
Contract Marriage: His Obsession

"I want you merlia...I want to have s*x with you" came his bewitching whisper. And dear lord, she was already writhing from his touch and kisses and now this??. Kyle couldn't believe that he actually asked her for permission. If it were other girls, he doesn't need to ask for permission, he just goes straight to business but this was merlia, his merlia. He doesn't even mind going on his knees to ask for permission. He was going to do anything, as long as it's her. that's how much he Adores her.

prexyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

chapter 2


After merlia finished serving some people, she was told to go and get the order from the people at table 15 which was actually Kyle and Arnold's table. She walked towards the their table to take their orders.

"please make your order sir" merlia said with her gaze down, not daring to look at the powerful men before her.

Arnold looked at her face and was surprised to see such a beauty.

"Hey beautiful.. I'm Arnold what's your name?" Arnold asked in a flirtatious manner. And Kyle just watched him, getting slightly annoyed.

"My name's merlia sir" merlia answered politely

"Oh such a beautiful na..."

"Arnold, can you just stop the flirting and place your order" kyle cut him off with an annoyed tone with his deep masculine voice that sent shivers down merlia's spine and caused her to look up at where the voice is coming from.

With her heartbeat thudding widely, merlia looked at Kyle. A gorgeous man sitting there like a king, He was wearing a grey suit that matched his eyes and he staring at her.

Merlia swallowed and quickly brought down her gaze, not because she was afraid but because the man before her is the infamous CEO of G.R.E.Y company. The man before her was so stinkingly gorgeous that he could pass as the beautiful god of darkness.

Arnold on the other hand was thunder struck because Kyle never tries to shut him up any time he flirts with any woman. Which made his asked himself 'what's so special about this girl, or could it be that....'

"ohhhh, I can see my brother is interested in this lady " Arnold spouted rather playfully but merlia didn't want to hear any of it.

"please place your order sir" merlia said again with her cheeks red from embarrassment and her legs were almost loosing their strength.

Kyle saw this and quietly ordered for cabernet savignon and Arnold and his girls ordered for plain red wine .

After merlia left their table, she took deep breaths to relax her nerves "pwheo, that was tough"...

Merlia quickly arranged the drinks and cups and went to serve them, as soon as she was done, she took an excuse to go to the restroom, unknown to her that she is been followed. After she was done in the restroom she came out from the cubicle and wanted to wash her hands but she was forcefully pull back into the arms of someone....


Earlier... when merlia left the club and went to the restroom, Kyle's eyes that were on her became dangerous when he saw a man following her, He stood up to follow them but was interrupted by Arnold.

"yo man...where are you going?"

"just wait here , I'll be back" Kyle said and then he was gone.

He quickly followed them to the bathroom and was quick to find the man grabbing her.

"Let me go, how dare you touch me " merlia screamed

"Hey, Hey, calm down I won't harm you" while the stranger was say this, his hands were going to her upper high but merlia pushed his hands away.

"if you're not going to harm me then please let me go" merlia tried to persuade him but he wasn't complying.

"just do a one night stand with me and I'll give you anything you want" The stranger said

"please let me go " merlia said with her eyes red with tears

"The lady said you should let her go" A deep and dangerous voice sent chills down the spine of the stranger but he wasn't willing to let go

"And if i don't?, what are you gonna....." before he got the chance to complete his sentence he was given a fast blow that got him flying to the wall

The man spat out blood " what the hell!! " he said while trying to get back on his feet but kyle grabbed him by the neck.

"so tell me are you still going to go after her or run for your dear life?"

"I promise I'll stay away from her" the man said in a frightened tone

Kyle loosened his grip on him "Good now get out before I do something you'll regret" kyle said in a calm but angry tone which made the stranger run out of the restroom like a mad dog.

Now merlia is left alone in the restroom room with this dangerous but gorgeous god of darkness

"Thank you ...." Merlia wanted to appreciate him but he cut her off

"No need, just be careful" he said in a cold tone and with that he left and merlia followed suit afterwards.

Later that same evening as soon as merlia was done with her night shift, she took her bag and went home.


Driving into the garage in his house, Kyle was greeted with the presence of the guards of his grandfather

'what does this old man want now?' He thought to himself

He enters into the house and was greeted by the annoying look on his grandfather's face who was sitting on a couch.

"oh here comes my unfilial grandson"

"Good evening grandfather" Kyle greeted

"save your greetings, i did not come here for that"

"so why are you here?" Kyle asked while sitting down on the couch opposite his grandfather

"Lets just go straight to the point, I'm here to tell you that i have sent my boys to post an article of you looking for a wife, since you have vowed not to get married and give me greatgrand children"

"you did what??" Kyle asked in an angry tone but grandfather grey wasn't moved, not even a bit.

"Any moment from now, i'll start getting calls from unknown girls, so get ready because the both of us will do the interview" Grandfather grey said this while walking away

"It will be done at my personal house, make sure you're there, I won't tolerate any form of excuse" and with that he was gone. Kyle sighed in furstration.


When merlia got home, she took her bath and wore her nighties before going to look for food in the kitchen.

while preparing simple dish, the ringing of her phone got her distracted, she picked her phone and looked at the caller but it was an unknown number.

"Hello!, who's this?"

"Heyyy bestie, it's me Mariam" the scream from the other side of the phone got her covering her ears

"what the f*ck Mariam are you gonna blow off my ears" merlia said sounding annoyed but excited.

"I'm so sorry bestie, just got too excited, and by the way I'm in country Z as we speak "

"wait, did you say you're in country Z?" merlia asked in a surprised tone

Mariam replied "yeah babe, and I'm coming over"

"when did you get back?" merlia asked in an excited tone.

"easy girl, when I get to your house I'll explain everything okay"