wife for him, so she went to the balcony. Her eyes were getting scared looking at her posture," yes madam, what is your concern?"

Too loud," where is my husband?" Such a statement fell down what the pants had been wearing by Harvey, he hurriedly went to the balcony," yes, why do you visit here?"

Quick response," I visit to meet your wife, she looks like a frog, why do you choose her?" she asked. Meanwhile, Ashely got hurt hearing her statement," you should reject," the seven children felt sad witnessing the complicated situation. Immediately, Ashely went back to the room; to express her bad experience, when she opened her phone. Sadly, she clearly saw the message of her old husband," dear honey, I finally arrived in the hotel, but you were gone, I already sent the money to Harvey, I hope you would realise to go back to our relationship." Her heart loudly trembled about what she did to him.

Will she go back her old hubby or face the discrimination?