
Contract for Freedom and Money

Adam find himself in a situation where he have to marry another man named Gabriel Redwood to help his family to overcome to financial struggle that was slowly strangling him. So Adam plans on staying with him until he pays off the debt before running to the hills, but when he step inside the house he was face with a contract that Gabriel had made before had. What's this about building a magical hospital? Are you crazy? Join Adam on his adventure with his egoist contract husband and the nonsense that he have to encountered.

Bluepanda_7803 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The deal made by mother and groom.

The carriage man pulled up to the abandoned hospital. The hospital had its windows boarded up, the bricks dirty looking with vines growing on them, and the grass was tall enough to hide any creature that wanted to consider it home such as a snake. The safe way to walk up the place would be the dirt pathway which was not free from grass but it was considerably less than the rest and was mostly dirt.

'Did I do a wrong turn somewhere?' The coachman thought worried that his client might get angry and decide to withhold his money.

"We are here," Gabriel muttered to himself as he look at the exterior of the hospital with love and longing. "No matter how many times I see it, the place still looks welcoming as always."

'What is he talking about?' The coachman thought baffled at his client's words. No matter how he tilts his head, this place still looks haunted and ready to curse anybody that comes near it!

'Did the boss ever tell me what to do when your client obviously has a screw loose and is about the bring his new-wed wife to a death trap?' The coachman wondered desperately as his client got out of the carriage with his wife in his arms still sleeping. He was so busy thinking about what he should do about the situation that he did not notice Gabriel had come up to his side.

"Excuse me." Gabriel call out nearly caused the man to jump out of his skin. The coachman had looked over towards the seemingly innocent man who was giving him an apologetic smile.

"You don't mind coming with me to open my door?" Gabriel asked awkwardly. "My hands are kind of full, I promise that I will give you an extra tip."

The coachman's ear perks up when he heard the words 'Extra tip' and agreed without thinking about it. He tried to hide his fear as he got out of his seat and begin to make his way toward the hospital with Gabriel following behind him.

'It's not fair,' The man could not help but complain in his heart as he looked at the hospital that seems to be looming in his eyes as each step draws him closer to the place. 'Using money to get me to do this.'

When they got to the front door, he open the door slowly causing the door to creak. The coachman might not see the interior because of the darkness that seemed to be hiding the content but he would not be shocked if this is covered head to toe with dust and mole. Again he found himself in a dilemma on rather or not he should put a stop to this.

"I will be right back just let me put her down and I will give you your money," he watch as his client went in.

'Alright I am going to it,' The coachman thought as he become more determined to put a stop to this nonsense. But that thought did not get too far a medium-sized sack that was full of coins was thrust into his face.

"I am sorry to say this but I would like it if you do not tell a soul about this location," Gabriel stated as he took the coachman's hand and put the heavy bag into it, and made sure he had a good grip on the bag before letting go. "I believe that four hundred and seventy gold coins would be enough for that right?"

"Y-Yes, sir!" The coachman stuttered out as he gripped the coins with both hands and place them close to his chest. He never had so much money in his life! "My mouth is sealed! In fact, I've never been here in the first place!"

'Sorry Ma'am but my retirement plans come first!' The coachman thought as he race towards his carriage just in case Gabriel decided to change his mind.

'I end up really falling to sleep.' Adam thought as he slowly sat up and let out a loud yawn. He felt someone staring at him so he turn his head to see the stunned face of his new husband. Adam furrows his eyebrows in confusion and frowns a little when he saw that before he realized in horror that his head felt lighter. Losing his composure he pats his head only to find out that his wig was off before he looks on the ground and sees it there.

He looked back up at Gabriel who was still standing there, they look at each other for two minutes in complete silence before Adam got to his feet with a sneer.

"Listen if you don't want the world to know that you have married a man then you better follow through with the deal you had with my mom!" Adam threaten as he point a finger at him, knowing full well how rich people would do anything to not have their reputation destroyed. He was right when he saw that Gabriel begin to panic but little did he know that was not what was bothering him.

'Oh god please tell me that the requirements are still met!' Gabriel hoped as he begin to bite on his nail while pacing back and forth.

"Wait, where are we?" Adam asked as he realized that they were inside an empty dirty room with the floor covered in dust. He look back to see what he was sleeping on and wrinkle his nose in disgust when he saw that it was a small bed that barely fit two people in it, it looked old, and some of the spring was slightly poking out. The only saving grace he saw was the fact that the sheets and pillow were clean. "Did I got scammed? Explain this right now!!"

"2235! Where are you?" Gabriel called out ignoring Adam's demand while looking around for the entity.

"I got scammed by a homeless crazy man, how am I supposed to get the money now?" Adam groans at the misfortune that he manages to get himself into. He was beginning to plot what to do now when an old man appeared in the room that they were in.

"Hello, Mr. Redwood" The old man greeted him startling Adam in the progress before looking over at Adam and bowed. "And this must be the lucky bride, congrats."

The man looked around his fifties with short gray hair that was slicked back and eerie emerald eyes with oval glasses that had a golden frame. He was wearing the basic butler attire.

"So it means that it still counts?" Gabriel asked him hopefully.

"Of course, you have been recognized and blessed by the goddess herself," The man stated as he straighten up and looked over at the eager man with a gentle fatherly smile. "You are now the owner of Rue Hospital, what do you want to start with?"

Before Gabriel can answer he was interrupted by Adam who had stepped in between them.

"I really don't like to be ignored," Adam begin as he look between the old man and Gabriel. "Somebody better start telling me what's going on right now or I will go to the police."

'And rat out himself?' Gabriel wondered as he begin to question his wife's intelligence but decided to answer the question regardless. "I need someone to marry to get ownership of this place and your mother was willing to allow me to marry your sister as long as I am willing to help with the debt that you guys have."

'It sounds about right,' Adam thought as he remember what his mother told remember Eleanor and him. However, it did not change the important key fact of the deal. "How do you think that you can help us if you're broke, you scum."

'S-Scum?' Gabriel look at the angry man in disbelief while he was trying to get over being called that the old man decided to take over.

"Ah that deal," The old man said acknowledging the terms that had been agreed on. "It will be fully fulfilled I will make certain that the payments will be made during the second of each month however I will be expecting that you will do your duty as the wife of Redwood."

"And what is that?" Adam asked feeling a little bit more at ease with the nicely dressed man's words.

"Revive the Rue Hospital, of course." The man explained as he patted the old wall with love. "As you two system, it's my job to make sure to help you complete this goal as smoothly as possible."

"Sys..tem?" Adam tested out the word yet he still could not grasp what that entitles. "What is that?"

"Hmm? How am I supposed to explain that?" The old man mused as he put a hand under his chin and looked up at the ceiling. "In human terms, I am tasked to deliver you rewards and power-ups as long as you complete tasks."

"And why would I want to do that?" Adam asked crossing his arms not at all caring about the hospital nor about Gabriel's problem.

"Because that will be the only way that I am willing to help your family's dilemma," The man stated.