"So, babe, any preference for what I should wear? I assure you that I look good in any style." Celeste shamelessly asked Richard as they strolled through Bergdorf Goodman. The store was completely empty as apparently, Richard had reserved it in entirety, and they were going to be having a private consultation. He led her to the back of the stores where the private dressing rooms were along with 10 staff members standing in a row and staring at the two of them silently.
"Anything as long as it looks good."
"What are you wearing?"
Pouting at the uninformative reply, Celeste smiled at him and said, "You should wear something blue and match me."
"You're wearing blue?"
"I've done some research and it seems to be your stalker's favorite color. There hasn't been an event in the last 10 years where she isn't in sapphire jewelry or a piece of sapphire clothing. Won't she be fuming if I show her up in her favorite color? She might explode into tears." She gleefully laughed at the thought of it.
"As you wish." Richard accepted her request indifferently. "Just pick something out for me and yourself. They have my size and my card so directly purchase anything you want with no worries. There's no price limit so make sure you suppress her so much that she cries for a year."
Seeing the cold look in his eyes as he spoke, Celeste swore that she would do her best to never cross this man. Still, it was good to see that they were on the same page.
"I promise you won't be disappointed." She said before waving him away and walking forward. Before she could take a step, she was pulled back by an arm around her waist. Before she could even say anything, cold lips were pressed to the top of her head, and she was released.
"You have six hours to be done. I'll be back." Richard said. He turned to the sales associates and ordered in a cold voice, "I expect you to treat my lady well and give her anything she asks for, understood?"
"Yes sir!"
The 10 sales associates quickly swarmed her as soon as he left.
"Miss Carrington, how may I help you?"
"Miss Carrington, please come and sit. Would you like some champagne?"
"Miss Carrington, shall I bring you a catalog of clothes to choose from?"
Seeing how they were all scrambling to serve her and even calling her Miss Carrington, Celeste had to laugh. Still, she didn't correct them and even began to give orders confidently.
"You over there, bring me every sapphire or navy suit in Mr. Carrington's size."
"One of you go get me all the male accessories that you have. I want everything in blue or silver. Go get me cufflinks, ties, tie pins, pocket squares, dress studs, and socks. Line them up in front of me."
"I need one of you to bring me all the most expensive sapphire jewelry. I am looking for necklaces, bracelets, earrings, tiaras, the works. Naturally, it needs to be set in white gold or platinum! If it's blue then bring it here. If it comes in a set, then it's even better. I want it to be the biggest most expensive thing that I have ever seen in my life! If it currently exists in Imperial shopping mall I want it in front of me. You know that price is not a concern right? Buy first and ask questions later. Sell the Carrington name if you have to and bring it all here we can deal with the aftermath later." Celeste ordered gleefully.
Since Richard had said price was not an option and had implicitly called her poor, she planned on spending his money to the fullest extent today. Besides she knew that at these kinds of events, the women wore custom pieces that had been in the works for months. She had no choice but to buy a dress that was off the rack so she would have to make up the difference with jewelry.
"You there, go get me every blue-colored outfit in this mall. I want evening dresses, matching sets, glamorous skirts and tops, the works. I want matching shoes in a size 9 as well. Line them up in front of me ASAP!"
"The rest of you go gather products for hair and make-up so we can get started getting ready. Chop chop ladies, we have 6 hours to be completely done before Mr. Carrington gets back! Let's get to it." Celeste clapped her hands.
Seeing as the sales associates scrambled to do her bidding, while a couple of them poured her champagne and prepared a face mask, Celeste felt that it was really great to have power.
"Titania, we're so honored you invited us to view you getting the renowned Sapphire Droplet Collection from Tiffany's." Bella Valentine said.
"Right. You're definitely going to be the star of the show tonight." Callista Valentine echoed.
Titania listened to the compliments of the women as she led her entourage into the flagship location of Tiffany & Co. at Imperial Mall. She was the main star of her family's banquet as they would be announcing her closing a deal with a major luxury brand. Since she was going to be in the spotlight, her outfit and makeup had been custom-made and kept weeks in advance while she had been prepping her skin and dieting to make sure she looked the best she possibly could. Everyone who was anybody would be in attendance, and it was time for her to score extra points. Especially since she had found out that Richard Carrington had RSVP'd yes.
He was never one to attend these types of events, so she felt that her efforts and words from their last conversation had finally paid off. Since he was in attendance she had decided to go the extra mile for her appearance. She was usually dressed in sapphire that matched her eyes and due to her status, other women would avoid the color, leaving it for her alone. Over the years she had acquired multiple sapphire pieces but today she was here to get something unique.
She knew of the unique Sapphire Droplet Collection stored in the Tiffany. It required millions just to be rented out and a deep relationship with the brand. Thankfully, she had those two things, so she came for the handoff today and decided to deepen her impression in the minds of some of the women in the capital.
She had invited the twin daughters of the Valentine family Bella and Callista, Eleanor Chrysler who was getting married soon, Fiona Gillette, and Kristen Baldwin. All the women were people of interest who would benefit her family's future if she were to make a meaningful connection with them and eventually incorporate them into her existing circle.
Smirking to herself, she waved off their compliments and led the women inside the store. Waiting inside for her was a sales associate dressed in a navy suit. Seeing Titania who was a regular arrive, the sales associate immediately greeted her.
"Miss Girardi, welcome to our store. Please allow me to lead you to the back."
Titania graciously accepted and elegantly followed the sales associate, making sure her posture was perfect as her she walked by and absorbing the gazes of the women around her. She knew her figure was excellent, and even though she was petite in size, she wore six-inch heels that accentuated her legs and a 2-piece pantsuit that hugged every inch of her body. Her golden blond hair was perfectly curled and clipped in an elegant updo allowing her elegant neck to be exposed. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with intensity and everyone who saw her had to admit that like a tornado or tsunami, she was a beautiful force to be reckoned with.
The sales associate led her to the waiting room behind, seating Titania and her guests and serving them with champagne.
As the ladies sat and made small talk over champagne, the store manager approached her.
"Miss Girardi, thank you for coming personally. We're currently doing the final inspection to make sure the pieces are up to par internally. Once you're done with the paperwork, we shall bring it over for you to inspect and sign it off. Will that be alright with you?"
"Of course. Thank you for your help, Carrolton." Titania greeted the manager warmly. It never hurts to have a good relationship with people working with luxury brands. It would only benefit her in the future.
Another sales associate brought over paperwork and Titania began filling it out quietly as the other ladies observed the atmosphere and tried chatting with the manager.
Suddenly, a woman dressed in a navy suit burst in.
"Manager, we have a serious problem!" she yelled out surprising everyone in the room.
Carrolton turned and glared at the sales associate who broke decorum and was shouting in front of important guests.
"Can't you see that there are important guests here? Can you afford to offend them?" Carrolton coldly told the sales associate.
"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt you but it's regarding the jewelry pieces of Miss Girardi. There's a sales associate from Bergdorf Goodman clamoring to buy the piece! She's currently outside!" the sales associate shouted in a panic.
Hearing that, Carrolton wanted to fire the woman on the spot. Why was she panicking and shouting in front of one of their top customers?
"Send the person away and stop disturbing our customer!" Carrolton ordered. Turning to Titania, he bowed respectfully.
"I'm so sorry that we disturbed you, Miss Girardi. I'll have this disrespectful associate taken away and go check on the status of your jewelry."
"Sir, the associate is saying she was sent by Mr. Richard Carrington? What am I supposed to do? She said she has authorization and instructions to buy the entire Sapphire Droplet Collection!" the sales associate cried out.
"Richard Carrington?" Titania asked incredulously.
"Buy the entire Sapphire Droplet Collection?" Carrolton asked simultaneously.
"Yes sir, the associate came from Bergdorf Goodman where Mr. Carrington has left his card along with instructions to buy the best sapphire jewelry. The purchase can be made immediately and must be delivered by the associate as soon as possible.
As Carrolton listened to the sales associates' words, he immediately felt conflicted. On one hand was his trusted recurring customer while on the other hand was the sale of his lifetime. He kept on looking in between Titania Girardi and his store associate wishing he could satisfy both parties. As he was thinking it through, he heard the voice of a savior.
"Titania, could it be that Richard Carrington is buying it for you? After all, in the capital who doesn't know about your love for sapphires? And who else but him could find out about a priceless piece of jewelry being transferred over." Callista said with awe in her eyes.
"And to only show up to buy it today of all days? He must plan on gifting it to you at your event Titania! Wow, you're so lucky!" Bella echoed with envy in her eyes.
"Wow Titania, congrats!"
As the sounds of congratulations came to her, Titania tried to gracefully decline but her mouth couldn't help but curve into a smile. It seemed that Richard Carrington had finally seen the way and caved into her demands. After all what were the odds that she would be buying jewelry from her favorite store on the day of her banquet, and he wanted to coincidentally buy the same piece?
He had obviously been watching her likes and preferences! Although she hated that the manager caved into the pressure of power, she didn't expect people like him to be able to fight against people like the Carrington's.
"Manager Carrolton, I don't want to put you in a difficult position, so I'll gracefully bow out." Titania gracefully said.
"Thank you for your kindness, Miss Girardi." Carrolton sighed when he heard her words.
"Of courses, it's what I should do. However, could you be so kind as to allow my guests to view the pieces? They haven't seen it before, and it would be a shame if it were to come all this way without seeing it. Naturally, you waive the try-on fee right?" Titania gave him her coldest, most polite smile.
Carrolton began sweating before he bowed once more and said, "I will bring the pieces out so you can try it, but I really must deliver it to the possible buyer as soon as possible."
"Of course." Titania agreed.
Carrolton quickly went to the vault, and carefully removed the jewels with his microfiber gloves and placed them on a velvet display case.
After walking carefully back to Titania, he arranged her in front of a mirror and carefully placed the jewels on her ears, neck, and wrists. Due to her petite stature, it was a little big on her, but the clarity of the gems and the elegant design stunned everyone in the room.
"Wow! You look beautiful!" Eleanor Chrysler cried out.
"A real-life princess! I can't believe these jewels are about to be yours! How much do they cost?" Fiona Gillette asked curiously.
"For the entire set, the total price is 1.6 million dollars," Carrolton replied to the shock of the women there. Although they were some of the wealthiest women in society who came from very wealthy families, they could not imagine casually spending that amount of money on jewelry. It made the fact that Richard Carrington was willing to do so even more impressive in their mind! Everybody wanted a rich man, and it seemed Titania and gotten one!
Seeing that everyone had looked at the gems, he quickly and carefully removed them before placing them back in the display case.
"Thank you so much for coming Miss Girardi. I hope to see you again." After respectfully bowing to Titania, Carrolton quickly disappeared with the jewels. He had to prepare to make the biggest sale of his career. Once he made this sale, he could finally retire!
Hey Besties,
Some bad news. Due to my traveling and inconsistent network connection, Microsoft Word wiped out the chapters I've written. I now only have up to chapter 15 saved instead of chapter 20 so please forgive me if the chapters are slow to come since I have to rewrite them TT_TT.
Pray for my goldfish memory